2 research outputs found

    Byzantine Fault Tolerant Distributed Linear Regression

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    This paper considers the problem of Byzantine fault tolerance in distributed linear regression in a multi-agent system. However, the proposed algorithms are given for a more general class of distributed optimization problems, of which distributed linear regression is a special case. The system comprises of a server and multiple agents, where each agent is holding a certain number of data points and responses that satisfy a linear relationship (could be noisy). The objective of the server is to determine this relationship, given that some of the agents in the system (up to a known number) are Byzantine faulty (aka. actively adversarial). We show that the server can achieve this objective, in a deterministic manner, by robustifying the original distributed gradient descent method using norm based filters, namely 'norm filtering' and 'norm-cap filtering', incurring an additional log-linear computation cost in each iteration. The proposed algorithms improve upon the existing methods on three levels: i) no assumptions are required on the probability distribution of data points, ii) system can be partially asynchronous, and iii) the computational overhead (in order to handle Byzantine faulty agents) is log-linear in number of agents and linear in dimension of data points. The proposed algorithms differ from each other in the assumptions made for their correctness, and the gradient filter they use.Comment: Manuscript revised by adding; a new improved filtering technique, and convergence analysis with nois

    Appliance-level Flexible Scheduling for Socio-technical Smart Grid Optimisation

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    Participation in residential energy demand response programs requires an active role by the consumers. They contribute flexibility in how they use their appliances as the means to adjust energy consumption, and reduce demand peaks, possibly at the expense of their own comfort (e.g., thermal). Understanding the collective potential of appliance-level flexibility for reducing demand peaks is challenging and complex. For instance, physical characteristics of appliances, usage preferences, and comfort requirements all influence consumer flexibility, adoption, and effectiveness of demand response programs. To capture and study such socio-technical factors and trade-offs, this paper contributes a novel appliance-level flexible scheduling framework based on consumers' self-determined flexibility and comfort requirements. By utilizing this framework, this paper studies (i) consumers usage preferences across various appliances, as well as their voluntary contribution of flexibility and willingness to sacrifice comfort for improving grid stability, (ii) impact of individual appliances on the collective goal of reducing demand peaks, and (iii) the effect of variable levels of flexibility, cooperation, and participation on the outcome of coordinated appliance scheduling. Experimental evaluation using a novel dataset collected via a smartphone app shows that higher consumer flexibility can significantly reduce demand peaks, with the oven having the highest system-wide potential for this. Overall, the cooperative approach allows for higher peak-shaving compared to non-cooperative schemes that focus entirely on the efficiency of individual appliances. The findings of this study can be used to design more cost-effective and granular (appliance-level) demand response programs in participatory and decentralized Smart Grids