4 research outputs found

    Design, Modeling and Control of a 3D Printed Monolithic Soft Robotic Finger with Embedded Pneumatic Sensing Chambers

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    IEEE This paper presents a directly 3D printed soft monolithic robotic finger with embedded soft pneumatic sensing chambers (PSC) as position and touch sensors. The monolithic finger was fabricated using a low-cost and open-source fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printer that employs an off-the-shelf soft and flexible commercially available thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). A single soft hinge with an embedded PSC was optimized using finite element modeling (FEM) and a hyperelastic material model to obtain a linear relationship between the internal change in the volume of its PSC and the corresponding input mechanical modality, to minimize its bending stiffness and to maximize its internal volume. The soft hinges with embedded PSCs have several advantages, such as fast response to very small changes in their internal volume (~0.0026ml/°), linearity, negligible hysteresis, repeatability, reliability, long lifetime and low power consumption. Also, the flexion of the soft robotic finger was predicted using a geometric model for use in real-time control. The real-time position and pressure/force control of the soft robotic finger were achieved using feedback signals from the soft hinges and the touch PSC embedded in the tip of the finger. This study contributes to the development of seamlessly embedding optimized sensing elements in the monolithic topology of a soft robotic system and controlling the robotic system using the feedback data provided by the sensing elements to validate their performance

    A Novel Monolithic Soft Robotic Thumb for an Anthropomorphic Prosthetic Hand

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    The thumb of a natural hand or a prosthetic hand plays a significant role in realizing a hand\u27s grasping and manipulation activities. This requires that mechanical design of a prosthetic hand should allow its thumb to perform both abduction/adduction and flexion/extension in order to mimic a natural hand\u27s grasping and manipulation abilities with a minimum number of actuators. In this letter, we propose a novel monolithic soft robotic thumb for an anthropomorphic and transradial prosthetic hand. The thumb and the whole prosthetic hand were fabricated using a low-cost three-dimensional printing technology, with sizes comparable to those of real human ones but with much lighter weights. Based on the concepts of soft robotics and underactuation, the thumb shows significant mechanical compliance and performs well in power grasps, precision grasps, and lateral grasps of different shaped and sized household objects. The soft thumb has two modes of operation based on an innovative and compact mechanism, and one actuator only offers grasping versatility (capable of both abduction/adduction and flexion/extension). This novel thumb minimizes the number of actuators and reduces the corresponding requirement on space consumption (for housing its actuators) and power consumption, which are favorable features to develop low-cost, low-power and low-weight prosthetic hands with intrinsic compliance

    A Novel Monolithic Soft Robotic Thumb for an Anthropomorphic Prosthetic Hand

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    3D printed pneumatic soft actuators and sensors: their modeling, performance quantification, control and applications in soft robotic systems

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    Continued technological progress in robotic systems has led to more applications where robots and humans operate in close proximity and even physical contact in some cases. Soft robots, which are primarily made of highly compliant and deformable materials, provide inherently safe features, unlike conventional robots that are made of stiff and rigid components. These robots are ideal for interacting safely with humans and operating in highly dynamic environments. Soft robotics is a rapidly developing field exploiting biomimetic design principles, novel sensor and actuation concepts, and advanced manufacturing techniques. This work presents novel soft pneumatic actuators and sensors that are directly 3D printed in one manufacturing step without requiring postprocessing and support materials using low-cost and open-source fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printers that employ an off-the-shelf commercially available soft thermoplastic poly(urethane) (TPU). The performance of the soft actuators and sensors developed is optimized and predicted using finite element modeling (FEM) analytical models in some cases. A hyperelastic material model is developed for the TPU based on its experimental stress-strain data for use in FEM analysis. The novel soft vacuum bending (SOVA) and linear (LSOVA) actuators reported can be used in diverse robotic applications including locomotion robots, adaptive grippers, parallel manipulators, artificial muscles, modular robots, prosthetic hands, and prosthetic fingers. Also, the novel soft pneumatic sensing chambers (SPSC) developed can be used in diverse interactive human-machine interfaces including wearable gloves for virtual reality applications and controllers for soft adaptive grippers, soft push buttons for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education platforms, haptic feedback devices for rehabilitation, game controllers and throttle controllers for gaming and bending sensors for soft prosthetic hands. These SPSCs are directly 3D printed and embedded in a monolithic soft robotic finger as position and touch sensors for real-time position and force control. One of the aims of soft robotics is to design and fabricate robotic systems with a monolithic topology embedded with its actuators and sensors such that they can safely interact with their immediate physical environment. The results and conclusions of this thesis have significantly contributed to the realization of this aim