17 research outputs found

    A Polynomial-time Solution for Robust Registration with Extreme Outlier Rates

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    We propose a robust approach for the registration of two sets of 3D points in the presence of a large amount of outliers. Our first contribution is to reformulate the registration problem using a Truncated Least Squares (TLS) cost that makes the estimation insensitive to a large fraction of spurious point-to-point correspondences. The second contribution is a general framework to decouple rotation, translation, and scale estimation, which allows solving in cascade for the three transformations. Since each subproblem (scale, rotation, and translation estimation) is still non-convex and combinatorial in nature, out third contribution is to show that (i) TLS scale and (component-wise) translation estimation can be solved exactly and in polynomial time via an adaptive voting scheme, (ii) TLS rotation estimation can be relaxed to a semidefinite program and the relaxation is tight in practice, even in the presence of an extreme amount of outliers. We validate the proposed algorithm, named TEASER (Truncated least squares Estimation And SEmidefinite Relaxation), in standard registration benchmarks showing that the algorithm outperforms RANSAC and robust local optimization techniques, and favorably compares with Branch-and-Bound methods, while being a polynomial-time algorithm. TEASER can tolerate up to 99% outliers and returns highly-accurate solutions.Comment: 18 pages, Accepted for publication in Robotics: Science and Systems, 201

    A Dynamical Perspective on Point Cloud Registration

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    We provide a dynamical perspective on the classical problem of 3D point cloud registration with correspondences. A point cloud is considered as a rigid body consisting of particles. The problem of registering two point clouds is formulated as a dynamical system, where the dynamic model point cloud translates and rotates in a viscous environment towards the static scene point cloud, under forces and torques induced by virtual springs placed between each pair of corresponding points. We first show that the potential energy of the system recovers the objective function of the maximum likelihood estimation. We then adopt Lyapunov analysis, particularly the invariant set theorem, to analyze the rigid body dynamics and show that the system globally asymptotically tends towards the set of equilibrium points, where the globally optimal registration solution lies in. We conjecture that, besides the globally optimal equilibrium point, the system has either three or infinite "spurious" equilibrium points, and these spurious equilibria are all locally unstable. The case of three spurious equilibria corresponds to generic shape of the point cloud, while the case of infinite spurious equilibria happens when the point cloud exhibits symmetry. Therefore, simulating the dynamics with random perturbations guarantees to obtain the globally optimal registration solution. Numerical experiments support our analysis and conjecture.Comment: Preliminary results, 10 pages, 4 figure

    OLAE-ICP: Robust and fast alignment of geometric features with the optimal linear attitude estimator

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    The problems of point-cloud registration and attitude estimation from vector observations (Wahba's problem) have widespread applications in computer vision and mobile robotics. This work introduces a simple approach for integrating sets of geometric feature observations (points, lines, and planes) in such a way that any solution to either point-cloud registration or to Wahba's problem can be used to find the SE(3) transformation between the two sets that minimizes the corresponding cost function. We compare the performance of three solutions: classic Horn's optimal quaternion method, Optimal Linear Attitude Estimator (OLAE) that efficiently recovers the optimal Gibbs-Rodrigues vector solving a small linear system, and an iterative non-linear Gauss-Newton solver. Special care is given to explain how to overcome the Gibbs vector singularity for OLAE by using the method of sequential rotations. Gross outliers in point-to-point correspondences can be discarded by means of detecting transformation scale mismatches. The approach also allows the introduction of per-primitive relative weights, including an optional robust loss function that is applicable only if an initial guess for the solution is known in advance. Experiments are presented to evaluate how the three solutions tolerate noise in the input data for different kinds of geometric primitives. Finally, experiments with real datasets validate the suitability of the optimal alignment algorithm as the core of an Iterative Closest Point/Primitive (ICP) algorithm. An open-source implementation of all the described algorithms is provided in https://github.com/MOLAorg/mp2p_icpComment: Supplementary material to conference paper at "Robotics: Science and Systems" (RSS 2019


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    Point cloud registration is the process of transforming multiple point clouds obtained at different locations of the same scene into a common coordinate system, forming an integrated dataset representing the scene surveyed. In addition to the typical target-based registration method, there are various registration methods that are based on using only the point cloud data captured (i.e. cloud-to-cloud methods). Until recently, cloud-to-cloud registration methods have generally adopted a coarse-to-fine optimisation process. The challenges and limitations inherent in this process have shaped the development of point cloud registration and the associated software tools over the past three decades. Based on the success of applying deep learning approaches to imagery data, numerous attempts at applying such approaches to point cloud datasets have received much attention. This study reviews and comment on recent developments in point cloud registration without using any targets and explores remaining issues, based on which recommendations on potential future studies in this topic are made

    Iterative Distance-Aware Similarity Matrix Convolution with Mutual-Supervised Point Elimination for Efficient Point Cloud Registration

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    In this paper, we propose a novel learning-based pipeline for partially overlapping 3D point cloud registration. The proposed model includes an iterative distance-aware similarity matrix convolution module to incorporate information from both the feature and Euclidean space into the pairwise point matching process. These convolution layers learn to match points based on joint information of the entire geometric features and Euclidean offset for each point pair, overcoming the disadvantage of matching by simply taking the inner product of feature vectors. Furthermore, a two-stage learnable point elimination technique is presented to improve computational efficiency and reduce false positive correspondence pairs. A novel mutual-supervision loss is proposed to train the model without extra annotations of keypoints. The pipeline can be easily integrated with both traditional (e.g. FPFH) and learning-based features. Experiments on partially overlapping and noisy point cloud registration show that our method outperforms the current state-of-the-art, while being more computationally efficient. Code is publicly available at https://github.com/jiahaowork/idam

    PRNet: Self-Supervised Learning for Partial-to-Partial Registration

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    We present a simple, flexible, and general framework titled Partial Registration Network (PRNet), for partial-to-partial point cloud registration. Inspired by recently-proposed learning-based methods for registration, we use deep networks to tackle non-convexity of the alignment and partial correspondence problems. While previous learning-based methods assume the entire shape is visible, PRNet is suitable for partial-to-partial registration, outperforming PointNetLK, DCP, and non-learning methods on synthetic data. PRNet is self-supervised, jointly learning an appropriate geometric representation, a keypoint detector that finds points in common between partial views, and keypoint-to-keypoint correspondences. We show PRNet predicts keypoints and correspondences consistently across views and objects. Furthermore, the learned representation is transferable to classification.Comment: NeurIPS 201

    Learning to Communicate and Correct Pose Errors

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    Learned communication makes multi-agent systems more effective by aggregating distributed information. However, it also exposes individual agents to the threat of erroneous messages they might receive. In this paper, we study the setting proposed in V2VNet, where nearby self-driving vehicles jointly perform object detection and motion forecasting in a cooperative manner. Despite a huge performance boost when the agents solve the task together, the gain is quickly diminished in the presence of pose noise since the communication relies on spatial transformations. Hence, we propose a novel neural reasoning framework that learns to communicate, to estimate potential errors, and finally, to reach a consensus about those errors. Experiments confirm that our proposed framework significantly improves the robustness of multi-agent self-driving perception and motion forecasting systems under realistic and severe localization noise.Comment: Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2020. 16 pages, 7 figure

    CvxPnPL: A Unified Convex Solution to the Absolute Pose Estimation Problem from Point and Line Correspondences

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    We present a new convex method to estimate 3D pose from mixed combinations of 2D-3D point and line correspondences, the Perspective-n-Points-and-Lines problem (PnPL). We merge the contributions of each point and line into a unified Quadratic Constrained Quadratic Problem (QCQP) and then relax it into a Semi Definite Program (SDP) through Shor's relaxation. This makes it possible to gracefully handle mixed configurations of points and lines. Furthermore, the proposed relaxation allows us to recover a finite number of solutions under ambiguous configurations. In such cases, the 3D pose candidates are found by further enforcing geometric constraints on the solution space and then retrieving such poses from the intersections of multiple quadrics. Experiments provide results in line with the best performing state of the art methods while providing the flexibility of solving for an arbitrary number of points and lines.Comment: Main paper and supplemental material included. References added and minor change to fig

    Self-Contrastive Learning with Hard Negative Sampling for Self-supervised Point Cloud Learning

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    Point clouds have attracted increasing attention as a natural representation of 3D shapes. Significant progress has been made in developing methods for point cloud analysis, which often requires costly human annotation as supervision in practice. To address this issue, we propose a novel self-contrastive learning for self-supervised point cloud representation learning, aiming to capture both local geometric patterns and nonlocal semantic primitives based on the nonlocal self-similarity of point clouds. The contributions are two-fold: on the one hand, instead of contrasting among different point clouds as commonly employed in contrastive learning, we exploit self-similar point cloud patches within a single point cloud as positive samples and otherwise negative ones to facilitate the task of contrastive learning. Such self-contrastive learning is well aligned with the emerging paradigm of self-supervised learning for point cloud analysis. On the other hand, we actively learn hard negative samples that are close to positive samples in the representation space for discriminative feature learning, which are sampled conditional on each anchor patch leveraging on the degree of self-similarity. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on widely used benchmark datasets for self-supervised point cloud segmentation and transfer learning for classification.Comment: Accepted to ACM MM 202

    ROBIN: a Graph-Theoretic Approach to Reject Outliers in Robust Estimation using Invariants

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    Many estimation problems in robotics, computer vision, and learning require estimating unknown quantities in the face of outliers. Outliers are typically the result of incorrect data association or feature matching, and it is common to have problems where more than 90% of the measurements used for estimation are outliers. While current approaches for robust estimation are able to deal with moderate amounts of outliers, they fail to produce accurate estimates in the presence of many outliers. This paper develops an approach to prune outliers. First, we develop a theory of invariance that allows us to quickly check if a subset of measurements are mutually compatible without explicitly solving the estimation problem. Second, we develop a graph-theoretic framework, where measurements are modeled as vertices and mutual compatibility is captured by edges. We generalize existing results showing that the inliers form a clique in this graph and typically belong to the maximum clique. We also show that in practice the maximum k-core of the compatibility graph provides an approximation of the maximum clique, while being faster to compute in large problems. These two contributions leads to ROBIN, our approach to Reject Outliers Based on INvariants, which allows us to quickly prune outliers in generic estimation problems. We demonstrate ROBIN in four geometric perception problems and show it boosts robustness of existing solvers while running in milliseconds in large problems