842 research outputs found

    A performance model of speculative prefetching in distributed information systems

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    Previous studies in speculative prefetching focus on building and evaluating access models for the purpose of access prediction. This paper investigates a complementary area which has been largely ignored, that of performance modelling. We use improvement in access time as the performance metric, for which we derive a formula in terms of resource parameters (time available and time required for prefetching) and speculative parameters (probabilities for next access). The performance maximization problem is expressed as a stretch knapsack problem. We develop an algorithm to maximize the improvement in access time by solving the stretch knapsack problem, using theoretically proven apparatus to reduce the search space. Integration between speculative prefetching and caching is also investigated, albeit under the assumption of equal item sizes

    The Network Effects of Prefetching

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    Prefetching has been shown to be an effective technique for reducing user perceived latency in distributed systems. In this paper we show that even when prefetching adds no extra traffic to the network, it can have serious negative performance effects. Straightforward approaches to prefetching increase the burstiness of individual sources, leading to increased average queue sizes in network switches. However, we also show that applications can avoid the undesirable queueing effects of prefetching. In fact, we show that applications employing prefetching can significantly improve network performance, to a level much better than that obtained without any prefetching at all. This is because prefetching offers increased opportunities for traffic shaping that are not available in the absence of prefetching. Using a simple transport rate control mechanism, a prefetching application can modify its behavior from a distinctly ON/OFF entity to one whose data transfer rate changes less abruptly, while still delivering all data in advance of the user's actual requests

    Accelerating MCMC via Parallel Predictive Prefetching

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    We present a general framework for accelerating a large class of widely used Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms. Our approach exploits fast, iterative approximations to the target density to speculatively evaluate many potential future steps of the chain in parallel. The approach can accelerate computation of the target distribution of a Bayesian inference problem, without compromising exactness, by exploiting subsets of data. It takes advantage of whatever parallel resources are available, but produces results exactly equivalent to standard serial execution. In the initial burn-in phase of chain evaluation, it achieves speedup over serial evaluation that is close to linear in the number of available cores

    Redesigning OP2 Compiler to Use HPX Runtime Asynchronous Techniques

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    Maximizing parallelism level in applications can be achieved by minimizing overheads due to load imbalances and waiting time due to memory latencies. Compiler optimization is one of the most effective solutions to tackle this problem. The compiler is able to detect the data dependencies in an application and is able to analyze the specific sections of code for parallelization potential. However, all of these techniques provided with a compiler are usually applied at compile time, so they rely on static analysis, which is insufficient for achieving maximum parallelism and producing desired application scalability. One solution to address this challenge is the use of runtime methods. This strategy can be implemented by delaying certain amount of code analysis to be done at runtime. In this research, we improve the parallel application performance generated by the OP2 compiler by leveraging HPX, a C++ runtime system, to provide runtime optimizations. These optimizations include asynchronous tasking, loop interleaving, dynamic chunk sizing, and data prefetching. The results of the research were evaluated using an Airfoil application which showed a 40-50% improvement in parallel performance.Comment: 18th IEEE International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing (PDSEC 2017

    Performance optimization problem in speculative prefetching

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    Speculative prefetching has been proposed to improve the response time of network access. Previous studies in speculative prefetching focus on building and evaluating access models for the purpose of access prediction. This paper investigates a complementary area which has been largely ignored, that of performance modeling. We analyze the performance of a prefetcher that has uncertain knowledge about future accesses. Our performance metric is the improvement in access time, for which we derive a formula in terms of resource parameters (time available and time required for prefetehing) and speculative parameters (probabilities for next access). We develop a prefetch algorithm to maximize the improvement in access time. The algorithm is based on finding the best solution to a stretch knapsack problem, using theoretically proven apparatus to reduce the search space. An integration between speculative prefetching and caching is also investigated

    Effect of speculative prefetching on network load in distributed systems

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    Previous studies in speculative prefetching focus on building and evaluating access models for the purpose of access prediction. This paper on the other hand investigates the performance of speculative prefetching. When prefetching is performed speculatively, there is bound to be an increase in the network load. Furthermore, the prefetched items must compete for space with existing cache occupants. These two factors-increased load and eviction of potentially useful cache entries-are considered in the analysis. We obtain the following conclusion: to maximise the improvement in access time, prefetch exclusively all items with access probabilities exceeding a certain threshold.<br /

    Patterns of Scalable Bayesian Inference

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    Datasets are growing not just in size but in complexity, creating a demand for rich models and quantification of uncertainty. Bayesian methods are an excellent fit for this demand, but scaling Bayesian inference is a challenge. In response to this challenge, there has been considerable recent work based on varying assumptions about model structure, underlying computational resources, and the importance of asymptotic correctness. As a result, there is a zoo of ideas with few clear overarching principles. In this paper, we seek to identify unifying principles, patterns, and intuitions for scaling Bayesian inference. We review existing work on utilizing modern computing resources with both MCMC and variational approximation techniques. From this taxonomy of ideas, we characterize the general principles that have proven successful for designing scalable inference procedures and comment on the path forward

    Leveraging Program Analysis to Reduce User-Perceived Latency in Mobile Applications

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    Reducing network latency in mobile applications is an effective way of improving the mobile user experience and has tangible economic benefits. This paper presents PALOMA, a novel client-centric technique for reducing the network latency by prefetching HTTP requests in Android apps. Our work leverages string analysis and callback control-flow analysis to automatically instrument apps using PALOMA's rigorous formulation of scenarios that address "what" and "when" to prefetch. PALOMA has been shown to incur significant runtime savings (several hundred milliseconds per prefetchable HTTP request), both when applied on a reusable evaluation benchmark we have developed and on real applicationsComment: ICSE 201
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