1 research outputs found

    Parallel contact-aware simulations of deformable particles in 3D Stokes flow

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    We present a parallel-scalable method for simulating non-dilute suspensions of deformable particles immersed in Stokesian fluid in three dimensions. A critical component in these simulations is robust and accurate collision handling. This work complements our previous work [L. Lu, A. Rahimian, and D. Zorin. Contact-aware simulations of particulate Stokesian suspensions. Journal of Computational Physics 347C: 160-182] by extending it to 3D and by introducing new parallel algorithms for collision detection and handling. We use a well-established boundary integral formulation with spectral Galerkin method to solve the fluid flow. The key idea is to ensure an interference-free particle configuration by introducing explicit contact constraints into the system. While such constraints are typically unnecessary in the formulation they make it possible to eliminate catastrophic loss of accuracy in the discretized problem by preventing contact explicitly. The incorporation of contact constraints results in a significant increase in stable time-step size for locally-implicit time-stepping and a reduction in the necessary number of discretization points for stability. Our method maintains the accuracy of previous methods at a significantly lower cost for dense suspensions and the time step size is independent from the volume fraction. Our method permits simulations with high volume fractions; we report results with up to 60% volume fraction. We demonstrated the parallel scaling of the algorithms on up to 16K CPU cores