345 research outputs found

    On constructions with 22-cardinals

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    We propose developing the theory of consequences of morasses relevant in mathematical applications in the language alternative to the usual one, replacing commonly used structures by families of sets originating with Velleman's neat simplified morasses called 22-cardinals. The theory of related trees, gaps, colorings of pairs and forcing notions is reformulated and sketched from a unifying point of view with the focus on the applicability to constructions of mathematical structures like Boolean algebras, Banach spaces or compact spaces. A new result which we obtain as a side product is the consistency of the existence of a function f:[λ++]2→[λ++]≤λf:[\lambda^{++}]^2\rightarrow[\lambda^{++}]^{\leq\lambda} with the appropriate λ+\lambda^+-version of property Δ\Delta for regular λ≥ω\lambda\geq\omega satisfying λ<λ=λ\lambda^{<\lambda}=\lambda.Comment: Minor correction

    Existence of optimal ultrafilters and the fundamental complexity of simple theories

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    In the first edition of Classification Theory, the second author characterized the stable theories in terms of saturation of ultrapowers. Prior to this theorem, stability had already been defined in terms of counting types, and the unstable formula theorem was known. A contribution of the ultrapower characterization was that it involved sorting out the global theory, and introducing nonforking, seminal for the development of stability theory. Prior to the present paper, there had been no such characterization of an unstable class. In the present paper, we first establish the existence of so-called optimal ultrafilters on Boolean algebras, which are to simple theories as Keisler's good ultrafilters are to all theories. Then, assuming a supercompact cardinal, we characterize the simple theories in terms of saturation of ultrapowers. To do so, we lay the groundwork for analyzing the global structure of simple theories, in ZFC, via complexity of certain amalgamation patterns. This brings into focus a fundamental complexity in simple unstable theories having no real analogue in stability.Comment: The revisions aim to separate the set theoretic and model theoretic aspects of the paper to make it accessible to readers interested primarily in one side. We thank the anonymous referee for many thoughtful comment

    On what I do not understand (and have something to say): Part I

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    This is a non-standard paper, containing some problems in set theory I have in various degrees been interested in. Sometimes with a discussion on what I have to say; sometimes, of what makes them interesting to me, sometimes the problems are presented with a discussion of how I have tried to solve them, and sometimes with failed tries, anecdote and opinion. So the discussion is quite personal, in other words, egocentric and somewhat accidental. As we discuss many problems, history and side references are erratic, usually kept at a minimum (``see ... '' means: see the references there and possibly the paper itself). The base were lectures in Rutgers Fall'97 and reflect my knowledge then. The other half, concentrating on model theory, will subsequently appear

    Ultrafilter spaces on the semilattice of partitions

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    The Stone-Cech compactification of the natural numbers bN, or equivalently, the space of ultrafilters on the subsets of omega, is a well-studied space with interesting properties. If one replaces the subsets of omega by partitions of omega, one can define corresponding, non-homeomorphic spaces of partition ultrafilters. It will be shown that these spaces still have some of the nice properties of bN, even though none is homeomorphic to bN. Further, in a particular space, the minimal height of a tree pi-base and P-points are investigated

    An Algebraic and Logical approach to continuous images

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    Continuous mappings between compact Hausdorff spaces can be studied using homomorphisms between algebraic structures (lattices, Boolean algebras) associated with the spaces. This gives us more tools with which to tackle problems about these continuous mappings -- also tools from Model Theory. We illustrate by showing that the \v{C}ech-Stone remainder [0,∞)[0,\infty) has a universality property akin to that of N∗N^*; a theorem of Ma\'ckowiak and Tymchatyn implies it own generalization to non-metric continua; and certain concrete compact spaces need not be continuous images of N∗N^*.Comment: Notes from a series of lectures at http://www.cts.cuni.cz/events/ws/2002/ws2002.htm, the 30th Winter School on Abstract Analysis 2002-05-02: corrected version after referee's repor

    Dense ideals and cardinal arithmetic

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    From large cardinals we show the consistency of normal, fine, κ\kappa-complete λ\lambda-dense ideals on Pκ(λ)\mathcal{P}_\kappa(\lambda) for successor κ\kappa. We explore the interplay between dense ideals, cardinal arithmetic, and squares, answering some open questions of Foreman
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