4 research outputs found

    PKI Safety Net (PKISN): Addressing the Too-Big-to-Be-Revoked Problem of the TLS Ecosystem

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    In a public-key infrastructure (PKI), clients must have an efficient and secure way to determine whether a certificate was revoked (by an entity considered as legitimate to do so), while preserving user privacy. A few certification authorities (CAs) are currently responsible for the issuance of the large majority of TLS certificates. These certificates are considered valid only if the certificate of the issuing CA is also valid. The certificates of these important CAs are effectively too big to be revoked, as revoking them would result in massive collateral damage. To solve this problem, we redesign the current revocation system with a novel approach that we call PKI Safety Net (PKISN), which uses publicly accessible logs to store certificates (in the spirit of Certificate Transparency) and revocations. The proposed system extends existing mechanisms, which enables simple deployment. Moreover, we present a complete implementation and evaluation of our scheme.Comment: IEEE EuroS&P 201

    A Response to “Can We Eliminate Certificate Revocation Lists?”

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    Privacy in Mobile Technology for Personal Healthcare

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    Information technology can improve the quality, efficiency, and cost of healthcare. In this survey, we examine the privacy requirements of \emphmobile\/ computing technologies that have the potential to transform healthcare. Such \emphmHealth\/ technology enables physicians to remotely monitor patients\u27 health, and enables individuals to manage their own health more easily. Despite these advantages, privacy is essential for any personal monitoring technology. Through an extensive survey of the literature, we develop a conceptual privacy framework for mHealth, itemize the privacy properties needed in mHealth systems, and discuss the technologies that could support privacy-sensitive mHealth systems. We end with a list of open research questions

    Infraestrutura de chaves pĂşblicas otimizadora

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2010Este trabalho tem como objetivo propor e implementar um novo conceito de certificado: o Certificado Otimizado, base da Infraestrutura de Chaves Publicas Otimizadora. Trata-se de adaptaçoes ao padrao X.509 para reduzir o esforço computacional necessario ao uso de documentos eletronicos assinados sem a perda da compatibilidade com as aplicaçoes existentes. Tal reduçao incide na verificação de assinaturas digitais, pois o Certificado Otimizado: (1) dispensa verificaçao de situaçao de revogaçao; (2) substitui carimbos do tempo sobre uma assinatura digital; (3) ´e emitido por uma Autoridade Certificadora cuja situaçao de revogaçao ´e aferida atraves do m´etodo Novomodo; e (4) possui um caminho de certificaçao curto. Esta proposta tamb´em explora a substituição de Certificados Otimizados quando da obsolescencia dos algoritmos criptograficos, tornando possivel a manutencão da autenticidade de assinaturas digitais sem o aumento contínuo dos recursos computacionais utilizados. Desta forma, beneficia diretamente verificadores de assinaturas digitais e entidades arquivisticas, as quais enfrentam o desafio de armazenar e manter validas assinaturas digitais sobre documentos eletronicos sem demandar quantidades impraticaveis de recursos computacionais. A soluçao proposta é comparada com o certificado X.509 convencional atrav´es da simulaçao de um cenario de documentos eletronicos assinados na ICP-Brasil. Os resultados da simulaçao demonstram que o Certificado Otimizado proporciona uma economia superior a 80% de recursos computacionais ao longo dos anos. Ainda, observa-se, atrav´es de testes realizados sobre a implementaçao do algoritmo Certificate Path Processing, presente na M´aquina Virtual Java, que o Certificado Otimizado ´e aderente ao padrao X.509 e, portanto, compatível com a maioria das aplicaçoes de certificaçao digital existentes. Sem duvida, tais características tornam o Certificado Otimizado uma atraente soluçao para reduzir os recursos computacionais necessarios no uso de documentos eletronicos assinados.This work deals with the proposal and the implementation of a new digital certificate concept: an Optimized Certificate, on which Optimizer Public Key Infrastructure is based. This concept implies some changes in the X.509 standard as a means to cut down on the computational effort required to use digital signatures on electronic documents, while keeping compatibility with existing applications. This reduction can be noted when verifying digital signatures because an Optimized Certificate: (1) dismisses the need to verify the revocation status; (2) replaces timestamps for a signature; (3) is issued by a Certification Authority whose revocation status is checked using Novomodo; and (4) presents a short certification path. Also, this proposal takes advantage of replacing an Optimized Certificate before cryptographic algorithms become weak, which makes it possible to maintain authentic digital signatures without requiring an ever-growing amount of computational resources. Therefore, Optimized Certificates benefit the verifiers of digital signatures and archiving entities, which have to overcome the challenge of storing and maintaining valid digital signature on electronic documents within computational resource constraints. The proposal is compared with the conventional X.509 certificate, considering the simulation of a scenario of signed electronic documents in ICP-Brasil. The result of this comparison reveals that an Optimized Certificate can lead to the reduction of computational resources along years at rates above 80%. Moreover, successful tests on the implementation of Certificate Path Processing available in Java Virtual Machine indicate that an Optimized Certificate adheres to X.509 and therefore, with regard to digital signatures, it is compatible with most existing applications. Indeed, such characteristics make Optimized Certificates an attractive solution to reduce the computational resources required for using signed electronic documents