6 research outputs found

    Salem-Boyd sequences and Hopf plumbing

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    Given a fibered link, consider the characteristic polynomial of the monodromy restricted to first homology. This generalizes the notion of the Alexander polynomial of a knot. We define a construction, called iterated plumbing, to create a sequence of fibered links from a given one. The resulting sequence of characteristic polynomials has the same form as those arising in work of Salem and Boyd in their study of distributions of Salem and P-V numbers. From this we deduce information about the asymptotic behavior of the large roots of the generalized Alexander polynomials, and define a new poset structure for Salem fibered links.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Osaka J. Mat

    A family of pseudo-Anosov braids with small dilatation

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    This paper describes a family of pseudo-Anosov braids with small dilatation. The smallest dilatations occurring for braids with 3, 4 and 5 strands appear in this family. A pseudo-Anosov braid with 2g+1 strands determines a hyperelliptic mapping class with the same dilatation on a genus-g surface. Penner showed that logarithms of least dilatations of pseudo-Anosov maps on a genus-g surface grow asymptotically with the genus like 1/g, and gave explicit examples of mapping classes with dilatations bounded above by log 11/g. Bauer later improved this bound to log 6/g. The braids in this paper give rise to mapping classes with dilatations bounded above by log(2+sqrt(3))/g. They show that least dilatations for hyperelliptic mapping classes have the same asymptotic behavior as for general mapping classes on genus-g surfaces.Comment: This is the version published by Algebraic & Geometric Topology on 12 June 200

    On the zeroes of the Alexander polynomial of a Lorenz knot

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    We show that the zeroes of the Alexander polynomial of a Lorenz knot all lie in some annulus whose width depends explicitly on the genus and the braid index of the considered knot.Comment: 30p., final version, to appear in Ann. Inst. Fourie