1 research outputs found

    A Participation Incentive Market Mechanism for Allocating Heterogeneous Network Services

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    Abstract β€” This paper studies an auction based allocation of network resources for short-term contracts for heterogeneous network services. The combinatorial winner selection yields the optimal resources allocation in a single-round auction for heterogeneous resources. However, the recurring nature of auction for network services causes least wealthy bidders to exit the auction as they persistently lose under the traditional combinatorial winner selection that focuses only on revenue maximization. Such exits decrease price competition and may cause a collapse of the selling prices and revenues of network service providers. We introduce and evaluate a novel winner selection strategy for auctioning of heterogeneous network services. The proposed strategy prevents collapse of the selling prices and the auctioneer revenues, stabilizes auction market, and enhances social welfare by allowing larger subset of users to become occasional winners of auction rounds than the traditional combinatorial winner selection does. I