1 research outputs found

    Identification of Choquet capacity in multicriteria sorting problems through stochastic inverse analysis

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    In multicriteria decision aiding (MCDA), the Choquet integral has been used as an aggregation operator to deal with the case of interacting decision criteria. While the application of the Choquet integral for ranking problems have been receiving most of the attention, this paper rather focuses on multicriteria sorting problems (MCSP). In the Choquet integral context, a practical problem that arises is related to the elicitation of parameters known as the Choquet capacities. We address the problem of Choquet capacity identification for MCSP by applying the Stochastic Acceptability Multicriteri Analysis (SMAA), proposing the SMAA-S-Choquet method. The proposed method is also able to model uncertain data that may be present in both decision matrix and limiting profiles, the latter a parameter associated with the sorting problematic. We also introduce two new descriptive measures in order to conduct reverse analysis regarding the capacities: the Scenario Acceptability Index and the Scenario Central Capacity vector