4 research outputs found

    A Composable Worst Case Latency Analysis for Multi-Rank DRAM Devices under Open Row Policy

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11241-016-9253-4As multi-core systems are becoming more popular in real-time embedded systems, strict timing requirements for accessing shared resources must be met. In particular, a detailed latency analysis for Double Data Rate Dynamic RAM (DDR DRAM) is highly desirable. Several researchers have proposed predictable memory controllers to provide guaranteed memory access latency. However, the performance of such controllers sharply decreases as DDR devices become faster and the width of memory buses is increased. High-performance Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) memory controllers in general-purpose systems employ open row policy to improve average case access latencies and memory throughput, but the use of such policy is not compatible with existing real-time controllers. In this article, we present a new memory controller design together with a novel, composable worst case analysis for DDR DRAM that provides improved latency bounds compared to existing works by explicitly modeling the DRAM state. In particular, our approach scales better with increasing memory speed by predictably taking advantage of shorter latency for access to open DRAM rows. Furthermore, it can be applied to multi-rank devices, which allow for increased access parallelism. We evaluate our approach based on worst case analysis bounds and simulation results, using both synthetic tasks and a set of realistic benchmarks. In particular, benchmark evaluations show up to 45% improvement in worst case task execution time compared to a competing predictable memory controller for a system with 16 requestors and one rank.NSERC DG || 402369-2011 CMC Microsystem

    A real-time multichannel memory controller and optimal mapping of memory clients to memory channels

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    Ever-increasing demands for main memory bandwidth and memory speed/power tradeoff led to the introduction of memories with multiple memory channels, such as Wide IO DRAM. Efficient utilization of a multichannel memory as a shared resource in multiprocessor real-time systems depends on mapping of the memory clients to the memory channels according to their requirements on latency, bandwidth, communication, and memory capacity. However, there is currently no real-time memory controller for multichannel memories, and there is no methodology to optimally configure multichannel memories in real-time systems. As a first work toward this direction, we present two main contributions in this article: (1) a configurable real-time multichannel memory controller architecture with a novel method for logical-to-physical address translation and (2) two design-time methods to map memory clients to the memory channels, one an optimal algorithm based on an integer programming formulation of the mapping problem, and the other a fast heuristic algorithm. We demonstrate the real-time guarantees on bandwidth and latency provided by our multichannel memory controller architecture by experimental evaluation. Furthermore, we compare the performance of the mapping problem formulation in a solver and the heuristic algorithm against two existing mapping algorithms in terms of computation time and mapping success ratio. We show that an optimal solution can be found in 2 hours using the solver and in less than 1 second with less than 7% mapping failure using the heuristic for realistically sized problems. Finally, we demonstrate configuring a Wide IO DRAM in a high-definition (HD) video and graphics processing system to emphasize the practical applicability and effectiveness of this work

    A Comprehensive Study of DRAM Controllers in Real-Time Systems

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    The DRAM main memory is a critical component and a performance bottleneck of almost all computing systems. Since the DRAM is a shared memory resource on multi-core plat- forms, all cores contend for the memory bandwidth. Therefore, there is a keen interest in the real-time community to design predictable DRAM controllers to provide a low memory access latency bound to meet the strict timing requirement of real-time applications. Due to the lack of generalization of publicly available DRAM controller models in full-system and DRAM device simulators, researchers often design in-house simulator to validate their designs. An extensible cycle-accurate DRAM controller simulation frame- work is developed to simplify the process of validating new DRAM controller designs. To prove the extensibility and reusability of the framework, ten state-of-the-art predictable DRAM controllers are implemented in the framework with less than 200 lines of new code. With the help of the framework, a comprehensive evaluation of state-of-the-art pre- dictable DRAM controllers is performed analytically and experimentally to show the im- pact of different system parameters. This extensive evaluation allows researchers to assess the contribution of state-of-the-art DRAM controller approaches. At last, a novel DRAM controller with request reordering technique is proposed to provide a configurable trade-off between latency bound and bandwidth in mixed-critical systems. Compared to the state-of-the-art DRAM controller, there is a balance point between the two designs which depends on the locality of the task under analysis and the DRAM device used in the system

    Architektur- und Leistungsanalyse eines Mehgenerationen-SDRAM-Controllers für gemischte Kritikalitätssysteme

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    Due to their high-density and low-cost, DDR SDRAM are the prevailing choice for implementing the main memory of a computer system. Nevertheless, the aforementioned benefits come at the cost of a complex two-stage access protocol, which ultimately means that the time required to serve a memory request depends on the history of previous requests. Otherly stated, DDR SDRAMs are a stateful resource. The main goal of this dissertation is to design a controller that leverages the state of DDR SDRAMs in a mixed criticality environment. More specifically, the controller should provide good average performance for best-effort requestors without compromising timing guarantees for critical requestors. With that regard, this dissertation firstly identifies two challenges of growing relevance for the design of memory controllers for the mixed criticality domain. The first challenge is the data bus turnaround time. The second challenge is the rank-to-rank switching time and only affects multi-rank modules. After pinpointing the two aforementioned challenges, this dissertation proposes a SDRAM controller to tackle them. The proposed controller bundles read and write operations in their corresponding ranks, thus minimizing the number of data bus turnarounds and rank switching events. As a consequence, the average performance of the controller is improved. However, the bundling is carefully designed so that real-time guarantees for critical requestors can be extracted. Moreover, as it will become clear, both the operation of the controller and the corresponding analysis of the temporal properties are described in terms of a generation-independent notation. This is a desirable feature because different SDRAM generations have different architectural features and possibly, timing constraints. Finally, an extensive comparison with the related work is performed. Furthermore, trends in worst-case latency over DDR SDRAM from different speed bins and generations are presented and thoroughly discussed.Aufgrund ihrer hohen Dichte und geringen Kosten sind DDR SDRAM die vorherrschende Wahl für die Implementierung des Hauptspeichers eines Computersystems. Die oben genannten Vorteile gehen jedoch zu Lasten eines komplexen zweistufigen Zugriffsprotokolls, was letztendlich bedeutet, dass die Zeit, die benötigt wird, um eine Speicheranforderung zu bedienen, von der Historie früherer Zugriffe abhängt. Anders ausgedrückt, DDR SDRAM sind eine zustandsabhängige Ressource, was die Umsetzung gemischter Kritikalitäten weiter erschwert, da unterschiedliche Ebenen der Kritikalität widersprüchliche Bedürfnisse haben. Das Hauptziel dieser Dissertation ist es, einen Controller zu entwickeln, der den Zustand der DDR-SDRAMs in einer gemischten Kritikalitätsumgebung nutzt. Genauer gesagt, der Controller soll eine gute durchschnittliche Leistung für best-effort Zugriffe ermöglichen, ohne die Garantien für kritische Zugriffe zu gefährden. In diesem Zusammenhang identifiziert diese Dissertation zunächst zwei Herausforderungen von wachsender Relevanz für das Design von Speichercontrollern für Systeme gemischter Kritikalität. Die erste Herausforderung ist die notwendige Zeit zur Richtungsänderung des Datenbusses. Die zweite Herausforderung ist die Rang-zu-Rang-Schaltzeit und betrifft nur Module mit mehreren Rängen. Nach dem Aufzeigen der beiden oben genannten Herausforderungen, schlägt diese Dissertation einen SDRAM Controller vor, um sie anzugehen. Der vorgeschlagene Controller bündelt Lese und Schreib Operationen in ihren entsprechenden Rängen, wodurch die Anzahl der Richtungsänderungen des Datenbusses und die Anzahl der Rangwechsel minimiert wird. Dadurch wird die durchschnittliche Leistung des Controllers verbessert. Die Bündelung ist so konzipiert, dass Echtzeit-Garantien für kritische Zugriffe abgeleitet werden können. Darüber hinaus werden, wie sich zeigen wird, sowohl das Verhalten des Controllers als auch die entsprechende Analyse der zeitlichen Eigenschaften in Form einer generationsunabhängigen Notation beschrieben. Dies ist ein wünschenswertes Merkmal, da verschiedene SDRAM Generationen unterschiedliche architektonische Merkmale und zeitliche Beschränkungen haben. Abschließend wird ein ausführlicher Vergleich mit inhaltlich verwandten Arbeiten durchgeführt. Außerdem werden Trends in der Worst-Case-Latenz von DDR SDRAM aus verschiedenen Geschwindigkeitsklassen und Generationen vorgestellt und ausführlich diskutiert