251 research outputs found

    Chains of modular elements and shellability

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    Let L be a lattice admitting a left-modular chain of length r, not necessarily maximal. We show that if either L is graded or the chain is modular, then the (r-2)-skeleton of L is vertex-decomposable (hence shellable). This proves a conjecture of Hersh. Under certain circumstances, we can find shellings of higher skeleta. For instance, if the left-modular chain consists of every other element of some maximum length chain, then L itself is shellable. We apply these results to give a new characterization of finite solvable groups in terms of the topology of subgroup lattices. Our main tool relaxes the conditions for an EL-labeling, allowing multiple ascending chains as long as they are lexicographically before non-ascending chains. We extend results from the theory of EL-shellable posets to such labelings. The shellability of certain skeleta is one such result. Another is that a poset with such a labeling is homotopy equivalent (by discrete Morse theory) to a cell complex with cells in correspondence to weakly descending chains.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure; v2 has minor fixes; v3 corrects the technical lemma in Section 4, and improves the exposition throughou

    Shellability of generalized Dowling posets

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    A generalization of Dowling lattices was recently introduced by Bibby and Gadish, in a work on orbit configuration spaces. The authors left open the question as to whether these posets are shellable. In this paper we prove EL-shellability and use it to determine the homotopy type. We also show that subposets corresponding to invariant subarrangements are not shellable in general