9 research outputs found

    Complementaries to Kummer's degree seven reciprocity law and a Dickson Diophantine system

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    Let Q(ζ){\mathbb Q}(\zeta) be the cyclotomic field obtained from Q{\mathbb Q} by adjoining a primitive seventh root of unity ζ\zeta. Normalized primary elements of this field are characterized and related to Jacobi sums and to solutions of a system of quadratic Diophantine equations of Dickson type involving a rational prime p≡1(mod7)p\equiv 1\pmod{7}. These objects and their connection are then used to give another formulation of the complementary laws to Kummer's reciprocity law of degree seven

    The Eleventh Power Residue Symbol

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    This paper presents an efficient algorithm for computing 11th11^{\mathrm{th}}-power residue symbols in the cyclotomic field Q(ζ11)\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_{11}), where ζ11\zeta_{11} is a primitive 11th11^{\mathrm{th}} root of unity. It extends an earlier algorithm due to Caranay and Scheidler (Int. J. Number Theory, 2010) for the 7th7^{\mathrm{th}}-power residue symbol. The new algorithm finds applications in the implementation of certain cryptographic schemes

    New Number-Theoretic Cryptographic Primitives

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    This paper introduces new prqp^r q-based one-way functions and companion signature schemes. The new signature schemes are interesting because they do not belong to the two common design blueprints, which are the inversion of a trapdoor permutation and the Fiat--Shamir transform. In the basic signature scheme, the signer generates multiple RSA-like moduli ni=pi2qin_i = p_i^2 q_i and keeps their factors secret. The signature is a bounded-size prime whose Jacobi symbols with respect to the nin_i\u27s match the message digest. The generalized signature schemes replace the Jacobi symbol with higher-power residue symbols. Given of their very unique design the proposed signature schemes seem to be overlooked missing species in the corpus of known signature algorithms

    Efficient Cryptosystems From 2k2^k-th Power Residue Symbols

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    Goldwasser and Micali (1984) highlighted the importance of randomizing the plaintext for public-key encryption and introduced the notion of semantic security. They also realized a cryptosystem meeting this security notion under the standard complexity assumption of deciding quadratic residuosity modulo a composite number. The Goldwasser-Micali cryptosystem is simple and elegant but is quite wasteful in bandwidth when encrypting large messages. A number of works followed to address this issue and proposed various modifications. This paper revisits the original Goldwasser-Micali cryptosystem using 2^k-th power residue symbols. The so-obtained cryptosystems appear as a very natural generalization for k >= 2 (the case k = 1 corresponds exactly to the Goldwasser-Micali cryptosystem). Advantageously, they are efficient in both bandwidth and speed; in particular, they allow for fast decryption. Further, the cryptosystems described in this paper inherit the useful features of the original cryptosystem (like its homomorphic property) and are shown to be secure under a similar complexity assumption. As a prominent application, this paper describes an efficient lossy trapdoor function based thereon

    A Public-Key Cryptosystem Utilizing Cyclotomic Fields

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    Abstract. While it is well-known that the RSA public-key cryptosystem can be broken if its modulus N can be factored, it is not known whether there are other ways of breaking RSA. This paper presents a public-key scheme which necessarily requires knowledge of the factorization of its modulus in order to be broken. Rabin introduced the first system whose security is equivalent to the difficulty of factoring the modulus. His scheme is based on squaring (cubing) for encryption and extracting square (cube) roots for decryption. This introduces a 1:4 (1:9) ambiguity in the decryption. Various schemes which overcome this problem have been introduced for both the quadratic and cubic case. We generalize the ideas of Williams' cubic system to larger prime exponents. The cases of higher prime order introduce a number of problems not encountered in the quadratic and cubic cases, namely the existence of fundamental units in the underlying cyclotomic field, the evaluation of higher power residue symbols, and the increased difficulty of Euclidean division in the field

    Short undeniable signatures:design, analysis, and applications

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    Digital signatures are one of the main achievements of public-key cryptography and constitute a fundamental tool to ensure data authentication. Although their universal verifiability has the advantage to facilitate their verification by the recipient, this property may have undesirable consequences when dealing with sensitive and private information. Motivated by such considerations, undeniable signatures, whose verification requires the cooperation of the signer in an interactive way, were invented. This thesis is mainly devoted to the design and analysis of short undeniable signatures. Exploiting their online property, we can achieve signatures with a fully scalable size depending on the security requirements. To this end, we develop a general framework based on the interpolation of group elements by a group homomorphism, leading to the design of a generic undeniable signature scheme. On the one hand, this paradigm allows to consider some previous undeniable signature schemes in a unified setting. On the other hand, by selecting group homomorphisms with a small group range, we obtain very short signatures. After providing theoretical results related to the interpolation of group homomorphisms, we develop some interactive proofs in which the prover convinces a verifier of the interpolation (resp. non-interpolation) of some given points by a group homomorphism which he keeps secret. Based on these protocols, we devise our new undeniable signature scheme and prove its security in a formal way. We theoretically analyze the special class of group characters on Z*n. After studying algorithmic aspects of the homomorphism evaluation, we compare the efficiency of different homomorphisms and show that the Legendre symbol leads to the fastest signature generation. We investigate potential applications based on the specific properties of our signature scheme. Finally, in a topic closely related to undeniable signatures, we revisit the designated confirmer signature of Chaum and formally prove the security of a generalized version