2 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Stability of a Molten Salt Fast Reactor

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    This work focusses on analysing the stability of the MSFR – a molten salt reactor with a fast neutron spectrum. The investigations are based on a model, which was published and studied by the Politecnico di Milano using a linear approach. Since linear methods can only provide stability information to a limited extent, this work continues the conducted investigations by applying nonlinear methods. In order to examine the specified reactor model, the system equations were implemented, adjusted and verified using MATLAB code. With the help of the computational tool MatCont, a so-called fixed-point solution was tracked and its stability monitored during the variation of selected control parameters. It was found that the considered fixed point does not change its stability state and remains stable. Coexisting fixed points or periodic solutions could not be detected. Therefore, the analysed MSFR model is considered to be a stable system, in which the solutions always tend towards a steady state.:1. Introduction 2. Molten Salt Reactor Technology 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Historical Development 2.3. Working Principle of Molten Salt Reactors 2.4. Molten Salt Coolants 2.5. Advantages and Drawbacks 2.6. Classification 2.7. Molten Salt Fast Reactor Design 3. Stability Characteristics of Dynamical Systems 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Dynamical Systems 3.3. Stability Concepts 3.3.1. Introduction 3.3.2. Lagrange Stability (Bounded Stability) 3.3.3. Lyapunov Stability 3.3.4. Poincaré Stability (Orbital Stability) 3.4. Fixed-Point Solutions 3.4.1. Stability Analysis of Fixed-Point Solutions 3.4.2. Bifurcations of Fixed-Point Solutions 3.5. Periodic Solutions 3.5.1. Stability Analysis of Periodic Solutions 3.5.2. Bifurcations of Periodic Solutions 4. Analysed Reactor System 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Specified Reactor Model 4.3. Implementation and Verification of the Linearised System of Equations 4.3.1. Linearised System of Delayed Differential Equations 4.3.2. Comparison with Reference Plots 4.3.3. Adaptation of Parameter Values 4.4. Implementation and Verification of the Nonlinear System of Equations 4.4.1. Nonlinear System of Delayed Differential Equations 4.4.2. Delayed Neutron Precursor Equation Adjustments 4.4.3. Salt Temperature Equation Adjustments 4.4.4. Nonlinear System of Ordinary Differential Equations 4.4.5. Verification of the Nonlinear System of Ordinary Differential Equations 5. Conducted Stability Analyses 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Nonlinear Stability Analysis 5.2.1. Implementation 5.2.2. Results 5.2.3. Interpretation 5.3. Linear Stability Analysis 5.3.1. Comparison Between the Linearised and Nonlinearised MSFR System of Equations 5.3.2. Stability Investigations Using a Linear Criterion 5.4. MatCont Reliability Test Using an MSBR Model 6. Conclusions and Recommendations for Future StudiesIm Fokus dieser Arbeit steht die Stabilitätsanalyse des MSFR – eines Flüssigsalzreaktors mit schnellem Neutronenspektrum. Als Grundlage wurde ein Modell verwendet, das am Politecnico di Milano erstellt und dort mittels linearer Methoden untersucht wurde. Da lineare Betrachtungen nur eingeschränkte Stabilitätsaussagen treffen können, erweitert diese Arbeit die Untersuchungen um die nichtlineare Stabilitätsanalyse. Zur Untersuchung des vorgegebenen Reaktormodells wurden die Systemgleichungen in MATLAB übertragen und verifiziert. Mithilfe der Rechensoftware MatCont wurde eine sogenannten Fixpunkt-Lösung des Modells unter der Variation ausgewählter Parameter verfolgt und deren Stabilität überprüft. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass der betrachtete Fixpunkt seinen Stabilitätszustand dabei nicht verändert und stabil bleibt. Koexistierende Fixpunkte oder periodische Lösungen konnten nicht nachgewiesen werden. Daher gilt das betrachtete MSFR-Modell als ein stabiles System, dessen Lösungen immer auf einen stationären Zustand zulaufen.:1. Introduction 2. Molten Salt Reactor Technology 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Historical Development 2.3. Working Principle of Molten Salt Reactors 2.4. Molten Salt Coolants 2.5. Advantages and Drawbacks 2.6. Classification 2.7. Molten Salt Fast Reactor Design 3. Stability Characteristics of Dynamical Systems 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Dynamical Systems 3.3. Stability Concepts 3.3.1. Introduction 3.3.2. Lagrange Stability (Bounded Stability) 3.3.3. Lyapunov Stability 3.3.4. Poincaré Stability (Orbital Stability) 3.4. Fixed-Point Solutions 3.4.1. Stability Analysis of Fixed-Point Solutions 3.4.2. Bifurcations of Fixed-Point Solutions 3.5. Periodic Solutions 3.5.1. Stability Analysis of Periodic Solutions 3.5.2. Bifurcations of Periodic Solutions 4. Analysed Reactor System 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Specified Reactor Model 4.3. Implementation and Verification of the Linearised System of Equations 4.3.1. Linearised System of Delayed Differential Equations 4.3.2. Comparison with Reference Plots 4.3.3. Adaptation of Parameter Values 4.4. Implementation and Verification of the Nonlinear System of Equations 4.4.1. Nonlinear System of Delayed Differential Equations 4.4.2. Delayed Neutron Precursor Equation Adjustments 4.4.3. Salt Temperature Equation Adjustments 4.4.4. Nonlinear System of Ordinary Differential Equations 4.4.5. Verification of the Nonlinear System of Ordinary Differential Equations 5. Conducted Stability Analyses 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Nonlinear Stability Analysis 5.2.1. Implementation 5.2.2. Results 5.2.3. Interpretation 5.3. Linear Stability Analysis 5.3.1. Comparison Between the Linearised and Nonlinearised MSFR System of Equations 5.3.2. Stability Investigations Using a Linear Criterion 5.4. MatCont Reliability Test Using an MSBR Model 6. Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Studie

    Investigation of Limit Cycle Behavior in BWRs with Time-Domain Analysis.

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    This thesis investigates the use of time-domain codes for boiling water reactor (BWR) stability analysis, with emphasis on out-of-phase limit cycle behavior. A detailed validation of the TRACE/PARCS coupled thermal hydraulic (TH)/neutronic code system was performed for both in- and out-of-phase instabilities using operating BWR data. Additional studies under hypothetical operating conditions indicated the possibility of a “rotating mode” limit cycle behavior, in which the line of symmetry exhibited a steadily-rotating behavior. This occurred even when the first two azimuthal neutronic modes had different (linear) natural frequencies, indicating that a nonlinear coupling mechanism was causing the steady rotation over time. The principal original contribution of this thesis is the characterization of this rotating mode behavior, prediction of the conditions under which it is expected to occur, and an explanation for this behavior based on physical principles governing BWR dynamics. This was achieved through the use of two simplified models: a four-channel TRACE model with a fixed total flow rate, and a multi-channel, multi-modal reduced-order model. Attention was given to the TH boundary conditions used for these models, which were found to play a critical role in determining the in- or out-of-phase behavior as well as the behavior of the out-of-phase limit cycle line of symmetry. For all standalone TH cases performed, a preference for rotating behavior was observed; however, for coupled TH/neutronic cases, it was found that strengthening the TH coupling between channels favored the rotating mode, while strengthening the neutronic coupling between channels favored the side-to-side mode with a stationary symmetry line. A physical explanation was put forth to explain why the rotating symmetry line behavior is preferred from a thermal hydraulic standpoint. This explanation examines the time-dependent variation in total flow rate for general (nonlinear) oscillations, and demonstrates that (1) this variation is typically minimized under a rotating mode pattern and (2) this yields the most unstable configuration for out-of-phase unstable cases. Additionally, it was found that larger-amplitude limit cycles converged to the rotating behavior more quickly than smaller-amplitude limit cycles under similar conditions.PHDNuclear Engineering and Radiological SciencesUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111374/1/awysock_1.pd