160 research outputs found

    Multi-part Nordhaus-Gaddum type problems for tree-width, Colin de Verdi\`ere type parameters, and Hadwiger number

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    A traditional Nordhaus-Gaddum problem for a graph parameter Ξ²\beta is to find a (tight) upper or lower bound on the sum or product of Ξ²(G)\beta(G) and Ξ²(GΛ‰)\beta(\bar{G}) (where GΛ‰\bar{G} denotes the complement of GG). An rr-decomposition G1,…,GrG_1,\dots,G_r of the complete graph KnK_n is a partition of the edges of KnK_n among rr spanning subgraphs G1,…,GrG_1,\dots,G_r. A traditional Nordhaus-Gaddum problem can be viewed as the special case for r=2r=2 of a more general rr-part sum or product Nordhaus-Gaddum type problem. We determine the values of the rr-part sum and product upper bounds asymptotically as nn goes to infinity for the parameters tree-width and its variants largeur d'arborescence, path-width, and proper path-width. We also establish ranges for the lower bounds for these parameters, and ranges for the upper and lower bounds of the rr-part Nordhaus-Gaddum type problems for the parameters Hadwiger number, the Colin de Verdi\`ere number ΞΌ\mu that is used to characterize planarity, and its variants Ξ½\nu and ΞΎ\xi

    Nordhaus-Gaddum-type theorem for conflict-free connection number of graphs

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    An edge-colored graph GG is \emph{conflict-free connected} if, between each pair of distinct vertices, there exists a path containing a color used on exactly one of its edges. The \emph{conflict-free connection number} of a connected graph GG, denoted by cfc(G)cfc(G), is defined as the smallest number of colors that are needed in order to make GG conflict-free connected. In this paper, we determine all trees TT of order nn for which cfc(T)=nβˆ’tcfc(T)=n-t, where tβ‰₯1t\geq 1 and nβ‰₯2t+2n\geq 2t+2 . Then we prove that 1≀cfc(G)≀nβˆ’11\leq cfc(G)\leq n-1 for a connected graph GG, and characterize the graphs GG with cfc(G)=1,nβˆ’4,nβˆ’3,nβˆ’2,nβˆ’1cfc(G)=1,n-4,n-3,n-2,n-1, respectively. Finally, we get the Nordhaus-Gaddum-type theorem for the conflict-free connection number of graphs, and prove that if GG and Gβ€Ύ\overline{G} are connected, then 4≀cfc(G)+cfc(Gβ€Ύ)≀n4\leq cfc(G)+cfc(\overline{G})\leq n and 4≀cfc(G)β‹…cfc(Gβ€Ύ)≀2(nβˆ’2)4\leq cfc(G)\cdot cfc(\overline{G})\leq2(n-2), and moreover, cfc(G)+cfc(Gβ€Ύ)=ncfc(G)+cfc(\overline{G})=n or cfc(G)β‹…cfc(Gβ€Ύ)=2(nβˆ’2)cfc(G)\cdot cfc(\overline{G})=2(n-2) if and only if one of GG and Gβ€Ύ\overline{G} is a tree with maximum degree nβˆ’2n-2 or a P5P_5, and the lower bounds are sharp.Comment: 25 page

    A Nordhaus-Gaddum conjecture for the minimum number of distinct eigenvalues of a graph

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    We propose a Nordhaus-Gaddum conjecture for q(G)q(G), the minimum number of distinct eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix corresponding to a graph GG: for every graph GG excluding four exceptions, we conjecture that q(G)+q(Gc)β‰€βˆ£G∣+2q(G)+q(G^c)\le |G|+2, where GcG^c is the complement of GG. We compute q(Gc)q(G^c) for all trees and all graphs GG with q(G)=∣Gβˆ£βˆ’1q(G)=|G|-1, and hence we verify the conjecture for trees, unicyclic graphs, graphs with q(G)≀4q(G)\le 4, and for graphs with ∣Gβˆ£β‰€7|G|\le 7

    Some extremal results on the colorful monochromatic vertex-connectivity of a graph

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    A path in a vertex-colored graph is called a \emph{vertex-monochromatic path} if its internal vertices have the same color. A vertex-coloring of a graph is a \emph{monochromatic vertex-connection coloring} (\emph{MVC-coloring} for short), if there is a vertex-monochromatic path joining any two vertices in the graph. For a connected graph GG, the \emph{monochromatic vertex-connection number}, denoted by mvc(G)mvc(G), is defined to be the maximum number of colors used in an \emph{MVC-coloring} of GG. These concepts of vertex-version are natural generalizations of the colorful monochromatic connectivity of edge-version, introduced by Caro and Yuster. In this paper, we mainly investigate the Erd\H{o}s-Gallai-type problems for the monochromatic vertex-connection number mvc(G)mvc(G) and completely determine the exact value. Moreover, the Nordhaus-Gaddum-type inequality for mvc(G)mvc(G) is also given.Comment: 15 page

    The (vertex-)monochromatic index of a graph

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    A tree TT in an edge-colored graph HH is called a \emph{monochromatic tree} if all the edges of TT have the same color. For SβŠ†V(H)S\subseteq V(H), a \emph{monochromatic SS-tree} in HH is a monochromatic tree of HH containing the vertices of SS. For a connected graph GG and a given integer kk with 2≀kβ‰€βˆ£V(G)∣2\leq k\leq |V(G)|, the \emph{kk-monochromatic index mxk(G)mx_k(G)} of GG is the maximum number of colors needed such that for each subset SβŠ†V(G)S\subseteq V(G) of kk vertices, there exists a monochromatic SS-tree. In this paper, we prove that for any connected graph GG, mxk(G)=∣E(G)βˆ£βˆ’βˆ£V(G)∣+2mx_k(G)=|E(G)|-|V(G)|+2 for each kk such that 3≀kβ‰€βˆ£V(G)∣3\leq k\leq |V(G)|. A tree TT in a vertex-colored graph HH is called a \emph{vertex-monochromatic tree} if all the internal vertices of TT have the same color. For SβŠ†V(H)S\subseteq V(H), a \emph{vertex-monochromatic SS-tree} in HH is a vertex-monochromatic tree of HH containing the vertices of SS. For a connected graph GG and a given integer kk with 2≀kβ‰€βˆ£V(G)∣2\leq k\leq |V(G)|, the \emph{kk-monochromatic vertex-index mvxk(G)mvx_k(G)} of GG is the maximum number of colors needed such that for each subset SβŠ†V(G)S\subseteq V(G) of kk vertices, there exists a vertex-monochromatic SS-tree. We show that for a given a connected graph GG, and a positive integer LL with Lβ‰€βˆ£V(G)∣L\leq |V(G)|, to decide whether mvxk(G)β‰₯Lmvx_k(G)\geq L is NP-complete for each integer kk such that 2≀kβ‰€βˆ£V(G)∣2\leq k\leq |V(G)|. We also obtain some Nordhaus-Gaddum-type results for the kk-monochromatic vertex-index.Comment: 13 page

    More on rainbow disconnection in graphs

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    Let GG be a nontrivial edge-colored connected graph. An edge-cut RR of GG is called a rainbow cut if no two edges of it are colored the same. An edge-colored graph GG is rainbow disconnected if for every two vertices uu and vv, there exists a uβˆ’vu-v rainbow cut. For a connected graph GG, the rainbow disconnection number of GG, denoted by rd(G)rd(G), is defined as the smallest number of colors that are needed in order to make GG rainbow disconnected. In this paper, we first solve a conjecture that determines the maximum size of a connected graph GG of order nn with rd(G)=krd(G) = k for given integers kk and nn with 1≀k≀nβˆ’11\leq k\leq n-1, where nn is odd, posed by Chartrand et al. in \cite{CDHHZ}. Secondly, we discuss bounds of the rainbow disconnection numbers for complete multipartite graphs, critical graphs, minimal graphs with respect to chromatic index and regular graphs, and give the rainbow disconnection numbers for several special graphs. Finally, we get the Nordhaus-Gaddum-type theorem for the rainbow disconnection number of graphs. We prove that if GG and Gβ€Ύ\overline{G} are both connected, then nβˆ’2≀rd(G)+rd(Gβ€Ύ)≀2nβˆ’5n-2 \leq rd(G)+rd(\overline{G})\leq 2n-5 and nβˆ’3≀rd(G)β‹…rd(Gβ€Ύ)≀(nβˆ’2)(nβˆ’3)n-3\leq rd(G)\cdot rd(\overline{G})\leq (n-2)(n-3). Furthermore, examples are given to show that the upper bounds are sharp for nβ‰₯6n\geq 6, and the lower bounds are sharp when G=Gβ€Ύ=P4G=\overline{G}=P_4.Comment: 14 page

    Packing parameters in graphs: New bounds and a solution to an open problem

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    In this paper, we investigate the packing parameters in graphs. By applying the Mantel's theorem, We give upper bounds on packing and open packing numbers of triangle-free graphs along with characterizing the graphs for which the equalities hold and exhibit sharp Nordhaus-Gaddum type inequalities for packing numbers. We also solve the open problem of characterizing all connected graphs with ρo(G)=nβˆ’Ο‰(G)\rho_{o}(G)=n-\omega(G) posed in [S. Hamid and S. Saravanakumar, {\em Packing parameters in graphs}, Discuss Math. Graph Theory, 35 (2015), 5--16]

    On the regular k-independence number of graphs

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    The \emph{regular independence number}, introduced by Albertson and Boutin in 1990, is the maximum cardinality of an independent set of GG in which all vertices have equal degree in GG. Recently, Caro, Hansberg and Pepper introduced the concept of regular kk-independence number, which is a natural generalization of the regular independence number. A \emph{kk-independent set} is a set of vertices whose induced subgraph has maximum degree at most kk. The \emph{regular kk-independence number} of GG, denoted by Ξ±kβˆ’reg(G)\alpha_{k-reg}(G), is defined as the maximum cardinality of a kk-independent set of GG in which all vertices have equal degree in GG. In this paper, the exact values of the regular kk-independence numbers of some special graphs are obtained. We also get some lower and upper bounds for the regular kk-independence number of trees with given diameter, and the lower bounds for the regular kk-independence number of line graphs. For a simple graph GG of order nn, we show that 1≀αkβˆ’reg(G)≀n1\leq\alpha_{k-reg}(G)\leq n and characterize the extremal graphs. The Nordhaus-Gaddum-type results for the regular kk-independence number of graphs are also obtained.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1306.5026 by other author

    The Steiner diameter of a graph

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    The Steiner distance of a graph, introduced by Chartrand, Oellermann, Tian and Zou in 1989, is a natural generalization of the concept of classical graph distance. For a connected graph GG of order at least 22 and SβŠ†V(G)S\subseteq V(G), the \emph{Steiner distance} d(S)d(S) among the vertices of SS is the minimum size among all connected subgraphs whose vertex sets contain SS. Let n,kn,k be two integers with 2≀k≀n2\leq k\leq n. Then the \emph{Steiner kk-eccentricity ek(v)e_k(v)} of a vertex vv of GG is defined by ek(v)=max⁑{d(S)β€‰βˆ£β€‰SβŠ†V(G), ∣S∣=k,Β andΒ v∈S}e_k(v)=\max \{d(S)\,|\,S\subseteq V(G), \ |S|=k, \ and \ v\in S \}. Furthermore, the \emph{Steiner kk-diameter} of GG is sdiamk(G)=max⁑{ek(v)β€‰βˆ£β€‰v∈V(G)}sdiam_k(G)=\max \{e_k(v)\,|\, v\in V(G)\}. In 2011, Chartrand, Okamoto and Zhang showed that kβˆ’1≀sdiamk(G)≀nβˆ’1k-1\leq sdiam_k(G)\leq n-1. In this paper, graphs with sdiam3(G)=2,3,nβˆ’1sdiam_3(G)=2,3,n-1 are characterized, respectively. We also consider the Nordhaus-Gaddum-type results for the parameter sdiamk(G)sdiam_k(G). We determine sharp upper and lower bounds of sdiamk(G)+sdiamk(Gβ€Ύ)sdiam_k(G)+sdiam_k(\overline{G}) and sdiamk(G)β‹…sdiamk(Gβ€Ύ)sdiam_k(G)\cdot sdiam_k(\overline{G}) for a graph GG of order nn. Some graph classes attaining these bounds are also given.Comment: 14 page

    Further results on the global cyclicity index of graphs

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    Being motivated in terms of mathematical concepts from the theory of electrical networks, Klein & Ivanciuc introduced and studied a new graph-theoretic cyclicity index--the global cyclicity index (Graph cyclicity, excess conductance, and resistance deficit, J. Math. Chem. 30 (2001) 271--287). In this paper, by utilizing techniques from graph theory, electrical network theory and real analysis, we obtain some further results on this new cyclicity measure, including the strictly monotone increasing property, some lower and upper bounds, and some Nordhuas-Gaddum-type results. In particular, we establish a relationship between the global cyclicity index C(G)C(G) and the cyclomatic number ΞΌ(G)\mu(G) of a connected graph GG with nn vertices and mm edges: mnβˆ’1ΞΌ(G)≀C(G)≀n2ΞΌ(G).\frac{m}{n-1}\mu(G)\leq C(G)\leq \frac{n}{2}\mu(G).Comment: 17pages, 1 figur
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