3 research outputs found

    Soft behaviour modelling of user communities

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    A soft modelling approach for describing behaviour in on-line user communities is introduced in this work. Behaviour models of individual users in dynamic virtual environments have been described in the literature in terms of timed transition automata; they have various drawbacks. Soft multi/agent behaviour automata are defined and proposed to describe multiple user behaviours and to recognise larger classes of user group histories, such as group histories which contain unexpected behaviours. The notion of deviation from the user community model allows defining a soft parsing process which assesses and evaluates the dynamic behaviour of a group of users interacting in virtual environments, such as e-learning and e-business platforms. The soft automaton model can describe virtually infinite sequences of actions due to multiple users and subject to temporal constraints. Soft measures assess a form of distance of observed behaviours by evaluating the amount of temporal deviation, additional or omitted actions contained in an observed history as well as actions performed by unexpected users. The proposed model allows the soft recognition of user group histories also when the observed actions only partially meet the given behaviour model constraints. This approach is more realistic for real-time user community support systems, concerning standard boolean model recognition, when more than one user model is potentially available, and the extent of deviation from community behaviour models can be used as a guide to generate the system support by anticipation, projection and other known techniques. Experiments based on logs from an e-learning platform and plan compilation of the soft multi-agent behaviour automaton show the expressiveness of the proposed model

    Sharing Linkable Learning Objects with the use of Metadata and a Taxonomy Assistant for Categorization

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    In this work, a re-design of the Moodledata module functionalities is presented to share learning objects between e-learning content platforms, e.g., Moodle and G-Lorep, in a linkable object format. The e-learning courses content of the Drupal-based Content Management System G-Lorep for academic learning is exchanged designing an object incorporating metadata to support the reuse and the classification in its context. In such an Artificial Intelligence environment, the exchange of Linkable Learning Objects can be used for dialogue between Learning Systems to obtain information, especially with the use of semantic or structural similarity measures to enhance the existent Taxonomy Assistant for advanced automated classification

    A Pheromone-Like Model for Semantic Context Extraction from Collaborative Networks

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    The extraction of semantic contexts is a relevant issue in information retrieval to provide high quality query results. This paper introduces the semantic context underlying a set of given input concepts as defined by the relevant multiple explanation paths connecting the input concepts in a collaborative network. A pheromone-like model based on this approach is introduced for the detection and the extraction of multiple paths of explanation between seed concepts. The exploration of the online collaborative network of explanation uses a heuristic driven random walk, based on semantic proximity measures. Random walks distribute pheromone on the traversed arcs used to evaluate the relevance of concepts in the multiple explanatory paths to be extracted. Experimental results obtained on accepted datasets and contexts extracted from the Wikipedia collaborative network show that the proposed algorithm can extract contexts with high relevance degree, which outperforms other methods. The approach has a general applicability and can be extended to other explanation-based online collaborative networks