1 research outputs found

    A Noise Resistant Model Inference System

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    . Within the empirical ILP setting we propose a method of inducing denite programs from examples | even when those examples are incomplete and occasionally incorrect. This system, named NRMIS, is a top-down batch learner that can make use of intensional background knowledge and learn programs involving multiple target predicates. It consists of three components: a generalization of Shapiro's contradiction backtracing algorithm; a heuristic guided search of renement graphs; and a LIME-like theory evaluator. Although similar in spirit to MIS, NRMIS avoids its dependence on an oracle while retaining the expressiveness of a hypothesis language that allows recursive clauses and function symbols. NRMIS is tested on domains involving noisy and sparse data. The results illustrate NRMIS's ability to induce accurate theories in all of these situations. 1 Introduction An inductive logic programming (ILP) system can be loosely characterized as concept discovery tool that uses logic programs to..