10 research outputs found

    Greedy Algorithms for Optimal Distribution Approximation

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    The approximation of a discrete probability distribution t\mathbf{t} by an MM-type distribution p\mathbf{p} is considered. The approximation error is measured by the informational divergence D(t∥p)\mathbb{D}(\mathbf{t}\Vert\mathbf{p}), which is an appropriate measure, e.g., in the context of data compression. Properties of the optimal approximation are derived and bounds on the approximation error are presented, which are asymptotically tight. It is shown that MM-type approximations that minimize either D(t∥p)\mathbb{D}(\mathbf{t}\Vert\mathbf{p}), or D(p∥t)\mathbb{D}(\mathbf{p}\Vert\mathbf{t}), or the variational distance ∥p−t∥1\Vert\mathbf{p}-\mathbf{t}\Vert_1 can all be found by using specific instances of the same general greedy algorithm.Comment: 5 page

    Channels With Cost Constraints: Strong Converse and Dispersion

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    This paper shows the strong converse and the dispersion of memoryless channels with cost constraints and performs a refined analysis of the third-order term in the asymptotic expansion of the maximum achievable channel coding rate, showing that it is equal to (1/2)((log n)/n) in most cases of interest. The analysis is based on a nonasymptotic converse bound expressed in terms of the distribution of a random variable termed the mathsf b -tilted information density, which plays a role similar to that of the mathsf d -tilted information in lossy source coding. We also analyze the fundamental limits of lossy joint-source-channel coding over channels with cost constraints

    Bandit Social Learning: Exploration under Myopic Behavior

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    We study social learning dynamics where the agents collectively follow a simple multi-armed bandit protocol. Agents arrive sequentially, choose arms and receive associated rewards. Each agent observes the full history (arms and rewards) of the previous agents, and there are no private signals. While collectively the agents face exploration-exploitation tradeoff, each agent acts myopically, without regards to exploration. Motivating scenarios concern reviews and ratings on online platforms. We allow a wide range of myopic behaviors that are consistent with (parameterized) confidence intervals, including the "unbiased" behavior as well as various behaviorial biases. While extreme versions of these behaviors correspond to well-known bandit algorithms, we prove that more moderate versions lead to stark exploration failures, and consequently to regret rates that are linear in the number of agents. We provide matching upper bounds on regret by analyzing "moderately optimistic" agents. As a special case of independent interest, we obtain a general result on failure of the greedy algorithm in multi-armed bandits. This is the first such result in the literature, to the best of our knowledg

    Robust Voting Rules from Algorithmic Robust Statistics

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    Maximum likelihood estimation furnishes powerful insights into voting theory, and the design of voting rules. However the MLE can usually be badly corrupted by a single outlying sample. This means that a single voter or a group of colluding voters can vote strategically and drastically affect the outcome. Motivated by recent progress in algorithmic robust statistics, we revisit the fundamental problem of estimating the central ranking in a Mallows model, but ask for an estimator that is provably robust, unlike the MLE. Our main result is an efficiently computable estimator that achieves nearly optimal robustness guarantees. In particular the robustness guarantees are dimension-independent in the sense that our overall accuracy does not depend on the number of alternatives being ranked. As an immediate consequence, we show that while the landmark Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem tells us a strong impossiblity result about designing strategy-proof voting rules, there are quantitatively strong ways to protect against large coalitions if we assume that the remaining voters voters are honest and their preferences are sampled from a Mallows model. Our work also makes technical contributions to algorithmic robust statistics by designing new spectral filtering techniques that can exploit the intricate combinatorial dependencies in the Mallows model

    Sharper Bounds in Lattice-Based Cryptography using the Rényi Divergence

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    The Rényi divergence is a measure of divergence between distributions. It has recently found several applications in lattice-based cryptography. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we give theoretic results which renders it more efficient and easier to use. This is done by providing two lemmas, which give tight bounds in very common situations { for distributions that are tailcut or have a bounded relative error. We then connect the Rényi divergence to the max-log distance. This allows the Rényi divergence to indirectly benefit from all the advantages of a distance. Second, we apply our new results to five practical usecases. It allows us to claim 256 bits of security for a floating-point precision of 53 bits, in cases that until now either required more than 150 bits of precision or were limited to 100 bits of security: rejection sampling, trapdoor sampling (61 bits in this case) and a new sampler by Micciancio and Walter. We also propose a new and compact approach for table-based sampling, and squeeze the standard deviation of trapdoor samplers by a factor that provides a gain of 30 bits of security in practice