12 research outputs found

    Speech Dereverberation Based on Integrated Deep and Ensemble Learning Algorithm

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    Reverberation, which is generally caused by sound reflections from walls, ceilings, and floors, can result in severe performance degradation of acoustic applications. Due to a complicated combination of attenuation and time-delay effects, the reverberation property is difficult to characterize, and it remains a challenging task to effectively retrieve the anechoic speech signals from reverberation ones. In the present study, we proposed a novel integrated deep and ensemble learning algorithm (IDEA) for speech dereverberation. The IDEA consists of offline and online phases. In the offline phase, we train multiple dereverberation models, each aiming to precisely dereverb speech signals in a particular acoustic environment; then a unified fusion function is estimated that aims to integrate the information of multiple dereverberation models. In the online phase, an input utterance is first processed by each of the dereverberation models. The outputs of all models are integrated accordingly to generate the final anechoic signal. We evaluated the IDEA on designed acoustic environments, including both matched and mismatched conditions of the training and testing data. Experimental results confirm that the proposed IDEA outperforms single deep-neural-network-based dereverberation model with the same model architecture and training data

    Investigating Generative Adversarial Networks based Speech Dereverberation for Robust Speech Recognition

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    We investigate the use of generative adversarial networks (GANs) in speech dereverberation for robust speech recognition. GANs have been recently studied for speech enhancement to remove additive noises, but there still lacks of a work to examine their ability in speech dereverberation and the advantages of using GANs have not been fully established. In this paper, we provide deep investigations in the use of GAN-based dereverberation front-end in ASR. First, we study the effectiveness of different dereverberation networks (the generator in GAN) and find that LSTM leads a significant improvement as compared with feed-forward DNN and CNN in our dataset. Second, further adding residual connections in the deep LSTMs can boost the performance as well. Finally, we find that, for the success of GAN, it is important to update the generator and the discriminator using the same mini-batch data during training. Moreover, using reverberant spectrogram as a condition to discriminator, as suggested in previous studies, may degrade the performance. In summary, our GAN-based dereverberation front-end achieves 14%-19% relative CER reduction as compared to the baseline DNN dereverberation network when tested on a strong multi-condition training acoustic model.Comment: Interspeech 201

    Progressive loss functions for speech enhancement with deep neural networks

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    The progressive paradigm is a promising strategy to optimize network performance for speech enhancement purposes. Recent works have shown different strategies to improve the accuracy of speech enhancement solutions based on this mechanism. This paper studies the progressive speech enhancement using convolutional and residual neural network architectures and explores two criteria for loss function optimization: weighted and uniform progressive. This work carries out the evaluation on simulated and real speech samples with reverberation and added noise using REVERB and VoiceHome datasets. Experimental results show a variety of achievements among the loss function optimization criteria and the network architectures. Results show that the progressive design strengthens the model and increases the robustness to distortions due to reverberation and noise

    Deep neural networks for monaural source separation

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    PhD ThesisIn monaural source separation (MSS) only one recording is available and the spatial information, generally, cannot be extracted. It is also an undetermined inverse problem. Rcently, the development of the deep neural network (DNN) provides the framework to address this problem. How to select the types of neural network models and training targets is the research question. Moreover, in real room environments, the reverberations from floor, walls, ceiling and furnitures in a room are challenging, which distort the received mixture and degrade the separation performance. In many real-world applications, due to the size of hardware, the number of microphones cannot always be multiple. Hence, deep learning based MSS is the focus of this thesis. The first contribution is on improving the separation performance by enhancing the generalization ability of the deep learning-base MSS methods. According to no free lunch (NFL) theorem, it is impossible to find the neural network model which can estimate the training target perfectly in all cases. From the acquired speech mixture, the information of clean speech signal could be over- or underestimated. Besides, the discriminative criterion objective function can be used to address ambiguous information problem in the training stage of deep learning. Based on this, the adaptive discriminative criterion is proposed and better separation performance is obtained. In addition to this, another alternative method is using the sequentially trained neural network models within different training targets to further estimate iv Abstract v the clean speech signal. By using different training targets, the generalization ability of the neural network models is improved, and thereby better separation performance. The second contribution is addressing MSS problem in reverberant room environments. To achieve this goal, a novel time-frequency (T-F) mask, e.g. dereverberation mask (DM) is proposed to estimate the relationship between the reverberant noisy speech mixture and the dereverberated mixture. Then, a separation mask is exploited to extract the desired clean speech signal from the noisy speech mixture. The DM can be integrated with ideal ratio mask (IRM) to generate ideal enhanced mask (IEM) to address both dereverberation and separation problems. Based on the DM and the IEM, a two-stage approach is proposed with different system structures. In the final contribution, both phase information of clean speech signal and long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network (RNN) are introduced. A novel complex signal approximation (SA)-based method is proposed with the complex domain of signals. By utilizing the LSTM RNN as the neural network model, the temporal information is better used, and the desired speech signal can be estimated more accurately. Besides, the phase information of clean speech signal is applied to mitigate the negative influence from noisy phase information. The proposed MSS algorithms are evaluated with various challenging datasets such as the TIMIT, IEEE corpora and NOISEX database. The algorithms are assessed with state-of-the-art techniques and performance measures to confirm that the proposed MSS algorithms provide novel solution