188 research outputs found

    Capabilities for cross-layer micro-service security

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    Shared infrastructure computing has become ubiquitous; from the smallest start-up deploying on a multi-tenant cloud to the largest corporations whose separate branches all deploy to a shared private cloud. In both cases, the security challenges are similar and are unique from the legacy model of deploying monolithic applications on dedicated hardware. In the case of a multi-tenant cloud deployment, attacks can stem from other tenants who are not part of the same security domain, be that a different security-level within a single organization, or distinct organizations on a public cloud. In addition to nearly ubiquitous adoption of shared infrastructure, the rise of so called “micro-services” poses a set of unique challenges and advantages to security. The micro-service moniker stems from the idea of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with a focus on having a small code base for each component of an application. The SOA approach is complimented by the DevOps movement in which software development practices are being applied to operations. These development and deployment techniques are here to stay as they enable more thorough testing, reliable deployment, and calability that previous software architectures only supported with extensive rewriting. In this dissertation, we focus on providing security to this new paradigm of computing. These trends force us to face security challenges unique to cloud computing such as passive cache-based side-channel attacks. In addition to new challenges, this new paradigm also affords us better tools and services due to the well-defined behavior of micro-services. Here, we focus on mitigating security risks by leveraging the Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP) at every layer of the stack: the interface between the operating system and the hardware, the system call interface, and within individual applications. We implement the PoLP through layer specific capabilities by mapping the security challenges present in cloud computing to a Take-Grant relational model between subjects. We conceptually extend the notion of “subject” to include subjects at every layer of the cloud stack. Additionally, we explore adding more trust guarantees to subject relationship monitoring. Finally, we explore fine grained memory operations within a micro-service that can impact a micro-service’s relationships with other subjects in the system

    Side Channels in the Cloud: Isolation Challenges, Attacks, and Countermeasures

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    Cloud computing is based on the sharing of physical resources among several virtual machines through a virtualization layer providing software isolation. Despite advances in virtualization, data security and isolation guarantees remain important challenges for cloud providers. Some of the most prominent isolation violations come from side-channel attacks that aim at exploiting and using a leaky channel to obtain sensitive data such as encryption keys. Such channels may be created by vulnerable implementations of cryptographic algorithms, exploiting weaknesses of processor architectures or of resource sharing in the virtualization layer. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of side-channel attacks (SCA) and mitigation techniques for virtualized environments, focusing on cache-based attacks. We review isolation challenges, attack classes and techniques. We also provide a layer-based taxonomy of applicable countermeasures , from the hardware to the application level, with an assessment of their effectiveness

    Pathfinding Future PIM Architectures by Demystifying a Commercial PIM Technology

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    Processing-in-memory (PIM) has been explored for decades by computer architects, yet it has never seen the light of day in real-world products due to their high design overheads and lack of a killer application. With the advent of critical memory-intensive workloads, several commercial PIM technologies have been introduced to the market ranging from domain-specific PIM architectures to more general-purpose PIM architectures. In this work, we deepdive into UPMEM's commercial PIM technology, a general-purpose PIM-enabled parallel architecture that is highly programmable. Our first key contribution is the development of a flexible simulation framework for PIM. The simulator we developed (aka PIMulator) enables the compilation of UPMEM-PIM source codes into its compiled machine-level instructions, which are subsequently consumed by our cycle-level performance simulator. Using PIMulator, we demystify UPMEM's PIM design through a detailed characterization study. Building on top of our characterization, we conduct a series of case studies to pathfind important architectural features that we deem will be critical for future PIM architectures to suppor

    On the Use of Migration to Stop Illicit Channels

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    Side and covert channels (referred to collectively as illicit channels) are an insidious affliction of high security systems brought about by the unwanted and unregulated sharing of state amongst processes. Illicit channels can be effectively broken through isolation, which limits the degree by which processes can interact. The drawback of using isolation as a general mitigation against illicit channels is that it can be very wasteful when employed naively. In particular, permanently isolating every tenant of a public cloud service to its own separate machine would completely undermine the economics of cloud computing, as it would remove the advantages of consolidation. On closer inspection, it transpires that only a subset of a tenant's activities are sufficiently security sensitive to merit strong isolation. Moreover, it is not generally necessary to maintain isolation indefinitely, nor is it given that isolation must always be procured at the machine level. This work builds on these observations by exploring a fine-grained and hierarchical model of isolation, where fractions of a machine can be isolated dynamically using migration. Using different units of isolation allows a system to isolate processes from each other with a minimum of over-allocated resources, and having a dynamic and reconfigurable model enables isolation to be procured on-demand. The model is then realised as an implemented framework that allows the fine-grained provisioning of units of computation, managing migrations at the core, virtual CPU, process group, process/container and virtual machine level. Use of this framework is demonstrated in detecting and mitigating a machine-wide covert channel, and in implementing a multi-level moving target defence. Finally, this work describes the extension of post-copy live migration mechanisms to allow temporary virtual machine migration. This adds the ability to isolate a virtual machine on a short term basis, which subsequently allows migrations to happen at a higher frequency and with fewer redundant memory transfers, and also creates the opportunity of time-sharing a particular physical machine's features amongst a set of tenants' virtual machines

    DAMOV: A New Methodology and Benchmark Suite for Evaluating Data Movement Bottlenecks

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    Data movement between the CPU and main memory is a first-order obstacle against improving performance, scalability, and energy efficiency in modern systems. Computer systems employ a range of techniques to reduce overheads tied to data movement, spanning from traditional mechanisms (e.g., deep multi-level cache hierarchies, aggressive hardware prefetchers) to emerging techniques such as Near-Data Processing (NDP), where some computation is moved close to memory. Our goal is to methodically identify potential sources of data movement over a broad set of applications and to comprehensively compare traditional compute-centric data movement mitigation techniques to more memory-centric techniques, thereby developing a rigorous understanding of the best techniques to mitigate each source of data movement. With this goal in mind, we perform the first large-scale characterization of a wide variety of applications, across a wide range of application domains, to identify fundamental program properties that lead to data movement to/from main memory. We develop the first systematic methodology to classify applications based on the sources contributing to data movement bottlenecks. From our large-scale characterization of 77K functions across 345 applications, we select 144 functions to form the first open-source benchmark suite (DAMOV) for main memory data movement studies. We select a diverse range of functions that (1) represent different types of data movement bottlenecks, and (2) come from a wide range of application domains. Using NDP as a case study, we identify new insights about the different data movement bottlenecks and use these insights to determine the most suitable data movement mitigation mechanism for a particular application. We open-source DAMOV and the complete source code for our new characterization methodology at https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/DAMOV.Comment: Our open source software is available at https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/DAMO

    Secure and safe virtualization-based framework for embedded systems development

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    Tese de Doutoramento - Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Electrónica e de Computadores (PDEEC)The Internet of Things (IoT) is here. Billions of smart, connected devices are proliferating at rapid pace in our key infrastructures, generating, processing and exchanging vast amounts of security-critical and privacy-sensitive data. This strong connectivity of IoT environments demands for a holistic, end-to-end security approach, addressing security and privacy risks across different abstraction levels: device, communications, cloud, and lifecycle managment. Security at the device level is being misconstrued as the addition of features in a late stage of the system development. Several software-based approaches such as microkernels, and virtualization have been used, but it is proven, per se, they fail in providing the desired security level. As a step towards the correct operation of these devices, it is imperative to extend them with new security-oriented technologies which guarantee security from the outset. This thesis aims to conceive and design a novel security and safety architecture for virtualized systems by 1) evaluating which technologies are key enablers for scalable and secure virtualization, 2) designing and implementing a fully-featured virtualization environment providing hardware isolation 3) investigating which "hard entities" can extend virtualization to guarantee the security requirements dictated by confidentiality, integrity, and availability, and 4) simplifying system configurability and integration through a design ecosystem supported by a domain-specific language. The developed artefacts demonstrate: 1) why ARM TrustZone is nowadays a reference technology for security, 2) how TrustZone can be adequately exploited for virtualization in different use-cases, 3) why the secure boot process, trusted execution environment and other hardware trust anchors are essential to establish and guarantee a complete root and chain of trust, and 4) how a domain-specific language enables easy design, integration and customization of a secure virtualized system assisted by the above mentioned building blocks.Vivemos na era da Internet das Coisas (IoT). Biliões de dispositivos inteligentes começam a proliferar nas nossas infraestruturas chave, levando ao processamento de avolumadas quantidades de dados privados e sensíveis. Esta forte conectividade inerente ao conceito IoT necessita de uma abordagem holística, em que os riscos de privacidade e segurança são abordados nas diferentes camadas de abstração: dispositivo, comunicações, nuvem e ciclo de vida. A segurança ao nível dos dispositivos tem sido erradamente assegurada pela inclusão de funcionalidades numa fase tardia do desenvolvimento. Têm sido utilizadas diversas abordagens de software, incluindo a virtualização, mas está provado que estas não conseguem garantir o nível de segurança desejado. De forma a garantir a correta operação dos dispositivos, é fundamental complementar os mesmos com novas tecnologias que promovem a segurança desde os primeiros estágios de desenvolvimento. Esta tese propõe, assim, o desenvolvimento de uma solução arquitetural inovadora para sistemas virtualizados seguros, contemplando 1) a avaliação de tecnologias chave que promovam tal realização, 2) a implementação de uma solução de virtualização garantindo isolamento por hardware, 3) a identificação de componentes que integrados permitirão complementar a virtualização para garantir os requisitos de segurança, e 4) a simplificação do processo de configuração e integração da solução através de um ecossistema suportado por uma linguagem de domínio específico. Os artefactos desenvolvidos demonstram: 1) o porquê da tecnologia ARM TrustZone ser uma tecnologia de referência para a segurança, 2) a efetividade desta tecnologia quando utilizada em diferentes domínios, 3) o porquê do processo seguro de inicialização, juntamente com um ambiente de execução seguro e outros componentes de hardware, serem essenciais para estabelecer uma cadeia de confiança, e 4) a viabilidade em utilizar uma linguagem de um domínio específico para configurar e integrar um ambiente virtualizado suportado pelos artefactos supramencionados

    HARE: Final Report

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    This report documents the results of work done over a 6 year period under the FAST-OS programs. The first effort was called Right-Weight Kernels, (RWK) and was concerned with improving measurements of OS noise so it could be treated quantitatively; and evaluating the use of two operating systems, Linux and Plan 9, on HPC systems and determining how these operating systems needed to be extended or changed for HPC, while still retaining their general-purpose nature. The second program, HARE, explored the creation of alternative runtime models, building on RWK. All of the HARE work was done on Plan 9. The HARE researchers were mindful of the very good Linux and LWK work being done at other labs and saw no need to recreate it. Even given this limited funding, the two efforts had outsized impact: _ Helped Cray decide to use Linux, instead of a custom kernel, and provided the tools needed to make Linux perform well _ Created a successor operating system to Plan 9, NIX, which has been taken in by Bell Labs for further development _ Created a standard system measurement tool, Fixed Time Quantum or FTQ, which is widely used for measuring operating systems impact on applications _ Spurred the use of the 9p protocol in several organizations, including IBM _ Built software in use at many companies, including IBM, Cray, and Google _ Spurred the creation of alternative runtimes for use on HPC systems _ Demonstrated that, with proper modifications, a general purpose operating systems can provide communications up to 3 times as effective as user-level libraries Open source was a key part of this work. The code developed for this project is in wide use and available at many places. The core Blue Gene code is available at https://bitbucket.org/ericvh/hare. We describe details of these impacts in the following sections. The rest of this report is organized as follows: First, we describe commercial impact; next, we describe the FTQ benchmark and its impact in more detail; operating systems and runtime research follows; we discuss infrastructure software; and close with a description of the new NIX operating system, future work, and conclusions