4 research outputs found

    Few-shot 3D Multi-modal Medical Image Segmentation using Generative Adversarial Learning

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    We address the problem of segmenting 3D multi-modal medical images in scenarios where very few labeled examples are available for training. Leveraging the recent success of adversarial learning for semi-supervised segmentation, we propose a novel method based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to train a segmentation model with both labeled and unlabeled images. The proposed method prevents over-fitting by learning to discriminate between true and fake patches obtained by a generator network. Our work extends current adversarial learning approaches, which focus on 2D single-modality images, to the more challenging context of 3D volumes of multiple modalities. The proposed method is evaluated on the problem of segmenting brain MRI from the iSEG-2017 and MRBrainS 2013 datasets. Significant performance improvement is reported, compared to state-of-art segmentation networks trained in a fully-supervised manner. In addition, our work presents a comprehensive analysis of different GAN architectures for semi-supervised segmentation, showing recent techniques like feature matching to yield a higher performance than conventional adversarial training approaches. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/arnab39/FewShot_GAN-Unet3DComment: submitted to Medical Image Analysis for revie

    OMNIA Faster R-CNN: Detection in the wild through dataset merging and soft distillation

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    Object detectors tend to perform poorly in new or open domains, and require exhaustive yet costly annotations from fully labeled datasets. We aim at benefiting from several datasets with different categories but without additional labelling, not only to increase the number of categories detected, but also to take advantage from transfer learning and to enhance domain independence. Our dataset merging procedure starts with training several initial Faster R-CNN on the different datasets while considering the complementary datasets' images for domain adaptation. Similarly to self-training methods, the predictions of these initial detectors mitigate the missing annotations on the complementary datasets. The final OMNIA Faster R-CNN is trained with all categories on the union of the datasets enriched by predictions. The joint training handles unsafe targets with a new classification loss called SoftSig in a softly supervised way. Experimental results show that in the case of fashion detection for images in the wild, merging Modanet with COCO increases the final performance from 45.5% to 57.4% in mAP. Applying our soft distillation to the task of detection with domain shift between GTA and Cityscapes enables to beat the state-of-the-art by 5.3 points. Our methodology could unlock object detection for real-world applications without immense datasets.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    Revisiting CycleGAN for semi-supervised segmentation

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    In this work, we study the problem of training deep networks for semantic image segmentation using only a fraction of annotated images, which may significantly reduce human annotation efforts. Particularly, we propose a strategy that exploits the unpaired image style transfer capabilities of CycleGAN in semi-supervised segmentation. Unlike recent works using adversarial learning for semi-supervised segmentation, we enforce cycle consistency to learn a bidirectional mapping between unpaired images and segmentation masks. This adds an unsupervised regularization effect that boosts the segmentation performance when annotated data is limited. Experiments on three different public segmentation benchmarks (PASCAL VOC 2012, Cityscapes and ACDC) demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The proposed model achieves 2-4% of improvement with respect to the baseline and outperforms recent approaches for this task, particularly in low labeled data regime

    Boosting Semi-supervised Image Segmentation with Global and Local Mutual Information Regularization

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    The scarcity of labeled data often impedes the application of deep learning to the segmentation of medical images. Semi-supervised learning seeks to overcome this limitation by exploiting unlabeled examples in the learning process. In this paper, we present a novel semi-supervised segmentation method that leverages mutual information (MI) on categorical distributions to achieve both global representation invariance and local smoothness. In this method, we maximize the MI for intermediate feature embeddings that are taken from both the encoder and decoder of a segmentation network. We first propose a global MI loss constraining the encoder to learn an image representation that is invariant to geometric transformations. Instead of resorting to computationally-expensive techniques for estimating the MI on continuous feature embeddings, we use projection heads to map them to a discrete cluster assignment where MI can be computed efficiently. Our method also includes a local MI loss to promote spatial consistency in the feature maps of the decoder and provide a smoother segmentation. Since mutual information does not require a strict ordering of clusters in two different assignments, we incorporate a final consistency regularization loss on the output which helps align the cluster labels throughout the network. We evaluate the method on four challenging publicly-available datasets for medical image segmentation. Experimental results show our method to outperform recently-proposed approaches for semi-supervised segmentation and provide an accuracy near to full supervision while training with very few annotated images