36,254 research outputs found

    WPU-Net: Boundary Learning by Using Weighted Propagation in Convolution Network

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    Deep learning has driven a great progress in natural and biological image processing. However, in material science and engineering, there are often some flaws and indistinctions in material microscopic images induced from complex sample preparation, even due to the material itself, hindering the detection of target objects. In this work, we propose WPU-net that redesigns the architecture and weighted loss of U-Net, which forces the network to integrate information from adjacent slices and pays more attention to the topology in boundary detection task. Then, the WPU-net is applied into a typical material example, i.e., the grain boundary detection of polycrystalline material. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves promising performance and outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Besides, we propose a new method for object tracking between adjacent slices, which can effectively reconstruct 3D structure of the whole material. Finally, we present a material microscopic image dataset with the goal of advancing the state-of-the-art in image processing for material science.Comment: technical repor

    git2net - Mining Time-Stamped Co-Editing Networks from Large git Repositories

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    Data from software repositories have become an important foundation for the empirical study of software engineering processes. A recurring theme in the repository mining literature is the inference of developer networks capturing e.g. collaboration, coordination, or communication from the commit history of projects. Most of the studied networks are based on the co-authorship of software artefacts defined at the level of files, modules, or packages. While this approach has led to insights into the social aspects of software development, it neglects detailed information on code changes and code ownership, e.g. which exact lines of code have been authored by which developers, that is contained in the commit log of software projects. Addressing this issue, we introduce git2net, a scalable python software that facilitates the extraction of fine-grained co-editing networks in large git repositories. It uses text mining techniques to analyse the detailed history of textual modifications within files. This information allows us to construct directed, weighted, and time-stamped networks, where a link signifies that one developer has edited a block of source code originally written by another developer. Our tool is applied in case studies of an Open Source and a commercial software project. We argue that it opens up a massive new source of high-resolution data on human collaboration patterns.Comment: MSR 2019, 12 pages, 10 figure

    Are all the frames equally important?

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    In this work, we address the problem of measuring and predicting temporal video saliency - a metric which defines the importance of a video frame for human attention. Unlike the conventional spatial saliency which defines the location of the salient regions within a frame (as it is done for still images), temporal saliency considers importance of a frame as a whole and may not exist apart from context. The proposed interface is an interactive cursor-based algorithm for collecting experimental data about temporal saliency. We collect the first human responses and perform their analysis. As a result, we show that qualitatively, the produced scores have very explicit meaning of the semantic changes in a frame, while quantitatively being highly correlated between all the observers. Apart from that, we show that the proposed tool can simultaneously collect fixations similar to the ones produced by eye-tracker in a more affordable way. Further, this approach may be used for creation of first temporal saliency datasets which will allow training computational predictive algorithms. The proposed interface does not rely on any special equipment, which allows to run it remotely and cover a wide audience.Comment: CHI'20 Late Breaking Work

    Learning Combinatorial Embedding Networks for Deep Graph Matching

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    Graph matching refers to finding node correspondence between graphs, such that the corresponding node and edge's affinity can be maximized. In addition with its NP-completeness nature, another important challenge is effective modeling of the node-wise and structure-wise affinity across graphs and the resulting objective, to guide the matching procedure effectively finding the true matching against noises. To this end, this paper devises an end-to-end differentiable deep network pipeline to learn the affinity for graph matching. It involves a supervised permutation loss regarding with node correspondence to capture the combinatorial nature for graph matching. Meanwhile deep graph embedding models are adopted to parameterize both intra-graph and cross-graph affinity functions, instead of the traditional shallow and simple parametric forms e.g. a Gaussian kernel. The embedding can also effectively capture the higher-order structure beyond second-order edges. The permutation loss model is agnostic to the number of nodes, and the embedding model is shared among nodes such that the network allows for varying numbers of nodes in graphs for training and inference. Moreover, our network is class-agnostic with some generalization capability across different categories. All these features are welcomed for real-world applications. Experiments show its superiority against state-of-the-art graph matching learning methods.Comment: ICCV2019 oral. Code available at https://github.com/Thinklab-SJTU/PCA-G
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