7 research outputs found

    Impact of Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic and Electric Stimuli on Vestibular-Driven Outcomes

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    The vestibular system is extremely sensitive to electric fields (E-fields). Indeed, vestibular hair cells are graded potential cells and this property makes them very susceptible to small membrane potential modulations. Studies show that extremely low-frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MF) induced E-fields impact postural control in which the vestibular system plays an important role. However, the knowledge of whether this is indeed a vestibular specific effect is still pending. Considering its crucial role and the specific neurophysiological characteristics of its hair cells, the vestibular system emerges as an ELF-MF likely target The three studies presented in this thesis aimed to further address whether ELF-MF modulate vestibular-driven outcomes. Studies 1 and 2 aimed to investigate postural responses while more specifically targeting the vestibular system. However, we did not find any modulation in either study. Nonetheless, based on both studies, study 3 aimed to determine whether the orientation and frequency of our stimulations were more likely to target the otoliths. Therefore, the third study looked at the subjective visual vertical. Here, we found a potential ELF-MF utricular modulation. This thesis is the first steppingstone in a new field of research. Further investigations regarding the interaction between the ELF-MF and the vestibular system will have to look at more reflexives vestibular outcomes. Nonetheless, this thesis provides valuable information that will need to be taken into consideration when writing future international guidelines and standards related to ELF-MF

    A Powerline-Tuned Camera Trigger for AC Illumination Flickering Reduction

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    Magnetometry and microscopy of cold atom clouds

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    This thesis covers experimental work conducted within two distinct fields of cold-atom physics. The first part describes an experiment capable of spatially-selective dispersive measurements of a cold-atomic system in part or in whole, by virtue of a digital micromirror device (DMD). Atom clouds are trapped in optical tweezers made and controlled by an acousto-optical deflector. Two types of high-precision magnetometers are realised. One is vectorial and reaches a single-shot precision of dB = (100, 200) µG for the field components parallel and transversal to the probe light, exceeding a previous realisation by two orders of magnitude. The other is a scalar magnetometer based on Larmor precession and reaches dB = 30 µG, putting it on equal footing with other state-of-the-art cold-atom magnetometers. The second part is devoted to the characterisation and the first results of a new quantum gas microscope experiment. It features a 0.69 NA microscope objective for high-resolution fluorescence imaging of individual atoms trapped in deep optical lattices. The imaging system is shown to perform near the diffraction limit. By means of DMD-generated off-resonant tight optical tweezers, projected through the high-resolution optics, we can load only a few planes of a co-propagating 1D lattice. In a single realisation of the experiment we acquire multiple fluorescence images, where the objective is translated between images, bringing different planes of the optical lattices in focus. In this way we can tomographically reconstruct the atom distribution in 3D.Þessi ritgerð gerir grein fyrir tilraunum innan tveggja sviða eðlisfræði kaldra atómskýja. Fyrri hlutinn lýsir tilraunum sem gera kleifar mælingar á köldum atómskýjum að hluta eða í heild. Til þessa er beitt tvísturhluta víxlverkunar atóms og ljóss, og er mæliljósið mótað með stafrænum ljósvarpa (e. digital micromirror device). Atómskýin fanga smáar ljóstangir sem stýrt er með mótara hljóð-ljóshrifa (e. acousto-optical de ector). Í þessu kerfi voru útbúnar tvær gerðir návæmra segulsviðsmæla. Annar mælir vigursvið og nær nákvæmni B = (100; 200) uG í einni mælilotu, á þáttum segulsviðsins samsíða og hornrétt á stefnu mæliljóssins. Þar með bætir mælirinn nákvæmni þessarar tækni um tvö stærðarþrep. Hinn mælirinn byggir á Larmor pólveltu og mælir því aðeins stig sviðsins, en hann er í eðli sínu hittinn. Sá nær B = 30 uG nákvæmni, til jafns við það sem náðst hefur með öðrum segulmælum í köldum atómskýjum. Seinni hluti ritgerðarinnar Fjallar um uppbyggingu og fyrstu niðurstöður úr nýrri smásjártilraun fyrir skammtagös. Í smásjánni er hlutgler með ljósopstölu 0,69, nýtt tilmyndunar í hárri upplausn á ¬úrljósi frá einstökum atómum, sem fönguð eru í djúpu mætti þrívíðra ljósgrinda. Gæði ¬úrmyndanna eru því sem næst eingöngu takmörkuð af öldubeygju ljóssins. Örsmáum ljóstöngum með ljóstíðni fjarri hermu atómsins, er varpað gegnum hlutglerið með hjálp stafræns ljósvarpa. Í þeim sitja lítil atómský sem færa má yfir örfáar sléttur einvíðrar ljósgrindar. Í einni mælilotu eru teknar nokkrar fl¬úrmyndir þar sem hlutglerið er flutt millimynda, sem færir mismunandi sléttur ljósgrindarinnar í brennipunkt myndkerfisins. Þannig má endurskapa rúmlæga dreifingu atómanna í þrívídd

    Expanding Eco-Visualization: Sculpting Corn Production

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    This dissertation expands upon the definition of eco-visualization artwork. EV was originally defined in 2006 by Tiffany Holmes as a way to display the real time consumption statistics of key environmental resources for the goal of promoting ecological literacy. I assert that the final forms of EV artworks are not necessarily dependent on technology, and can differ in terms of media used, in that they can be sculptural, video-based, or static two-dimensional forms that communicate interpreted environmental information. There are two main categories of EV: one that is predominantly screen-based and another that employs a variety of modes of representation to visualize environmental information. EVs are political acts, situated in a charged climate of rising awareness, operating within the context of environmentalism and sustainability. I discuss a variety of EV works within the frame of ecopsychology, including EcoArtTech’s Eclipse and Keith Deverell’s Building Run; Andrea Polli’s Cloud Car and Particle Falls; Nathalie Miebach’s series, The Sandy Rides; and Natalie Jeremijenko’s Mussel Choir. The range of EV works provided models for my creative project, Sculpting Corn Production, and a foundation from which I developed a creative methodology. Working to defeat my experience of solastalgia, Sculpting Corn Production is a series of discrete paper sculptures focusing on American industrial corn farming. This EV also functions as a way for me to understand our devastated monoculture landscapes and the politics, economics, and related areas of ecology of our food production

    Proceedings of the 7th International Conference EEDAL 2013 Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting

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    This book contains the papers presented at the seventh international conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting. EEDAL'2013 was organised in Coimbra, Portugal in September 2013. This major international conference, which was previously been staged in Florence 1997, Naples 2000, Turin 2003, London 2006, B2e0r0l9in, Copenhagen 2011 has been very successful in attracting an international community of stakeholders dealing with residential appliances, equipment, metering liagnhdti ng (including manufacturers, retailers, consumers, governments, international organisations aangde ncies, academia and experts) to discuss the progress achieved in technologies, behavioural aspects and poliacineds , the strategies that need to be implemented to further progress this important work. Potential readers who may benefit from this book include researchers, engineers, policymakers, and all those who can influence the design, selection, application, and operation of electrical appliances and lighting.JRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc

    Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting

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    At the EEDAL'15 conference 128 papers dealing with energy consumption and energy efficiency improvements for the residential sector have been presented. Papers focused policies and programmes, technologies and consumer behaviour. Special focus was on standards and labels, demand response and smart meters. All the paper s have been peer reviewed by experts in the sector.JRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc

    Proceedings of the 6th International Conference EEDAL'11 Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting

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    This book contains the papers presented at the sixth international conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting. EEDAL'11 was organised in Copenhagen, Denmark in May 2011. This major international conference, which was previously been staged in Florence 1997, Naples 2000, Turin 2003, London 2006, Berlin 200h9a s been very successful in attracting an international community of stakeholders dealing with residential appliances, equipment, metering liagnhdti ng (including manufacturers, retailers, consumers, governments, international organisations aangde ncies, academia and experts) to discuss the progress achieved in technologies, behavioural aspects and poliacineds , the strategies that need to be implemented to further progress this important work. Potential readers who may benefit from this book include researchers, engineers, policymakers, and all those who can influence the design, selection, application, and operation of electrical appliances and lighting.JRC.F.7-Renewable Energ