5 research outputs found

    k-hop Graph Neural Networks

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged recently as a powerful architecture for learning node and graph representations. Standard GNNs have the same expressive power as the Weisfeiler-Leman test of graph isomorphism in terms of distinguishing non-isomorphic graphs. However, it was recently shown that this test cannot identify fundamental graph properties such as connectivity and triangle freeness. We show that GNNs also suffer from the same limitation. To address this limitation, we propose a more expressive architecture, k-hop GNNs, which updates a node's representation by aggregating information not only from its direct neighbors, but from its k-hop neighborhood. We show that the proposed architecture can identify fundamental graph properties. We evaluate the proposed architecture on standard node classification and graph classification datasets. Our experimental evaluation confirms our theoretical findings since the proposed model achieves performance better or comparable to standard GNNs and to state-of-the-art algorithms.Comment: Accepted at Neural Network

    A Survey on Graph Kernels

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    Graph kernels have become an established and widely-used technique for solving classification tasks on graphs. This survey gives a comprehensive overview of techniques for kernel-based graph classification developed in the past 15 years. We describe and categorize graph kernels based on properties inherent to their design, such as the nature of their extracted graph features, their method of computation and their applicability to problems in practice. In an extensive experimental evaluation, we study the classification accuracy of a large suite of graph kernels on established benchmarks as well as new datasets. We compare the performance of popular kernels with several baseline methods and study the effect of applying a Gaussian RBF kernel to the metric induced by a graph kernel. In doing so, we find that simple baselines become competitive after this transformation on some datasets. Moreover, we study the extent to which existing graph kernels agree in their predictions (and prediction errors) and obtain a data-driven categorization of kernels as result. Finally, based on our experimental results, we derive a practitioner's guide to kernel-based graph classification