1 research outputs found

    A Proposed Categorical Semantics for ML Modules

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    We present a simple categorical semantics for ML signatures, structures and functors. Our approach relies on realizablity semantics in the category of assemblies. Signatures and structures are modelled as objects in slices of the category of assemblies. Instantiation of signatures to structures and hence functor application is modelled by pullback. 1 Introduction Building on work on the semantics of programming languages in realizability models, in particular that of Wesley Phoa [Pho90] and John Longley [Lon95], we sketch a simple approach to elements of the ML modules system, such as signatures, structures and functors. Once the basic machinery is set up, we will need only quite basic category theory. This paper is an updated and completely revised version of an earlier paper by Michael Fourman and Wesley Phoa [PF92]. The construction of "generic" (in a sense to be defined below) elements and types presented here is essentially the same as in that paper. However, our presentation is ..