1,396 research outputs found

    Combining and Relating Control Effects and their Semantics

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    Combining local exceptions and first class continuations leads to programs with complex control flow, as well as the possibility of expressing powerful constructs such as resumable exceptions. We describe and compare games models for a programming language which includes these features, as well as higher-order references. They are obtained by contrasting methodologies: by annotating sequences of moves with "control pointers" indicating where exceptions are thrown and caught, and by composing the exceptions and continuations monads. The former approach allows an explicit representation of control flow in games for exceptions, and hence a straightforward proof of definability (full abstraction) by factorization, as well as offering the possibility of a semantic approach to control flow analysis of exception-handling. However, establishing soundness of such a concrete and complex model is a non-trivial problem. It may be resolved by establishing a correspondence with the monad semantics, based on erasing explicit exception moves and replacing them with control pointers.Comment: In Proceedings COS 2013, arXiv:1309.092

    A Rational Deconstruction of Landin's SECD Machine with the J Operator

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    Landin's SECD machine was the first abstract machine for applicative expressions, i.e., functional programs. Landin's J operator was the first control operator for functional languages, and was specified by an extension of the SECD machine. We present a family of evaluation functions corresponding to this extension of the SECD machine, using a series of elementary transformations (transformation into continu-ation-passing style (CPS) and defunctionalization, chiefly) and their left inverses (transformation into direct style and refunctionalization). To this end, we modernize the SECD machine into a bisimilar one that operates in lockstep with the original one but that (1) does not use a data stack and (2) uses the caller-save rather than the callee-save convention for environments. We also identify that the dump component of the SECD machine is managed in a callee-save way. The caller-save counterpart of the modernized SECD machine precisely corresponds to Thielecke's double-barrelled continuations and to Felleisen's encoding of J in terms of call/cc. We then variously characterize the J operator in terms of CPS and in terms of delimited-control operators in the CPS hierarchy. As a byproduct, we also present several reduction semantics for applicative expressions with the J operator, based on Curien's original calculus of explicit substitutions. These reduction semantics mechanically correspond to the modernized versions of the SECD machine and to the best of our knowledge, they provide the first syntactic theories of applicative expressions with the J operator

    Programming with Algebraic Effects and Handlers

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    Eff is a programming language based on the algebraic approach to computational effects, in which effects are viewed as algebraic operations and effect handlers as homomorphisms from free algebras. Eff supports first-class effects and handlers through which we may easily define new computational effects, seamlessly combine existing ones, and handle them in novel ways. We give a denotational semantics of eff and discuss a prototype implementation based on it. Through examples we demonstrate how the standard effects are treated in eff, and how eff supports programming techniques that use various forms of delimited continuations, such as backtracking, breadth-first search, selection functionals, cooperative multi-threading, and others

    Pushdown Control-Flow Analysis for Free

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    Traditional control-flow analysis (CFA) for higher-order languages, whether implemented by constraint-solving or abstract interpretation, introduces spurious connections between callers and callees. Two distinct invocations of a function will necessarily pollute one another's return-flow. Recently, three distinct approaches have been published which provide perfect call-stack precision in a computable manner: CFA2, PDCFA, and AAC. Unfortunately, CFA2 and PDCFA are difficult to implement and require significant engineering effort. Furthermore, all three are computationally expensive; for a monovariant analysis, CFA2 is in O(2n)O(2^n), PDCFA is in O(n6)O(n^6), and AAC is in O(n9logn)O(n^9 log n). In this paper, we describe a new technique that builds on these but is both straightforward to implement and computationally inexpensive. The crucial insight is an unusual state-dependent allocation strategy for the addresses of continuation. Our technique imposes only a constant-factor overhead on the underlying analysis and, with monovariance, costs only O(n3) in the worst case. This paper presents the intuitions behind this development, a proof of the precision of this analysis, and benchmarks demonstrating its efficacy.Comment: in Proceedings of the 43rd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 201