135,034 research outputs found

    How Unique Was The Chicago Tradition? - Introduction

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    The first part of this chapter describes and elaborates upon the contributions made to this expanding literature by Tom Cate, J. Ronnie Davis, David Laidler, Joseph Aschheim and George Tavlas regarding the claim that inter-war Chicago exhibited unique quantity theory characteristics. The second part examines the so-called “‘Chicago Plan’ of Banking Reform”, described by Albert Hart (1935), a Chicago graduate student of the 1930s. The Chicago Plan was a response to the Great Depression which required all banks to hold 100% reserves against their deposits, thus eliminating the instability caused by fractional reserves. ISBN: 185196767

    Diversifying assessment across the ‘Two Cultures’: student-produced podcasts in Geography

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    Since 2008, following growing collective interest in learning technologies and pedagogy, Geography and History departments at Northumbria and Newcastle Universities have successfully incorporated student-generated podcasting into a mixture of science, humanities and social science modules across all undergraduate levels. This paper presents a number of innovative examples using this approach, with the aim of promoting student creativity and analytical skills in ways different from traditional report- or essay-based assessments. It goes on to consider some of the advantages and challenges of this alternative assessment mode, from both student and tutor perspectives, across the science-humanities divide

    Faith Integration in the Higher Education Online Classroom: Perspectives and Practice

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    Online instruction in higher education has grown dramatically in recent years, and more faith-based colleges and universities are including online courses as a part of their educational offerings. The integration of faith in learning is an important goal in many of these faith-based institutions; however, the practice of faith integration in online settings presents unique challenges for faculty members. The purpose of this article is to provide support for faculty members teaching online in Christian colleges and universities with faith integration by presenting a series of strategies for their use. Approaches to faith integration are grouped utilizing a model presented by Dulaney et al. (2015) and adapted here for online contexts. Recommendations for working with students of differing faith backgrounds are also provided

    The Debate Widens - Introduction

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    Shortly after Don Patinkin’s initial assault on Milton Friedman, Thomas Humphrey (chapter 14 [1971], 12) highlighted the importance of the contributions (“overlooked by both Patinkin and Friedman”) made to the quantity theory between 1930-50 by four non-Chicagoan economists: Carl Synder, Lionel Edie, Lauchlin Currie and Clark Warburton. There are similarities between Friedman’s version of the Chicago monetary tradition and Currie’s Supply and Control of Money in the United States (1934). Also, Currie’s (1962 [1934]) essay on ‘The Failure of Monetary Policy to Prevent the Depression of 1929-32’ interpreted the Great Depression as a Great Contraction in a manner which foreshadowed the later work by Friedman and Anna Schwartz (1963). Humphrey commented that “oddly enough, however, [Lloyd] Mints and Friedman do not seem to be aware of the extent to which their criticisms were anticipated by Currie, for they cite him infrequently”. In the exchange that followed two further names were added to the list of overlooked quantity theorists: Arthur Marget and James Angell (Patinkin chapter 16 [1974], 28; Humphrey chapter 17 [1973], 462). Both Patinkin and Humphrey expressed curiosity about these omissions. Currie (chapter 15 [1972]) provides an additional perspective on Humphrey’s contribution in a note that is published here for the first time. ISBN: 185196767

    How reflective is the academic essay?

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the extent of reflection in academic essays. Forty essays, all previously deemed to be of merit quality, were analysed in terms of three elements of reflection - how the educational issue is conceptualized; what the issue means for practice; how practice might be changed to resolve the problematic. Each element was then assigned one of four levels of reflection - technical, descriptive, dialogical and critical. The main finding was that most of the elements were either at a descriptive level of reflection (which the literature argues is not difficult to achieve) or at a dialogical level (which recognizes that knowledge is not certain but does not tease out the relative merits of differing views). These different levels of reflection are seen as adevelopmental stages (from naĂŻve to sophisticated) in gaining control over the process of co-ordinating extant understanding and new evidenc

    Anarchism and Austrian economics

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    In the 2011 Franz Cuhel Memorial Lecture, I argue that the study of endogenous rule formation in economic life (what I term the positive political economy of anarchism) should be studied in-depth and that the economic analysis of the Austrian school of economics provides many of the key analytical insights necessary for such study.Rule formation; Enterprise of Law; Austrian Economics
