2 research outputs found

    Succinct Arguments from Multi-Prover Interactive Proofs and their Efficiency Benefits

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    \emph{Succinct arguments of knowledge} are computationally-sound proofs of knowledge for NP where the verifier\u27s running time is independent of the time complexity tt of the nondeterministic NP machine MM that decides the given language. Existing succinct argument constructions are, typically, based on techniques that combine cryptographic hashing and probabilistically-checkable proofs (PCPs). Yet, even when instantiating these constructions with state-of-the-art PCPs, the prover needs Ω(t)\Omega(t) space in order to run in quasilinear time (i.e., time t \poly(k)), regardless of the space complexity ss of the machine MM. We say that a succinct argument is \emph{complexity preserving} if the prover runs in time t \poly(k) and space s \poly(k) and the verifier runs in time |x| \poly(k) when proving and verifying that a tt-time ss-space random-access machine nondeterministically accepts an input xx. Do complexity-preserving succinct arguments exist? To study this question, we investigate the alternative approach of constructing succinct arguments based on multi-prover interactive proofs (MIPs) and stronger cryptographic techniques: (1) We construct a one-round succinct MIP of knowledge, where each prover runs in time t \polylog(t) and space s \polylog(t) and the verifier runs in time |x| \polylog(t). (2) We show how to transform any one-round MIP protocol to a succinct four-message argument (with a single prover), while preserving the time and space efficiency of the original MIP protocol; using our MIP protocol, this transformation yields a complexity-preserving four-message succinct argument. As a main tool for our transformation, we define and construct a \emph{succinct multi-function commitment} that (a) allows the sender to commit to a vector of functions in time and space complexity that are essentially the same as those needed for a single evaluation of the functions, and (b) ensures that the receiver\u27s running time is essentially independent of the function. The scheme is based on fully-homomorphic encryption (and no additional assumptions are needed for our succinct argument). (3) In addition, we revisit the problem of \emph{non-interactive} succinct arguments of knowledge (SNARKs), where known impossibilities prevent solutions based on black-box reductions to standard assumptions. We formulate a natural (but non-standard) variant of homomorphic encryption having a \emph{homomorphism-extraction property}. We show that this primitive essentially allows to squash our interactive protocol, while again preserving time and space efficiency, thereby obtaining a complexity-preserving SNARK. We further show that this variant is, in fact, implied by the existence of (complexity-preserving) SNARKs

    Circuits Resilient to Additive Attacks with Applications to Secure Computation

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    We study the question of protecting arithmetic circuits against additive attacks, which can add an arbitrary fixed value to each wire in the circuit. This extends the notion of algebraic manipulation detection (AMD) codes, which protect information against additive attacks, to that of AMD circuits which protect computation. We present a construction of such AMD circuits: any arithmetic circuit CC over a finite field FF can be converted into a functionally-equivalent randomized arithmetic circuit C^\widehat{C} of size O(∣C∣)O(|C|) that is fault-tolerant in the following sense. For any additive attack on the wires of C^\widehat{C}, its effect on the output of C^\widehat{C} can be simulated, up to O(∣C∣/∣F∣)O(|C|/|F|) statistical distance, by an additive attack on just the input and output. Given a small tamper-proof encoder/decoder for AMD codes, the input and output can be protected as well. We also give an alternative construction, applicable to small fields (for example, to protect Boolean circuits against wire-toggling attacks). It uses a small tamper-proof decoder to ensure that, except with negligible failure probability, either the output is correct or tampering is detected. Our study of AMD circuits is motivated by simplifying and improving protocols for secure multiparty computation (MPC). Typically, securing MPC protocols against active adversaries is much more difficult than securing them against passive adversaries. We observe that in simple MPC protocols that were designed to protect circuit evaluation only against passive adversaries, the effect of any active adversary corresponds precisely to an additive attack on the original circuit\u27s wires. Thus, to securely evaluate a circuit CC in the presence of active adversaries, it suffices to apply the passive-secure protocol to C^\widehat{C}. We use this methodology to simplify feasibility results and attain efficiency improvements in several standard MPC models