3 research outputs found

    Anonymous Credentials Light

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    We define and propose an efficient and provably secure construction of blind signatures with attributes. Prior notions of blind signatures did not yield themselves to the construction of anonymous credential systems, not even if we drop the unlinkability requirement of anonymous credentials. Our new notion in contrast is a convenient building block for anonymous credential systems. The construction we propose is efficient: it requires just a few exponentiations in a prime-order group in which the decisional Diffie-Hellman problem is hard. Thus, for the first time, we give a provably secure construction of anonymous credentials that can work in the elliptic group setting without bilinear pairings. In contrast, prior provably secure constructions were based on the RSA group or on groups with pairings, which made them prohibitively inefficient for mobile devices, RFIDs and smartcards. The only prior efficient construction that could work in such elliptic curve groups, due to Brands, does not have a proof of security

    Provably Secure Blind Signature Schemes

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    In this paper, we give a provably secure design for blind signatures, the most important ingredient for anonymity in off-line electronic cash systems. Previous examples of blind signature schemes were constructed from traditional signature schemes with only the additional proof of blindness. The design of some of the underlying signature schemes can be validated by a proof in the so-called random oracle model, but the security of the original signature scheme does not, by itself, imply the security of the blind version. In this paper, we first propose a definition of security for blind signatures, with application to electronic cash. Next, we focus on a specific example which can be successfully transformed in a provably secure blind signature scheme