5 research outputs found

    Exploiting sparsity to build efficient kernel based collaborative filtering for top-N item recommendation

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    The increasing availability of implicit feedback datasets has raised the interest in developing effective collaborative filtering techniques able to deal asymmetrically with unambiguous positive feedback and ambiguous negative feedback. In this paper, we propose a principled kernel-based collaborative filtering method for top-N item recommendation with implicit feedback. We present an efficient implementation using the linear kernel, and we show how to generalize it to kernels of the dot product family preserving the efficiency. We also investigate on the elements which influence the sparsity of a standard cosine kernel. This analysis shows that the sparsity of the kernel strongly depends on the properties of the dataset, in particular on the long tail distribution. We compare our method with state-of-the-art algorithms achieving good results both in terms of efficiency and effectiveness

    Exploiting sparsity to build efficient kernel based collaborative filtering for top-N item recommendation

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    The increasing availability of implicit feedback datasets has raised the interest in developing effective collaborative filtering techniques able to deal asymmetrically with unambiguous positive feedback and ambiguous negative feedback. In this paper, we propose a principled kernel-based collaborative filtering method for top-N item recommendation with implicit feedback. We present an efficient implementation using the linear kernel, and we show how to generalize it to kernels of the dot product family preserving the efficiency. We also investigate on the elements which influence the sparsity of a standard cosine kernel. This analysis shows that the sparsity of the kernel strongly depends on the properties of the dataset, in particular on the long tail distribution. We compare our method with state-of-the-art algorithms achieving good results both in terms of efficiency and effectiveness

    Subgroup Preference Neural Network.

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    Subgroup label ranking aims to rank groups of labels using a single ranking model, is a new problem faced in preference learning. This paper introduces the Subgroup Preference Neural Network (SGPNN) that combines multiple networks have different activation function, learning rate, and output layer into one artificial neural network (ANN) to discover the hidden relation between the subgroups' multi-labels. The SGPNN is a feedforward (FF), partially connected network that has a single middle layer and uses stairstep (SS) multi-valued activation function to enhance the prediction's probability and accelerate the ranking convergence. The novel structure of the proposed SGPNN consists of a multi-activation function neuron (MAFN) in the middle layer to rank each subgroup independently. The SGPNN uses gradient ascent to maximize the Spearman ranking correlation between the groups of labels. Each label is represented by an output neuron that has a single SS function. The proposed SGPNN using conjoint dataset outperforms the other label ranking methods which uses each dataset individually. The proposed SGPNN achieves an average accuracy of 91.4% using the conjoint dataset compared to supervised clustering, decision tree, multilayer perceptron label ranking and label ranking forests that achieve an average accuracy of 60%, 84.8%, 69.2% and 73%, respectively, using the individual dataset

    A Preference Model for Structured Supervised Learning Tasks

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    The preference model introduced in this paper gives a natural framework and a principled solution for a broad class of supervised learning problems with structured predictions, such as predicting orders (label and instance ranking), and predicting rates (classification and ordinal regression). We show how all these problems can be cast as linear problems in an augmented space, and we propose an on-line method to efficiently solve them. Experiments on an ordinal regression task confirm the effectiveness of the approach