5 research outputs found

    A Resistance Distance-Based Approach for Optimal Leader Selection in Noisy Consensus Networks

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    We study the performance of leader-follower noisy consensus networks, and in particular, the relationship between this performance and the locations of the leader nodes. Two types of dynamics are considered (1) noise-free leaders, in which leaders dictate the trajectory exactly and followers are subject to external disturbances, and (2) noise-corrupted leaders, in which both leaders and followers are subject to external perturbations. We measure the performance of a network by its coherence, an H2H_2 norm that quantifies how closely the followers track the leaders' trajectory. For both dynamics, we show a relationship between the coherence and resistance distances in an a electrical network. Using this relationship, we derive closed-form expressions for coherence as a function of the locations of the leaders. Further, we give analytical solutions to the optimal leader selection problem for several special classes of graphs

    Submodular Optimization for Consensus Networks with Noise-Corrupted Leaders

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    We consider the leader selection problem in a network with consensus dynamics where both leader and follower agents are subject to stochastic external disturbances. The performance of the system is quantified by the total steady-state variance of the node states, and the goal is to identify the set of leaders that minimizes this variance. We first show that this performance measure can be expressed as a submodular set function over the nodes in the network. We then use this result to analyze the performance of two greedy, polynomial-time algorithms for leader selection, showing that the leader sets produced by the greedy algorithms are within provable bounds of optimal.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    On the Trade-off Between Controllability and Robustness in Networks of Diffusively Coupled Agents

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    In this paper, we demonstrate a conflicting relationship between two crucial properties---controllability and robustness---in linear dynamical networks of diffusively coupled agents. In particular, for any given number of nodes NN and diameter DD, we identify networks that are maximally robust using the notion of Kirchhoff index and then analyze their strong structural controllability. For this, we compute the minimum number of leaders, which are the nodes directly receiving external control inputs, needed to make such networks controllable under all feasible coupling weights between agents. Then, for any NN and DD, we obtain a sharp upper bound on the minimum number of leaders needed to design strong structurally controllable networks with NN nodes and diameter DD. We also discuss that the bound is best possible for arbitrary NN and DD. Moreover, we construct a family of graphs for any NN and DD such that the graphs have maximal edge sets (maximal robustness) while being strong structurally controllable with the number of leaders in the proposed sharp bound. We then analyze the robustness of this graph family. The results suggest that optimizing robustness increases the number of leaders needed for strong structural controllability. Our analysis is based on graph-theoretic methods and can be applied to exploit network structure to co-optimize robustness and controllability in networks.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Control of Network System

    Submodularity in Systems with Higher Order Consensus with Absolute Information

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    We investigate the performance of m-th order consensus systems with stochastic external perturbations, where a subset of leader nodes incorporates absolute information into their control laws. The system performance is measured by its coherence, an H2H_2 norm that quantifies the total steady-state variance of the deviation from the desired trajectory. We first give conditions under which such systems are stable, and we derive expressions for coherence in stable second, third, and fourth order systems. We next study the problem of how to identify a set of leaders that optimizes coherence. To address this problem, we define set functions that quantify each system's coherence and prove that these functions are submodular. This allows the use of an efficient greedy algorithm that to find a leader set with which coherence is within a constant bound of optimal. We demonstrate the performance of the greedy algorithm empirically, and further, we show that the optimal leader sets for the different orders of consensus dynamics do not necessarily coincide.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Performance of Single and Double-Integrator Networks over Directed Graphs

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    This paper provides a framework to evaluate the performance of single and double integrator networks over arbitrary directed graphs. Adopting vehicular network terminology, we consider quadratic performance metrics defined by the L2-norm of position and velocity based response functions given impulsive inputs to each vehicle. We exploit the spectral properties of weighted graph Laplacians and output performance matrices to derive a novel method of computing the closed-form solutions for this general class of performance metrics, which include H2-norm based quantities as special cases. We then explore the effect of the interplay between network properties (e.g. edge directionality and connectivity) and the control strategy on the overall network performance. More precisely, for systems whose interconnection is described by graphs with normal Laplacian L, we characterize the role of directionality by comparing their performance with that of their undirected counterparts, represented by the Hermitian part of L. We show that, for single-integrator networks, directed and undirected graphs perform identically. However, for double-integrator networks, graph directionality -- expressed by the eigenvalues of L with nonzero imaginary part -- can significantly degrade performance. Interestingly in many cases, well-designed feedback can also exploit directionality to mitigate degradation or even improve the performance to exceed that of the undirected case. Finally we focus on a system coherence metric -- aggregate deviation from the state average -- to investigate the relationship between performance and degree of connectivity, leading to somewhat surprising findings. For example increasing the number of neighbors on a \omega-nearest neighbor directed graph does not necessarily improve performance. Similarly, we demonstrate equivalence in performance between all-to-one and all-to-all communication graphs.Comment: Index Terms: L2, H2 norm, directed graph, performanc