5 research outputs found

    Various criteria in the evaluation of biomedical named entity recognition

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    BACKGROUND: Text mining in the biomedical domain is receiving increasing attention. A key component of this process is named entity recognition (NER). Generally speaking, two annotated corpora, GENIA and GENETAG, are most frequently used for training and testing biomedical named entity recognition (Bio-NER) systems. JNLPBA and BioCreAtIvE are two major Bio-NER tasks using these corpora. Both tasks take different approaches to corpus annotation and use different matching criteria to evaluate system performance. This paper details these differences and describes alternative criteria. We then examine the impact of different criteria and annotation schemes on system performance by retesting systems participated in the above two tasks. RESULTS: To analyze the difference between JNLPBA's and BioCreAtIvE's evaluation, we conduct Experiment 1 to evaluate the top four JNLPBA systems using BioCreAtIvE's classification scheme. We then compare them with the top four BioCreAtIvE systems. Among them, three systems participated in both tasks, and each has an F-score lower on JNLPBA than on BioCreAtIvE. In Experiment 2, we apply hypothesis testing and correlation coefficient to find alternatives to BioCreAtIvE's evaluation scheme. It shows that right-match and left-match criteria have no significant difference with BioCreAtIvE. In Experiment 3, we propose a customized relaxed-match criterion that uses right match and merges JNLPBA's five NE classes into two, which achieves an F-score of 81.5%. In Experiment 4, we evaluate a range of five matching criteria from loose to strict on the top JNLPBA system and examine the percentage of false negatives. Our experiment gives the relative change in precision, recall and F-score as matching criteria are relaxed. CONCLUSION: In many applications, biomedical NEs could have several acceptable tags, which might just differ in their left or right boundaries. However, most corpora annotate only one of them. In our experiment, we found that right match and left match can be appropriate alternatives to JNLPBA and BioCreAtIvE's matching criteria. In addition, our relaxed-match criterion demonstrates that users can define their own relaxed criteria that correspond more realistically to their application requirements

    Systematic feature evaluation for gene name recognition

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    In task 1A of the BioCreAtIvE evaluation, systems had to be devised that recognize words and phrases forming gene or protein names in natural language sentences. We approach this problem by building a word classification system based on a sliding window approach with a Support Vector Machine, combined with a pattern-based post-processing for the recognition of phrases. The performance of such a system crucially depends on the type of features chosen for consideration by the classification method, such as pre- or postfixes, character n-grams, patterns of capitalization, or classification of preceding or following words. We present a systematic approach to evaluate the performance of different feature sets based on recursive feature elimination, RFE. Based on a systematic reduction of the number of features used by the system, we can quantify the impact of different feature sets on the results of the word classification problem. This helps us to identify descriptive features, to learn about the structure of the problem, and to design systems that are faster and easier to understand. We observe that the SVM is robust to redundant features. RFE improves the performance by 0.7%, compared to using the complete set of attributes. Moreover, a performance that is only 2.3% below this maximum can be obtained using fewer than 5% of the features

    Retrieval with gene queries

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    BACKGROUND: Accuracy of document retrieval from MEDLINE for gene queries is crucially important for many applications in bioinformatics. We explore five information retrieval-based methods to rank documents retrieved by PubMed gene queries for the human genome. The aim is to rank relevant documents higher in the retrieved list. We address the special challenges faced due to ambiguity in gene nomenclature: gene terms that refer to multiple genes, gene terms that are also English words, and gene terms that have other biological meanings. RESULTS: Our two baseline ranking strategies are quite similar in performance. Two of our three LocusLink-based strategies offer significant improvements. These methods work very well even when there is ambiguity in the gene terms. Our best ranking strategy offers significant improvements on three different kinds of ambiguities over our two baseline strategies (improvements range from 15.9% to 17.7% and 11.7% to 13.3% depending on the baseline). For most genes the best ranking query is one that is built from the LocusLink (now Entrez Gene) summary and product information along with the gene names and aliases. For others, the gene names and aliases suffice. We also present an approach that successfully predicts, for a given gene, which of these two ranking queries is more appropriate. CONCLUSION: We explore the effect of different post-retrieval strategies on the ranking of documents returned by PubMed for human gene queries. We have successfully applied some of these strategies to improve the ranking of relevant documents in the retrieved sets. This holds true even when various kinds of ambiguity are encountered. We feel that it would be very useful to apply strategies like ours on PubMed search results as these are not ordered by relevance in any way. This is especially so for queries that retrieve a large number of documents

    Text Mining and Gene Expression Analysis Towards Combined Interpretation of High Throughput Data

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    Microarrays can capture gene expression activity for thousands of genes simultaneously and thus make it possible to analyze cell physiology and disease processes on molecular level. The interpretation of microarray gene expression experiments profits from knowledge on the analyzed genes and proteins and the biochemical networks in which they play a role. The trend is towards the development of data analysis methods that integrate diverse data types. Currently, the most comprehensive biomedical knowledge source is a large repository of free text articles. Text mining makes it possible to automatically extract and use information from texts. This thesis addresses two key aspects, biomedical text mining and gene expression data analysis, with the focus on providing high-quality methods and data that contribute to the development of integrated analysis approaches. The work is structured in three parts. Each part begins by providing the relevant background, and each chapter describes the developed methods as well as applications and results. Part I deals with biomedical text mining: Chapter 2 summarizes the relevant background of text mining; it describes text mining fundamentals, important text mining tasks, applications and particularities of text mining in the biomedical domain, and evaluation issues. In Chapter 3, a method for generating high-quality gene and protein name dictionaries is described. The analysis of the generated dictionaries revealed important properties of individual nomenclatures and the used databases (Fundel and Zimmer, 2006). The dictionaries are publicly available via a Wiki, a web service, and several client applications (Szugat et al., 2005). In Chapter 4, methods for the dictionary-based recognition of gene and protein names in texts and their mapping onto unique database identifiers are described. These methods make it possible to extract information from texts and to integrate text-derived information with data from other sources. Three named entity identification systems have been set up, two of them building upon the previously existing tool ProMiner (Hanisch et al., 2003). All of them have shown very good performance in the BioCreAtIvE challenges (Fundel et al., 2005a; Hanisch et al., 2005; Fundel and Zimmer, 2007). In Chapter 5, a new method for relation extraction (Fundel et al., 2007) is presented. It was applied on the largest collection of biomedical literature abstracts, and thus a comprehensive network of human gene and protein relations has been generated. A classification approach (KĆ¼ffner et al., 2006) can be used to specify relation types further; e. g., as activating, direct physical, or gene regulatory relation. Part II deals with gene expression data analysis: Gene expression data needs to be processed so that differentially expressed genes can be identified. Gene expression data processing consists of several sequential steps. Two important steps are normalization, which aims at removing systematic variances between measurements, and quantification of differential expression by p-value and fold change determination. Numerous methods exist for these tasks. Chapter 6 describes the relevant background of gene expression data analysis; it presents the biological and technical principles of microarrays and gives an overview of the most relevant data processing steps. Finally, it provides a short introduction to osteoarthritis, which is in the focus of the analyzed gene expression data sets. In Chapter 7, quality criteria for the selection of normalization methods are described, and a method for the identification of differentially expressed genes is proposed, which is appropriate for data with large intensity variances between spots representing the same gene (Fundel et al., 2005b). Furthermore, a system is described that selects an appropriate combination of feature selection method and classifier, and thus identifies genes which lead to good classification results and show consistent behavior in different sample subgroups (Davis et al., 2006). The analysis of several gene expression data sets dealing with osteoarthritis is described in Chapter 8. This chapter contains the biomedical analysis of relevant disease processes and distinct disease stages (Aigner et al., 2006a), and a comparison of various microarray platforms and osteoarthritis models. Part III deals with integrated approaches and thus provides the connection between parts I and II: Chapter 9 gives an overview of different types of integrated data analysis approaches, with a focus on approaches that integrate gene expression data with manually compiled data, large-scale networks, or text mining. In Chapter 10, a method for the identification of genes which are consistently regulated and have a coherent literature background (KĆ¼ffner et al., 2005) is described. This method indicates how gene and protein name identification and gene expression data can be integrated to return clusters which contain genes that are relevant for the respective experiment together with literature information that supports interpretation. Finally, in Chapter 11 ideas on how the described methods can contribute to current research and possible future directions are presented