6 research outputs found

    A Note on Total and Paired Domination of Cartesian Product Graphs

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    A dominating set DD for a graph GG is a subset of V(G)V(G) such that any vertex not in DD has at least one neighbor in DD. The domination number γ(G)\gamma(G) is the size of a minimum dominating set in GG. Vizing's conjecture from 1968 states that for the Cartesian product of graphs GG and HH, γ(G)γ(H)γ(GH)\gamma(G) \gamma(H) \leq \gamma(G \Box H), and Clark and Suen (2000) proved that γ(G)γ(H)2γ(GH)\gamma(G) \gamma(H) \leq 2\gamma(G \Box H). In this paper, we modify the approach of Clark and Suen to prove a variety of similar bounds related to total and paired domination, and also extend these bounds to the nn-Cartesian product of graphs A1A^1 through AnA^n

    A Note on Integer Domination of Cartesian Product Graphs

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    Given a graph GG, a dominating set DD is a set of vertices such that any vertex in GG has at least one neighbor (or possibly itself) in DD. A k{k}-dominating multiset DkD_k is a multiset of vertices such that any vertex in GG has at least kk vertices from its closed neighborhood in DkD_k when counted with multiplicity. In this paper, we utilize the approach developed by Clark and Suen (2000) and properties of binary matrices to prove a "Vizing-like" inequality on minimum k{k}-dominating multisets of graphs G,HG,H and the Cartesian product graph GHG \Box H. Specifically, denoting the size of a minimum k{k}-dominating multiset as γk(G)\gamma_{k}(G), we demonstrate that γk(G)γk(H)2kγk(GH)\gamma_{k}(G) \gamma_{k}(H) \leq 2k \gamma_{k}(G \Box H)

    (Total) Domination in Prisms

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    With the aid of hypergraph transversals it is proved that γt(Qn+1)=2γ(Qn)\gamma_t(Q_{n+1}) = 2\gamma(Q_n), where γt(G)\gamma_t(G) and γ(G)\gamma(G) denote the total domination number and the domination number of GG, respectively, and QnQ_n is the nn-dimensional hypercube. More generally, it is shown that if GG is a bipartite graph, then γt(GK2)=2γ(G)\gamma_t(G \square K_2) = 2\gamma(G). Further, we show that the bipartite condition is essential by constructing, for any k1k \ge 1, a (non-bipartite) graph GG such that γt(GK2)=2γ(G)k\gamma_t (G \square K_2 ) = 2\gamma(G) - k. Along the way several domination-type identities for hypercubes are also obtained

    Upper k-tuple total domination in graphs

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    Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a simple graph. For any integer k1k\geq 1, a subset of VV is called a kk-tuple total dominating set of GG if every vertex in VV has at least kk neighbors in the set. The minimum cardinality of a minimal kk-tuple total dominating set of GG is called the kk-tuple total domination number of GG. In this paper, we introduce the concept of upper kk-tuple total domination number of GG as the maximum cardinality of a minimal kk-tuple total dominating set of GG, and study the problem of finding a minimal kk-tuple total dominating set of maximum cardinality on several classes of graphs, as well as finding general bounds and characterizations. Also, we find some results on the upper kk-tuple total domination number of the Cartesian and cross product graphs

    Cartesian product graphs and kk-tuple total domination

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    A kk-tuple total dominating set (kkTDS) of a graph GG is a set SS of vertices in which every vertex in GG is adjacent to at least kk vertices in SS; the minimum size of a kkTDS is denoted γ×k,t(G)\gamma_{\times k,t}(G). We give a Vizing-like inequality for Cartesian product graphs, namely γ×k,t(G)γ×k,t(H)2kγ×k,t(GH)\gamma_{\times k,t}(G) \gamma_{\times k,t}(H) \leq 2k \gamma_{\times k,t}(G \Box H) provided γ×k,t(G)2kρ(G)\gamma_{\times k,t}(G) \leq 2k\rho(G), where ρ\rho is the packing number. We also give bounds on γ×k,t(GH)\gamma_{\times k,t}(G \Box H) in terms of (open) packing numbers, and consider the extremal case of γ×k,t(KnKm)\gamma_{\times k,t}(K_n \Box K_m), i.e., the rook's graph, giving a constructive proof of a general formula for γ×2,t(KnKm)\gamma_{\times 2, t}(K_n \Box K_m).Comment: 18 page

    33-tuple total domination number of rook's graphs

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    A kk-tuple total dominating set (kkTDS) of a graph GG is a set SS of vertices in which every vertex in GG is adjacent to at least kk vertices in SS. The minimum size of a kkTDS is called the kk-tuple total dominating number and it is denoted by γ×k,t(G)\gamma_{\times k,t}(G). We give a constructive proof of a general formula for γ×3,t(KnKm)\gamma_{\times 3, t}(K_n \Box K_m)