31 research outputs found

    Lift-and-project inequalities

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    The lift-and-project technique is a systematic way to generate valid inequalities for a mixed binary program. The technique is interesting both on the theoretical and on the practical point of view. On the theoretical side it allows one to construct the inequality description of the convex hull of all mixed-{0,1} solutions of a binary MIP in n repeated applications of the technique, where n is the number of binary variables. On the practical side, a variant of the method allows one to derive some cutting planes from the simplex tableau rather efficiently

    A note on the split rank of intersection cuts

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    In this note, we present a simple geometric argument to determine a lower bound on the split rank of intersection cuts. As a first step of this argument, a polyhedral subset of the lattice-free convex set that is used to generate the intersection cut is constructed. We call this subset the restricted lattice-free set. It is then shown that ! log 2(l)mixed integer programming, split rank, intersection cuts.

    A Recursive Procedure To Generate All Cuts for 0-1 Mixed Integer Programs

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