7 research outputs found

    OT-driven Multi-Domain Unsupervised Ultrasound Image Artifact Removal using a Single CNN

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    Ultrasound imaging (US) often suffers from distinct image artifacts from various sources. Classic approaches for solving these problems are usually model-based iterative approaches that have been developed specifically for each type of artifact, which are often computationally intensive. Recently, deep learning approaches have been proposed as computationally efficient and high performance alternatives. Unfortunately, in the current deep learning approaches, a dedicated neural network should be trained with matched training data for each specific artifact type. This poses a fundamental limitation in the practical use of deep learning for US, since large number of models should be stored to deal with various US image artifacts. Inspired by the recent success of multi-domain image transfer, here we propose a novel, unsupervised, deep learning approach in which a single neural network can be used to deal with different types of US artifacts simply by changing a mask vector that switches between different target domains. Our algorithm is rigorously derived using an optimal transport (OT) theory for cascaded probability measures. Experimental results using phantom and in vivo data demonstrate that the proposed method can generate high quality image by removing distinct artifacts, which are comparable to those obtained by separately trained multiple neural networks

    Phase asymmetry guided adaptive fractional-order total variation and diffusion for feature-preserving ultrasound despeckling

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    It is essential for ultrasound despeckling to remove speckle noise while simultaneously preserving edge features for accurate diagnosis and analysis in many applications. To preserve real edges such as ramp edges and low contrast edges, we first detect edges using a phase-based measure called phase asymmetry (PAS), which can distinguish small differences in transition border regions and varies from 00 to 11, taking 00 in ideal smooth regions and taking 11 at ideal step edges. We further propose three strategies to properly preserve edges. First, in observing that fractional-order anisotropic diffusion (FAD) filter has good performance in smooth regions while the fractional-order TV (FTV) filter performs better at edges, we leverage the PAS metric to keep a balance between FAD filter and FTV filter for achieving the best performance of preserving ramp edges. Second, considering that the FAD filter fails to protect low contrast edges by solely integrating gradient information into the diffusion coefficient, we integrate the PAS metric into the diffusion coefficient to properly preserve low contrast edges. Finally, different from fixed fractional order diffusion filters neglecting the differences between smooth regions and transition border regions, an adaptive fractional order is implemented based on the PAS metric to enhance edges. The experimental results show that our method outperforms other state-of-the-art ultrasound despeckling filters in both speckle reduction and feature preservation

    Switchable Deep Beamformer

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    Recent proposals of deep beamformers using deep neural networks have attracted significant attention as computational efficient alternatives to adaptive and compressive beamformers. Moreover, deep beamformers are versatile in that image post-processing algorithms can be combined with the beamforming. Unfortunately, in the current technology, a separate beamformer should be trained and stored for each application, demanding significant scanner resources. To address this problem, here we propose a {\em switchable} deep beamformer that can produce various types of output such as DAS, speckle removal, deconvolution, etc., using a single network with a simple switch. In particular, the switch is implemented through Adaptive Instance Normalization (AdaIN) layers, so that various output can be generated by merely changing the AdaIN code. Experimental results using B-mode focused ultrasound confirm the flexibility and efficacy of the proposed methods for various applications

    A Trilateral Weighted Sparse Coding Scheme for Real-World Image Denoising

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    Most of existing image denoising methods assume the corrupted noise to be additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). However, the realistic noise in real-world noisy images is much more complex than AWGN, and is hard to be modelled by simple analytical distributions. As a result, many state-of-the-art denoising methods in literature become much less effective when applied to real-world noisy images captured by CCD or CMOS cameras. In this paper, we develop a trilateral weighted sparse coding (TWSC) scheme for robust real-world image denoising. Specifically, we introduce three weight matrices into the data and regularisation terms of the sparse coding framework to characterise the statistics of realistic noise and image priors. TWSC can be reformulated as a linear equality-constrained problem and can be solved by the alternating direction method of multipliers. The existence and uniqueness of the solution and convergence of the proposed algorithm are analysed. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed TWSC scheme outperforms state-of-the-art denoising methods on removing realistic noise.Comment: Accepted to ECCV 2018. 17 pages, not including supplemental material. Code will be published on https://github.com/csjunxu/TWSC-ECCV201

    Deep Attentive Features for Prostate Segmentation in 3D Transrectal Ultrasound

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    Automatic prostate segmentation in transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) images is of essential importance for image-guided prostate interventions and treatment planning. However, developing such automatic solutions remains very challenging due to the missing/ambiguous boundary and inhomogeneous intensity distribution of the prostate in TRUS, as well as the large variability in prostate shapes. This paper develops a novel 3D deep neural network equipped with attention modules for better prostate segmentation in TRUS by fully exploiting the complementary information encoded in different layers of the convolutional neural network (CNN). Our attention module utilizes the attention mechanism to selectively leverage the multilevel features integrated from different layers to refine the features at each individual layer, suppressing the non-prostate noise at shallow layers of the CNN and increasing more prostate details into features at deep layers. Experimental results on challenging 3D TRUS volumes show that our method attains satisfactory segmentation performance. The proposed attention mechanism is a general strategy to aggregate multi-level deep features and has the potential to be used for other medical image segmentation tasks. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/wulalago/DAF3D.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables. Accepted by IEEE transactions on Medical Imagin

    Pushing the Limit of Unsupervised Learning for Ultrasound Image Artifact Removal

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    Ultrasound (US) imaging is a fast and non-invasive imaging modality which is widely used for real-time clinical imaging applications without concerning about radiation hazard. Unfortunately, it often suffers from poor visual quality from various origins, such as speckle noises, blurring, multi-line acquisition (MLA), limited RF channels, small number of view angles for the case of plane wave imaging, etc. Classical methods to deal with these problems include image-domain signal processing approaches using various adaptive filtering and model-based approaches. Recently, deep learning approaches have been successfully used for ultrasound imaging field. However, one of the limitations of these approaches is that paired high quality images for supervised training are difficult to obtain in many practical applications. In this paper, inspired by the recent theory of unsupervised learning using optimal transport driven cycleGAN (OT-cycleGAN), we investigate applicability of unsupervised deep learning for US artifact removal problems without matched reference data. Experimental results for various tasks such as deconvolution, speckle removal, limited data artifact removal, etc. confirmed that our unsupervised learning method provides comparable results to supervised learning for many practical applications

    Low Rank Regularization: A Review

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    Low rank regularization, in essence, involves introducing a low rank or approximately low rank assumption for matrix we aim to learn, which has achieved great success in many fields including machine learning, data mining and computer version. Over the last decade, much progress has been made in theories and practical applications. Nevertheless, the intersection between them is very slight. In order to construct a bridge between practical applications and theoretical research, in this paper we provide a comprehensive survey for low rank regularization. We first review several traditional machine learning models using low rank regularization, and then show their (or their variants) applications in solving practical issues, such as non-rigid structure from motion and image denoising. Subsequently, we summarize the regularizers and optimization methods that achieve great success in traditional machine learning tasks but are rarely seen in solving practical issues. Finally, we provide a discussion and comparison for some representative regularizers including convex and non-convex relaxations. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that non-convex regularizers can provide a large advantage over the nuclear norm, the regularizer widely used in solving practical issues.Comment: 16 pages,4 figures,4 table