7,865 research outputs found

    Bidimensionality and Geometric Graphs

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    In this paper we use several of the key ideas from Bidimensionality to give a new generic approach to design EPTASs and subexponential time parameterized algorithms for problems on classes of graphs which are not minor closed, but instead exhibit a geometric structure. In particular we present EPTASs and subexponential time parameterized algorithms for Feedback Vertex Set, Vertex Cover, Connected Vertex Cover, Diamond Hitting Set, on map graphs and unit disk graphs, and for Cycle Packing and Minimum-Vertex Feedback Edge Set on unit disk graphs. Our results are based on the recent decomposition theorems proved by Fomin et al [SODA 2011], and our algorithms work directly on the input graph. Thus it is not necessary to compute the geometric representations of the input graph. To the best of our knowledge, these results are previously unknown, with the exception of the EPTAS and a subexponential time parameterized algorithm on unit disk graphs for Vertex Cover, which were obtained by Marx [ESA 2005] and Alber and Fiala [J. Algorithms 2004], respectively. We proceed to show that our approach can not be extended in its full generality to more general classes of geometric graphs, such as intersection graphs of unit balls in R^d, d >= 3. Specifically we prove that Feedback Vertex Set on unit-ball graphs in R^3 neither admits PTASs unless P=NP, nor subexponential time algorithms unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis fails. Additionally, we show that the decomposition theorems which our approach is based on fail for disk graphs and that therefore any extension of our results to disk graphs would require new algorithmic ideas. On the other hand, we prove that our EPTASs and subexponential time algorithms for Vertex Cover and Connected Vertex Cover carry over both to disk graphs and to unit-ball graphs in R^d for every fixed d

    The Graph Motif problem parameterized by the structure of the input graph

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    The Graph Motif problem was introduced in 2006 in the context of biological networks. It consists of deciding whether or not a multiset of colors occurs in a connected subgraph of a vertex-colored graph. Graph Motif has been mostly analyzed from the standpoint of parameterized complexity. The main parameters which came into consideration were the size of the multiset and the number of colors. Though, in the many applications of Graph Motif, the input graph originates from real-life and has structure. Motivated by this prosaic observation, we systematically study its complexity relatively to graph structural parameters. For a wide range of parameters, we give new or improved FPT algorithms, or show that the problem remains intractable. For the FPT cases, we also give some kernelization lower bounds as well as some ETH-based lower bounds on the worst case running time. Interestingly, we establish that Graph Motif is W[1]-hard (while in W[P]) for parameter max leaf number, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the first problem to behave this way.Comment: 24 pages, accepted in DAM, conference version in IPEC 201

    From Gap-ETH to FPT-Inapproximability: Clique, Dominating Set, and More

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    We consider questions that arise from the intersection between the areas of polynomial-time approximation algorithms, subexponential-time algorithms, and fixed-parameter tractable algorithms. The questions, which have been asked several times (e.g., [Marx08, FGMS12, DF13]), are whether there is a non-trivial FPT-approximation algorithm for the Maximum Clique (Clique) and Minimum Dominating Set (DomSet) problems parameterized by the size of the optimal solution. In particular, letting OPT\text{OPT} be the optimum and NN be the size of the input, is there an algorithm that runs in t(OPT)poly(N)t(\text{OPT})\text{poly}(N) time and outputs a solution of size f(OPT)f(\text{OPT}), for any functions tt and ff that are independent of NN (for Clique, we want f(OPT)=ω(1)f(\text{OPT})=\omega(1))? In this paper, we show that both Clique and DomSet admit no non-trivial FPT-approximation algorithm, i.e., there is no o(OPT)o(\text{OPT})-FPT-approximation algorithm for Clique and no f(OPT)f(\text{OPT})-FPT-approximation algorithm for DomSet, for any function ff (e.g., this holds even if ff is the Ackermann function). In fact, our results imply something even stronger: The best way to solve Clique and DomSet, even approximately, is to essentially enumerate all possibilities. Our results hold under the Gap Exponential Time Hypothesis (Gap-ETH) [Dinur16, MR16], which states that no 2o(n)2^{o(n)}-time algorithm can distinguish between a satisfiable 3SAT formula and one which is not even (1ϵ)(1 - \epsilon)-satisfiable for some constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. Besides Clique and DomSet, we also rule out non-trivial FPT-approximation for Maximum Balanced Biclique, Maximum Subgraphs with Hereditary Properties, and Maximum Induced Matching in bipartite graphs. Additionally, we rule out ko(1)k^{o(1)}-FPT-approximation algorithm for Densest kk-Subgraph although this ratio does not yet match the trivial O(k)O(k)-approximation algorithm.Comment: 43 pages. To appear in FOCS'1