18 research outputs found

    A PTAS for the minimum dominating set problem in unit disk graphs

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    We present a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for the minimum dominating set problem in unit disk graphs. In contrast to previously known approximation schemes for the minimum dominating set problem on unit disk graphs, our approach does not assume a geometric representation of the vertices (specifying the positions of the disks in the plane) to be given as part of the input. \u

    Local Approximation Schemes for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

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    We present two local approaches that yield polynomial-time approximation schemes (PTAS) for the Maximum Independent Set and Minimum Dominating Set problem in unit disk graphs. The algorithms run locally in each node and compute a (1+ε)-approximation to the problems at hand for any given ε > 0. The time complexity of both algorithms is O(TMIS + log*! n/εO(1)), where TMIS is the time required to compute a maximal independent set in the graph, and n denotes the number of nodes. We then extend these results to a more general class of graphs in which the maximum number of pair-wise independent nodes in every r-neighborhood is at most polynomial in r. Such graphs of polynomially bounded growth are introduced as a more realistic model for wireless networks and they generalize existing models, such as unit disk graphs or coverage area graphs

    On the Approximability and Hardness of the Minimum Connected Dominating Set with Routing Cost Constraint

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    In the problem of minimum connected dominating set with routing cost constraint, we are given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), and the goal is to find the smallest connected dominating set DD of GG such that, for any two non-adjacent vertices uu and vv in GG, the number of internal nodes on the shortest path between uu and vv in the subgraph of GG induced by D{u,v}D \cup \{u,v\} is at most α\alpha times that in GG. For general graphs, the only known previous approximability result is an O(logn)O(\log n)-approximation algorithm (n=Vn=|V|) for α=1\alpha = 1 by Ding et al. For any constant α>1\alpha > 1, we give an O(n11α(logn)1α)O(n^{1-\frac{1}{\alpha}}(\log n)^{\frac{1}{\alpha}})-approximation algorithm. When α5\alpha \geq 5, we give an O(nlogn)O(\sqrt{n}\log n)-approximation algorithm. Finally, we prove that, when α=2\alpha =2, unless NPDTIME(npolylogn)NP \subseteq DTIME(n^{poly\log n}), for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, the problem admits no polynomial-time 2log1ϵn2^{\log^{1-\epsilon}n}-approximation algorithm, improving upon the Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n) bound by Du et al. (albeit under a stronger hardness assumption)