2 research outputs found

    A novel Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Controller (A-FLC) to reduce retransmission and service roundtrip time for logical TCP channels over the Internet

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    The novel Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Controller (A-FLC) proposed in this paper is created from the extant FLC model by adding the capability that allows it to auto-tune the range-thresholds of its ldquodonrsquot carerdquo fuzzy regions. The aim is to ldquosqueezerdquo the range-threshold to achieve two purposes: a) to make the controller more responsive, and b) to reduce overshoot/undershoot to yield a less oscillatory control process. The range-threshold reduction process works with two parameters: ldquogradient thresholdrdquo and ldquogiven percentagerdquo. The former decides when to begin the reduction process and the latter decides by how much. The preliminary results with the Java-based A-FLC prototype over the Internet indicate that the auto-tuning capability in the novel controller indeed makes the buffer overflow management more responsive, less oscillatory, and more accurate than the FLC predecesso