6 research outputs found

    A Re-ranker Scheme for Integrating Large Scale NLU models

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    Large scale Natural Language Understanding (NLU) systems are typically trained on large quantities of data, requiring a fast and scalable training strategy. A typical design for NLU systems consists of domain-level NLU modules (domain classifier, intent classifier and named entity recognizer). Hypotheses (NLU interpretations consisting of various intent+slot combinations) from these domain specific modules are typically aggregated with another downstream component. The re-ranker integrates outputs from domain-level recognizers, returning a scored list of cross domain hypotheses. An ideal re-ranker will exhibit the following two properties: (a) it should prefer the most relevant hypothesis for the given input as the top hypothesis and, (b) the interpretation scores corresponding to each hypothesis produced by the re-ranker should be calibrated. Calibration allows the final NLU interpretation score to be comparable across domains. We propose a novel re-ranker strategy that addresses these aspects, while also maintaining domain specific modularity. We design optimization loss functions for such a modularized re-ranker and present results on decreasing the top hypothesis error rate as well as maintaining the model calibration. We also experiment with an extension involving training the domain specific re-rankers on datasets curated independently by each domain to allow further asynchronization. %The proposed re-ranker design showcases the following: (i) improved NLU performance over an unweighted aggregation strategy, (ii) cross-domain calibrated performance and, (iii) support for use cases involving training each re-ranker on datasets curated by each domain independently.Comment: 7 pages, Accepted to IEEE SLT-201

    Active Learning for New Domains in Natural Language Understanding

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    We explore active learning (AL) for improving the accuracy of new domains in a natural language understanding (NLU) system. We propose an algorithm called Majority-CRF that uses an ensemble of classification models to guide the selection of relevant utterances, as well as a sequence labeling model to help prioritize informative examples. Experiments with three domains show that Majority-CRF achieves 6.6%-9% relative error rate reduction compared to random sampling with the same annotation budget, and statistically significant improvements compared to other AL approaches. Additionally, case studies with human-in-the-loop AL on six new domains show 4.6%-9% improvement on an existing NLU system.Comment: NAACL 201

    F10-SGD: Fast Training of Elastic-net Linear Models for Text Classification and Named-entity Recognition

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    Voice-assistants text classification and named-entity recognition (NER) models are trained on millions of example utterances. Because of the large datasets, long training time is one of the bottlenecks for releasing improved models. In this work, we develop F10-SGD, a fast optimizer for text classification and NER elastic-net linear models. On internal datasets, F10-SGD provides 4x reduction in training time compared to the OWL-QN optimizer without loss of accuracy or increase in model size. Furthermore, we incorporate biased sampling that prioritizes harder examples towards the end of the training. As a result, in addition to faster training, we were able to obtain statistically significant accuracy improvements for NER. On public datasets, F10-SGD obtains 22% faster training time compared to FastText for text classification. And, 4x reduction in training time compared to CRFSuite OWL-QN for NER

    One-vs-All Models for Asynchronous Training: An Empirical Analysis

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    Any given classification problem can be modeled using multi-class or One-vs-All (OVA) architecture. An OVA system consists of as many OVA models as the number of classes, providing the advantage of asynchrony, where each OVA model can be re-trained independent of other models. This is particularly advantageous in settings where scalable model training is a consideration (for instance in an industrial environment where multiple and frequent updates need to be made to the classification system). In this paper, we conduct empirical analysis on realizing independent updates to OVA models and its impact on the accuracy of the overall OVA system. Given that asynchronous updates lead to differences in training datasets for OVA models, we first define a metric to quantify the differences in datasets. Thereafter, using Natural Language Understanding as a task of interest, we estimate the impact of three factors: (i) number of classes, (ii) number of data points and, (iii) divergences in training datasets across OVA models; on the OVA system accuracy. Finally, we observe the accuracy impact of increased asynchrony in a Spoken Language Understanding system. We analyze the results and establish that the proposed metric correlates strongly with the model performances in both the experimental settings.Comment: 5 pages, Accepted to Interspeech 201

    Efficient Semi-Supervised Learning for Natural Language Understanding by Optimizing Diversity

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    Expanding new functionalities efficiently is an ongoing challenge for single-turn task-oriented dialogue systems. In this work, we explore functionality-specific semi-supervised learning via self-training. We consider methods that augment training data automatically from unlabeled data sets in a functionality-targeted manner. In addition, we examine multiple techniques for efficient selection of augmented utterances to reduce training time and increase diversity. First, we consider paraphrase detection methods that attempt to find utterance variants of labeled training data with good coverage. Second, we explore sub-modular optimization based on n-grams features for utterance selection. Experiments show that functionality-specific self-training is very effective for improving system performance. In addition, methods optimizing diversity can reduce training data in many cases to 50% with little impact on performance.Comment: IEEE Copyright. To appear at ASRU 201

    Does Robustness Improve Fairness? Approaching Fairness with Word Substitution Robustness Methods for Text Classification

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    Existing bias mitigation methods to reduce disparities in model outcomes across cohorts have focused on data augmentation, debiasing model embeddings, or adding fairness-based optimization objectives during training. Separately, certified word substitution robustness methods have been developed to decrease the impact of spurious features and synonym substitutions on model predictions. While their end goals are different, they both aim to encourage models to make the same prediction for certain changes in the input. In this paper, we investigate the utility of certified word substitution robustness methods to improve equality of odds and equality of opportunity on multiple text classification tasks. We observe that certified robustness methods improve fairness, and using both robustness and bias mitigation methods in training results in an improvement in both front