5 research outputs found

    Contact-Aware Controller Design for Complementarity Systems

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    While many robotic tasks, like manipulation and locomotion, are fundamentally based in making and breaking contact with the environment, state-of-the-art control policies struggle to deal with the hybrid nature of multi-contact motion. Such controllers often rely heavily upon heuristics or, due to the combinatoric structure in the dynamics, are unsuitable for real-time control. Principled deployment of tactile sensors offers a promising mechanism for stable and robust control, but modern approaches often use this data in an ad hoc manner, for instance to guide guarded moves. In this work, by exploiting the complementarity structure of contact dynamics, we propose a control framework which can close the loop on rich, tactile sensors. Critically, this framework is non-combinatoric, enabling optimization algorithms to automatically synthesize provably stable control policies. We demonstrate this approach on three different underactuated, multi-contact robotics problems.Comment: The work has been submitted to ICRA 202

    ContactNets: Learning Discontinuous Contact Dynamics with Smooth, Implicit Representations

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    Common methods for learning robot dynamics assume motion is continuous, causing unrealistic model predictions for systems undergoing discontinuous impact and stiction behavior. In this work, we resolve this conflict with a smooth, implicit encoding of the structure inherent to contact-induced discontinuities. Our method, ContactNets, learns parameterizations of inter-body signed distance and contact-frame Jacobians, a representation that is compatible with many simulation, control, and planning environments for robotics. We furthermore circumvent the need to differentiate through stiff or non-smooth dynamics with a novel loss function inspired by the principles of complementarity and maximum dissipation. Our method can predict realistic impact, non-penetration, and stiction when trained on 60 seconds of real-world data.Comment: S.P. and M.H. contributed equally to this work; Accepted to CoRL 202

    Describing Physics For Physical Reasoning: Force-based Sequential Manipulation Planning

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    Physical reasoning is a core aspect of intelligence in animals and humans. A central question is what model should be used as a basis for reasoning. Existing work considered models ranging from intuitive physics and physical simulators to contact dynamics models used in robotic manipulation and locomotion. In this work we propose descriptions of physics which directly allow us to leverage optimization methods for physical reasoning and sequential manipulation planning. The proposed multi-physics formulation enables the solver to mix various levels of abstraction and simplifications for different objects and phases of the solution. As an essential ingredient, we propose a specific parameterization of wrench exchange between object surfaces in a path optimization framework, introducing the point-of-attack as decision variable. We demonstrate the approach on various robot manipulation planning problems, such as grasping a stick in order to push or lift another object to a target, shifting and grasping a book from a shelve, and throwing an object to bounce towards a target

    Modeling and Analysis of Non-unique Behaviors in Multiple Frictional Impacts

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    Many fundamental challenges in robotics, based in manipulation or locomotion, require making and breaking contact with the environment. To represent the complexity of frictional contact events, impulsive impact models are especially popular, as they often lead to mathematically and computationally tractable approaches. However, when two or more impacts occur simultaneously, the precise sequencing of impact forces is generally unknown, leading to the potential for multiple possible outcomes. This simultaneity is far from pathological, and occurs in many common robotics applications. In this work, we propose an approach for resolving simultaneous frictional impacts, represented as a differential inclusion. Solutions to our model, an extension to multiple contacts of Routh's method, naturally capture the set of potential post-impact velocities.We prove that solutions to the presented model must terminate. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first such guarantee for set-valued outcomes to simultaneous frictional impacts.Comment: Robotics: Science and Systems 201

    Stabilization of Complementarity Systems via Contact-Aware Controllers

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    We propose a control framework which can utilize tactile information by exploiting the complementarity structure of contact dynamics. Since many robotic tasks, like manipulation and locomotion, are fundamentally based in making and breaking contact with the environment, state-of-the-art control policies struggle to deal with the hybrid nature of multi-contact motion. Such controllers often rely heavily upon heuristics or, due to the combinatorial structure in the dynamics, are unsuitable for real-time control. Principled deployment of tactile sensors offers a promising mechanism for stable and robust control, but modern approaches often use this data in an ad hoc manner, for instance to guide guarded moves. This framework can close the loop on tactile sensors and it is non-combinatorial, enabling optimization algorithms to automatically synthesize provably stable control policies. We demonstrate this approach on multiple numerical examples, including quasi-static friction problems and a high dimensional problem with ten contacts. We also validate our results on an experimental setup and show the effectiveness of the proposed method on an underactuated multi-contact system.Comment: The final preprint, accepted to T-RO. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1909.1122