242 research outputs found

    Perturbation of the Eigenvectors of the Graph Laplacian: Application to Image Denoising

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    The original contributions of this paper are twofold: a new understanding of the influence of noise on the eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian of a set of image patches, and an algorithm to estimate a denoised set of patches from a noisy image. The algorithm relies on the following two observations: (1) the low-index eigenvectors of the diffusion, or graph Laplacian, operators are very robust to random perturbations of the weights and random changes in the connections of the patch-graph; and (2) patches extracted from smooth regions of the image are organized along smooth low-dimensional structures in the patch-set, and therefore can be reconstructed with few eigenvectors. Experiments demonstrate that our denoising algorithm outperforms the denoising gold-standards

    Nonlocal Myriad Filters for Cauchy Noise Removal

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    The contribution of this paper is two-fold. First, we introduce a generalized myriad filter, which is a method to compute the joint maximum likelihood estimator of the location and the scale parameter of the Cauchy distribution. Estimating only the location parameter is known as myriad filter. We propose an efficient algorithm to compute the generalized myriad filter and prove its convergence. Special cases of this algorithm result in the classical myriad filtering, respective an algorithm for estimating only the scale parameter. Based on an asymptotic analysis, we develop a second, even faster generalized myriad filtering technique. Second, we use our new approaches within a nonlocal, fully unsupervised method to denoise images corrupted by Cauchy noise. Special attention is paid to the determination of similar patches in noisy images. Numerical examples demonstrate the excellent performance of our algorithms which have moreover the advantage to be robust with respect to the parameter choice