7,993 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion from Video

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    We present an unsupervised learning framework for the task of monocular depth and camera motion estimation from unstructured video sequences. We achieve this by simultaneously training depth and camera pose estimation networks using the task of view synthesis as the supervisory signal. The networks are thus coupled via the view synthesis objective during training, but can be applied independently at test time. Empirical evaluation on the KITTI dataset demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach: 1) monocular depth performing comparably with supervised methods that use either ground-truth pose or depth for training, and 2) pose estimation performing favorably with established SLAM systems under comparable input settings.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2017. Project webpage: https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~tinghuiz/projects/SfMLearner

    3D Shape Reconstruction from Sketches via Multi-view Convolutional Networks

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    We propose a method for reconstructing 3D shapes from 2D sketches in the form of line drawings. Our method takes as input a single sketch, or multiple sketches, and outputs a dense point cloud representing a 3D reconstruction of the input sketch(es). The point cloud is then converted into a polygon mesh. At the heart of our method lies a deep, encoder-decoder network. The encoder converts the sketch into a compact representation encoding shape information. The decoder converts this representation into depth and normal maps capturing the underlying surface from several output viewpoints. The multi-view maps are then consolidated into a 3D point cloud by solving an optimization problem that fuses depth and normals across all viewpoints. Based on our experiments, compared to other methods, such as volumetric networks, our architecture offers several advantages, including more faithful reconstruction, higher output surface resolution, better preservation of topology and shape structure.Comment: 3DV 2017 (oral

    Depth-Assisted Semantic Segmentation, Image Enhancement and Parametric Modeling

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of employing 3D depth information on solving a number of traditional challenging computer vision/graphics problems. Humans have the abilities of perceiving the depth information in 3D world, which enable humans to reconstruct layouts, recognize objects and understand the geometric space and semantic meanings of the visual world. Therefore it is significant to explore how the 3D depth information can be utilized by computer vision systems to mimic such abilities of humans. This dissertation aims at employing 3D depth information to solve vision/graphics problems in the following aspects: scene understanding, image enhancements and 3D reconstruction and modeling. In addressing scene understanding problem, we present a framework for semantic segmentation and object recognition on urban video sequence only using dense depth maps recovered from the video. Five view-independent 3D features that vary with object class are extracted from dense depth maps and used for segmenting and recognizing different object classes in street scene images. We demonstrate a scene parsing algorithm that uses only dense 3D depth information to outperform using sparse 3D or 2D appearance features. In addressing image enhancement problem, we present a framework to overcome the imperfections of personal photographs of tourist sites using the rich information provided by large-scale internet photo collections (IPCs). By augmenting personal 2D images with 3D information reconstructed from IPCs, we address a number of traditionally challenging image enhancement techniques and achieve high-quality results using simple and robust algorithms. In addressing 3D reconstruction and modeling problem, we focus on parametric modeling of flower petals, the most distinctive part of a plant. The complex structure, severe occlusions and wide variations make the reconstruction of their 3D models a challenging task. We overcome these challenges by combining data driven modeling techniques with domain knowledge from botany. Taking a 3D point cloud of an input flower scanned from a single view, each segmented petal is fitted with a scale-invariant morphable petal shape model, which is constructed from individually scanned 3D exemplar petals. Novel constraints based on botany studies are incorporated into the fitting process for realistically reconstructing occluded regions and maintaining correct 3D spatial relations. The main contribution of the dissertation is in the intelligent usage of 3D depth information on solving traditional challenging vision/graphics problems. By developing some advanced algorithms either automatically or with minimum user interaction, the goal of this dissertation is to demonstrate that computed 3D depth behind the multiple images contains rich information of the visual world and therefore can be intelligently utilized to recognize/ understand semantic meanings of scenes, efficiently enhance and augment single 2D images, and reconstruct high-quality 3D models

    MonoNeuralFusion: Online Monocular Neural 3D Reconstruction with Geometric Priors

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    High-fidelity 3D scene reconstruction from monocular videos continues to be challenging, especially for complete and fine-grained geometry reconstruction. The previous 3D reconstruction approaches with neural implicit representations have shown a promising ability for complete scene reconstruction, while their results are often over-smooth and lack enough geometric details. This paper introduces a novel neural implicit scene representation with volume rendering for high-fidelity online 3D scene reconstruction from monocular videos. For fine-grained reconstruction, our key insight is to incorporate geometric priors into both the neural implicit scene representation and neural volume rendering, thus leading to an effective geometry learning mechanism based on volume rendering optimization. Benefiting from this, we present MonoNeuralFusion to perform the online neural 3D reconstruction from monocular videos, by which the 3D scene geometry is efficiently generated and optimized during the on-the-fly 3D monocular scanning. The extensive comparisons with state-of-the-art approaches show that our MonoNeuralFusion consistently generates much better complete and fine-grained reconstruction results, both quantitatively and qualitatively.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure
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