2 research outputs found

    A New Systematic Construction of Zero Correlation Zone Sequences Based on Interleaved Perfect Sequences

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    In the literature, many constructions of zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequences have been reported. While most of them are suboptimal with respect to the known upper bound, some constructed by Matsufuji et al and Torii et al respectively, are almost optimal (or even optimal). In this paper, we propose a systematic construction of almost optimal ZCZ sequence sets which generalizes the aforementioned constructions so that more flexible relationships between the set size and the sequence length are allowed. In particular, the obtained almost optimal ZCZ sequence sets of size m and length mn are new for 1 < gcd n) < min (m, n). In addition, their alphabets can be binary or nonbinary since our construction is only based on interleaving perfect sequences according to a certain orthogonal matrix