2 research outputs found

    Average order of coloured triangulations : the general case

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    In [Combinatorics of triangulations of 3-manifolds, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 337 (2) (1993), 891-906], Luo and Stong introduced the notion of "average edge order" \mu_0(K) = \frac {3 F_0(K)}{E_0(K), K being a triangulation of a closed 3-manifold M with E0(K)E_0(K) edges and F0(K)F_0(K) triangles. The present paper extends the above notion to the "average (n-2)-simplex order" of a coloured triangulation K of a compact PL n-manifold MnM^n with αi(K)\alpha_i(K) i-simplices: \mu(K) = \frac {n \alpha_{n-1}(K)}{\alpha_{n-2}(K).Main properties of μ(K)\mu(K) and its relations with the topology of MnM^n, both in the closed and bounded case, are investigated; the obtained results show the existence of strong analogies with the 3-dimensional simplicial case (see the quoted paper by Luo and Stong, together with [The average edge order of triangulations of 3-manifolds, Osaka J. Math. 33(1986), 761-773] by Tamura)

    A note on the characterization of handlebodies

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    The work is devoted to extend to dimension five the following combinatorial characterization of (orientable and non-orientable) handlebodies, already proved for dimensions three and four by the same author: a compact connected 5-manifold M5M^5 is a handlebody (of genus g) iff G(M^5)= G(\partial M^5} (=g), $G(X) being the regular genus of the manifold X. Moreover, partial results in dimension n induce to conjecture that an analogous characterization also holds for handlebodies of arbitrary dimension