710 research outputs found

    Computer- and robot-assisted Medical Intervention

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    Medical robotics includes assistive devices used by the physician in order to make his/her diagnostic or therapeutic practices easier and more efficient. This chapter focuses on such systems. It introduces the general field of Computer-Assisted Medical Interventions, its aims, its different components and describes the place of robots in that context. The evolutions in terms of general design and control paradigms in the development of medical robots are presented and issues specific to that application domain are discussed. A view of existing systems, on-going developments and future trends is given. A case-study is detailed. Other types of robotic help in the medical environment (such as for assisting a handicapped person, for rehabilitation of a patient or for replacement of some damaged/suppressed limbs or organs) are out of the scope of this chapter.Comment: Handbook of Automation, Shimon Nof (Ed.) (2009) 000-00

    Robot Autonomy for Surgery

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    Autonomous surgery involves having surgical tasks performed by a robot operating under its own will, with partial or no human involvement. There are several important advantages of automation in surgery, which include increasing precision of care due to sub-millimeter robot control, real-time utilization of biosignals for interventional care, improvements to surgical efficiency and execution, and computer-aided guidance under various medical imaging and sensing modalities. While these methods may displace some tasks of surgical teams and individual surgeons, they also present new capabilities in interventions that are too difficult or go beyond the skills of a human. In this chapter, we provide an overview of robot autonomy in commercial use and in research, and present some of the challenges faced in developing autonomous surgical robots

    Review of robotic technology for keyhole transcranial stereotactic neurosurgery

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    The research of stereotactic apparatus to guide surgical devices began in 1908, yet a major part of today's stereotactic neurosurgeries still rely on stereotactic frames developed almost half a century ago. Robots excel at handling spatial information, and are, thus, obvious candidates in the guidance of instrumentation along precisely planned trajectories. In this review, we introduce the concept of stereotaxy and describe a standard stereotactic neurosurgery. Neurosurgeons' expectations and demands regarding the role of robots as assistive tools are also addressed. We list the most successful robotic systems developed specifically for or capable of executing stereotactic neurosurgery. A critical review is presented for each robotic system, emphasizing the differences between them and detailing positive features and drawbacks. An analysis of the listed robotic system features is also undertaken, in the context of robotic application in stereotactic neurosurgery. Finally, we discuss the current perspective, and future directions of a robotic technology in this field. All robotic systems follow a very similar and structured workflow despite the technical differences that set them apart. No system unequivocally stands out as an absolute best. The trend of technological progress is pointing toward the development of miniaturized cost-effective solutions with more intuitive interfaces.This work has been partially financed by the NETT Project (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN-289146), ACTIVE Project (FP7-ICT-2009-6-270460), and FCT PhD grant (ref. SFRH/BD/86499/2012)

    Robotic Applications in Neurosurgery

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    Interactive Multi-Stage Robotic Positioner for Intra-Operative MRI-Guided Stereotactic Neurosurgery

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrates clear advantages over other imaging modalities in neurosurgery with its ability to delineate critical neurovascular structures and cancerous tissue in high-resolution 3D anatomical roadmaps. However, its application has been limited to interventions performed based on static pre/post-operative imaging, where errors accrue from stereotactic frame setup, image registration, and brain shift. To leverage the powerful intra-operative functions of MRI, e.g., instrument tracking, monitoring of physiological changes and tissue temperature in MRI-guided bilateral stereotactic neurosurgery, a multi-stage robotic positioner is proposed. The system positions cannula/needle instruments using a lightweight (203 g) and compact (Ø97 × 81 mm) skull-mounted structure that fits within most standard imaging head coils. With optimized design in soft robotics, the system operates in two stages: i) manual coarse adjustment performed interactively by the surgeon (workspace of ±30°), ii) automatic fine adjustment with precise (<0.2° orientation error), responsive (1.4 Hz bandwidth), and high-resolution (0.058°) soft robotic positioning. Orientation locking provides sufficient transmission stiffness (4.07 N/mm) for instrument advancement. The system's clinical workflow and accuracy is validated with lab-based (<0.8 mm) and MRI-based testing on skull phantoms (<1.7 mm) and a cadaver subject (<2.2 mm). Custom-made wireless omni-directional tracking markers facilitated robot registration under MRI

    Роботы в краниальной нейрохирургии, эволюция за 35 лет

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    We reviewed the experience of robotic devices in cranial neurosurgery for 35 years. The brief history is represented, prerequisites for robotics development are specified. The most popular devices are listed, which are used for surgical instruments positioning and remote manipulations. We pointed key robotic features, main results of their application, showed advantages, shortcomings and ways to resolve some problems. The accurateness of robotic systems is shown in comparison with frame-based stereotactic surgery. The main trends in robotic development in the future are described as well.В обзоре литературы описан 35-летний опыт работы с роботами в краниальной нейрохирургии. Представлен краткий исторический очерк и указаны предпосылки развития робототехники. Перечислены наиболее известные устройства, используемые для позиционирования хирургических инструментов и дистанционных манипуляций. Указаны ключевые особенности роботов, основные результаты их применения, представлены преимущества, недостатки и пути решения некоторых проблем. Показана точность роботизированных систем в сравнении с рамным стереотаксисом. В завершение приведены основные тенденции роботостроения в будущем

    Robotic Neurosurgery

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    Robotic implantation of intracerebral electrodes for deep brain stimulation

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    This dissertation objective is to contribute for the development of a robotic system towards neurosurgery assistance in Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) stereotactic procedures. Being DBS neurosurgery typically a long, physically and cognitively demanding procedure; the introduction of a robotic assistant to hold, manipulate and position instrumentation would improve the medical team working conditions and lead to better surgery outcomes. Upon understanding how could the robot be used and what robotic systems were adequate to the task, we implemented a simulation environment to emulate several industrial robot manipulators and the operating room. It was also developed each robot geometric and differential kinematic equations, and control algorithms specifically oriented for DBS neurosurgery assistance. Taking into account the operating room arrangement, the robot characteristics and task requirements, we selected the most apt industrial robotic manipulator and further elaborated on its placement and orientation to achieve utmost performance.This work has been partially financed by projects FP7 Marie Curie ITN - NETT (project no289146), FCT FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022674, Pest-C/MAT-UI0013/2011 (FCT grant ref. UMINHO/BIC/8/2012) and FCT PhD grant (ref. SFRH/BD/86499/2012)

    State of the art of robotic surgery related to vision: Brain and eye applications of newly available devices

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    Raffaele Nuzzi,&nbsp;Luca Brusasco Department of Surgical Sciences, Eye&nbsp;Clinic, University of Torino, Turin,&nbsp;Italy Background: Robot-assisted surgery has revolutionized many surgical subspecialties, mainly where procedures have to be performed in confined, difficult to visualize spaces. Despite advances in general surgery and neurosurgery, in vivo application of robotics to ocular surgery is still in its infancy, owing to the particular complexities of microsurgery. The use of robotic assistance and feedback guidance on surgical maneuvers could improve the technical performance of expert surgeons during the initial phase of the learning curve. Evidence acquisition: We analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of surgical robots, as well as the present applications and future outlook of robotics in neurosurgery in brain areas related to vision and ophthalmology. Discussion: Limitations to robotic assistance remain, that need to be overcome before it can be more widely applied in ocular surgery. Conclusion: There is heightened interest in studies documenting computerized systems that filter out hand tremor and optimize speed of movement, control of force, and direction and range of movement. Further research is still needed to validate robot-assisted procedures. Keywords: robotic surgery related to vision, robots, ophthalmological applications of robotics, eye and brain robots, eye robot

    Robotically Steered Needles: A Survey of Neurosurgical Applications and Technical Innovations

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    This paper surveys both the clinical applications and main technical innovations related to steered needles, with an emphasis on neurosurgery. Technical innovations generally center on curvilinear robots that can adopt a complex path that circumvents critical structures and eloquent brain tissue. These advances include several needle-steering approaches, which consist of tip-based, lengthwise, base motion-driven, and tissue-centered steering strategies. This paper also describes foundational mathematical models for steering, where potential fields, nonholonomic bicycle-like models, spring models, and stochastic approaches are cited. In addition, practical path planning systems are also addressed, where we cite uncertainty modeling in path planning, intraoperative soft tissue shift estimation through imaging scans acquired during the procedure, and simulation-based prediction. Neurosurgical scenarios tend to emphasize straight needles so far, and span deep-brain stimulation (DBS), stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG), intracerebral drug delivery (IDD), stereotactic brain biopsy (SBB), stereotactic needle aspiration for hematoma, cysts and abscesses, and brachytherapy as well as thermal ablation of brain tumors and seizure-generating regions. We emphasize therapeutic considerations and complications that have been documented in conjunction with these applications