3,700 research outputs found

    Supercomputing futures : the next sharing paradigm for HPC resources : economic model, market analysis and consequences for the Grid

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    À la croisĂ©e des chemins du gĂ©nie informatique, de la finance et de l'Ă©conomĂ©trie, cette thĂšse se veut fondamentalement un exercice en ingĂ©nierie Ă©conomique dont l' objectif est de contribuer un systĂšme novateur, durable et adaptatif pour le partage de resources de calcul haute-performance. Empruntant Ă  la finance fondamentale et Ă  l'analyse technique, le modĂšle proposĂ© construit des ratios et des indices de marchĂ© Ă  partir de statistiques transactionnelles. Cette approche, encourageant les comportements stratĂ©giques, pave la voie Ă  une mĂ©taphore de partage plus efficace pour la Grid, oĂč l'Ă©change de ressources se voit maintenant pondĂ©rĂ©. Le concept de monnaie de Grid, un instrument beaucoup plus liquide et utilisable que le troc de resources comme telles est proposĂ©: les Grid Credits. Bien que les indices proposĂ©s ne doivent pas ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©s comme des indicateurs absolus et contraignants, ils permettent nĂ©anmoins aux nĂ©gociants de se faire une idĂ©e de la valeur au marchĂ© des diffĂ©rentes resources avant de se positionner. Semblable sur de multiples facettes aux bourses de commoditĂ©s, le Grid Exchange, tel que prĂ©sentĂ©, permet l'Ă©change de resources via un mĂ©canisme de double-encan. NĂ©anmoins, comme les resources de super-calculateurs n'ont rien de standardisĂ©, la plate-forme permet l'Ă©change d'ensemble de commoditĂ©s, appelĂ©s requirement sets, pour les clients, et component sets, pour les fournisseurs. Formellement, ce modĂšle Ă©conomique n'est qu'une autre instance de la thĂ©orie des jeux non-coopĂ©ratifs, qui atteint Ă©ventuellement ses points d'Ă©quilibre. Suivant les rĂšgles du "libre-marchĂ©", les utilisateurs sont encouragĂ©s Ă  spĂ©culer, achetant, ou vendant, Ă  leur bon vouloir, l'utilisation des diffĂ©rentes composantes de superordinateurs. En fin de compte, ce nouveau paradigme de partage de resources pour la Grid dresse la table Ă  une nouvelle Ă©conomie et une foule de possibilitĂ©s. Investissement et positionnement stratĂ©gique, courtiers, spĂ©culateurs et mĂȘme la couverture de risque technologique sont autant d'avenues qui s'ouvrent Ă  l'horizon de la recherche dans le domaine

    China’s Energy Situation and Its Implications in the New Millennium

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    Many are interested in China’s energy situation, however, numerous energy related issues in China still remain unanswered. For example, what are the potential forces driving energy demand and supply? Previous reviews focused only on fossil fuel based energy and ignored other important elements including renewable and ‘clean’ energy sources. The work presented here is intended to fill this gap by bringing the research on fossil-based and renewable energy economic studies together and identifying the potential drivers behind both energy demand and supply to provide a complete picture of China’s energy situation in the new millennium. This will be of interest to anyone concerned with the development of China’s economy in general, and in particular with its energy economy.China China; Energy; Fossil fuels; Renewable Energy

    Sharing Economy in Local Energy Markets

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    With an increase in the electrification of end-use sectors, various resources on the demand side provide great flexibility potential for system operation, which also leads to problems such as the strong randomness of power consumption behavior, the low utilization rate of flexible resources, and difficulties in cost recovery. With the core idea of 'access over ownership', the concept of the sharing economy has gained substantial popularity in the local energy market in recent years. Thus, we provide an overview of the potential market design for the sharing economy in local energy markets (LEMs) and conduct a detailed review of research related to local energy sharing, enabling technologies, and potential practices. This paper can provide a useful reference and insights for the activation of demand-side flexibility potential. Hopefully, this paper can also provide novel insights into the development and further integration of the sharing economy in LEMs.</p

    Development of Distributed Energy Market:(Alternative Format Thesis)

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    On the global economic potentials and marginal costs of non-renewable resources and the price of energy commodities

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    A model is presented in this work for simulating endogenously the evolution of the marginal costs of production of energy carriers from non-renewable resources, their consumption, depletion pathways and timescales. Such marginal costs can be used to simulate the long term average price formation of energy commodities. Drawing on previous work where a global database of energy resource economic potentials was constructed, this work uses cost distributions of non-renewable resources in order to evaluate global flows of energy commodities. A mathematical framework is given to calculate endogenous flows of energy resources given an exogenous commodity price path. This framework can be used in reverse in order to calculate an exogenous marginal cost of production of energy carriers given an exogenous carrier demand. Using rigid price inelastic assumptions independent of the economy, these two approaches generate limiting scenarios that depict extreme use of natural resources. This is useful to characterise the current state and possible uses of remaining non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels and natural uranium. The theory is however designed for use within economic or technology models that allow technology substitutions. In this work, it is implemented in the global power sector model FTT:Power. Policy implications are given.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, 8 pages of supplementary informatio

    Improving Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Systems — Literature Review and Analysis of the Impact on the Energy Network of Consolidated Practices and Upcoming Opportunities

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    Global energy context has become more and more complex in the last decades: raising prices of depleting fossil fuels, together with economic crisis and new international environmental and energy policies, are forcing companies (and manufacturing industry in particular, which is responsible for 90% of industry energy consumptions, in turn making up the 51% of global energy usage, as listed on EIA, the Energy International Agency, website, last accessed on the 5th of October 2014) to cut energy wastes and inefficiencies, and to control their consumptions. Besides the existing analysis of the above mentioned regulatory and economic concerns, Energy Efficiency criticality for manufacturing systems has recently been investigated and proved also by the analysis of its connection with Productivity Efficiency [1-4], which resulted to be strong and mutual, and of the numerous non-energy benefits achieved while performing energy efficiency measures [5], such as the improvement of corporate image and the environmental impact reduction. Over most recent years, Energy Efficiency has therefore become a critical factor for industrial plants’ competitiveness, and is now definitely considered as a key driver to economic development and sustainability. But, despite it all, it is often still difficult for many companies to understand its effectiveness, in good part because of the difficulties met in focusing its technical and economic benefits, as Laitner [6] highlights: “Energy Efficiency has been an invisible resource. Unlike a new power plant or a new oil well, we do not see energy efficiency at work. (...) energy efficiency may be thought of as the cost-effective investments in the energy we do not use either to produce a certain amount of goods and services within the economy.” As a matter of fact, Energy Efficiency still represents a challenging goal for most companies. As above mentioned, numerous problems are yet to overcome in quantifying its benefits and evaluating the cost-effectiveness of related investments, and most of all the huge variety, complexity and changeability of fields, technologies and methodologies involved in its improvement in production systems are responsible for the slowing down of their resolution and of the spread of Energy Efficiency measures and culture. In fact, in order to individuate and prioritize suitable improvement interventions and Energy Efficiency opportunities, and to design and customize the Energy Management System or the Monitoring and Control System according to a particular company’s needs, a deep and complete knowledge of many different subjects and disciplines (ranging from physics and thermodynamics to economy and project management) is needed, besides a good ability and practical sensibility to direct one’s efforts in the right way. Considering that Energy Efficiency isn’t obviously the core business of manufacturing industry, such effort might sometimes be very laborious, and in recent years many companies have decided to demand Energy Management activities to specialized external companies, the so-called Energy Service Companies (ESCos). ESCos generally own the know-how required to individuate Energy Efficiency measures and are also able to fund Energy Efficiency investments (see [7] for a specific literature review); what they usually do not own is a deep understanding of the company’s dynamics, situations and needs, as well as the capability to draw a long-term development path towards the achievement of a diffused Energy Efficiency culture within the company, which shall be consistent with the company’s vision and policies and is essential in order to consolidate and continuously upgrade improvements in such sector. It is then crucial for companies to have at least a general consciousness of all intervention areas and of all possible improvements, both managerial (and/or behavioural) and technological, that could be pursued and achieved, in order to be able to lead their own way towards their sustainable development, and also to capitalize ESCOs’ assistance and services. In order to overcome part of these difficulties, and in particular to make it easier for companies to address their efforts and catch best efficiency opportunities, a logical and systemic approach is necessary: it would help not to overlook any possible area of improvement, to easily classify and understand those areas, but also to identify the most suitable and cost-effective, and eventually to prioritize them. In the light of this, some studies have already been conducted in order to find out methods and tools to assess the current level of maturity of a company in the Energy Management field [8], and to help individuating a possible development path. However, although they point out some possible development scenarios, they do not provide a complete and organic categorization of all possible areas of intervention, so as to make it easier for practitioners to address their efforts into the right way. In this chapter, a new conceptual scheme to organize and classify Energy Efficiency measures is defined, leading from the definition of Energy Cost per Product Unit and further breaking it up in order to identify and define all possible areas of intervention, providing for each of them a brief overview of possible measures and opportunities and a specific literature review. All scientific papers, books and technical papers considered for the literature review of each area (chosen on the basis of a wide literature research and on authors’ on-field experience) are recalled and systematized in Table 1, so that the reader is guided through their examination and rapidly addressed to their consultation. In addition, a qualitative evaluation of the impact of some possible Energy Efficiency measures from each area on the energy network is given, in order to give both practitioners and researchers a first input to further focus on this additional feasibility evaluation criteria for Energy Efficiency measures, which enables to evaluate them on a national or international level rather than considering the benefits or concerns belonging to a single company

    Pricing the Cloud: An Auction Approach

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    Cloud computing has changed the processing and service modes of information communication technology and has affected the transformation, upgrading and innovation of the IT-related industry systems. The rapid development of cloud computing in business practice has spawned a whole new field of interdisciplinary, providing opportunities and challenges for business management research. One of the critical factors impacting cloud computing is how to price cloud services. An appropriate pricing strategy has important practical means to stakeholders, especially to providers and customers. This study addressed and discussed research findings on cloud computing pricing strategies, such as fixed pricing, bidding pricing, and dynamic pricing. Another key factor for cloud computing is Quality of Service (QoS), such as availability, reliability, latency, security, throughput, capacity, scalability, elasticity, etc. Cloud providers seek to improve QoS to attract more potential customers; while, customers intend to find QoS matching services that do not exceed their budget constraints. Based on the existing study, a hybrid QoS-based pricing mechanism, which consists of subscription and dynamic auction design, is proposed and illustrated to cloud services. The results indicate that our hybrid pricing mechanism has potential to better allocate available cloud resources, aiming at increasing revenues for providers and reducing expenses for customers in practice

    The implementation of energy sharing using a system of systems approach

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    There is an increasing demand for renewable energy and consumers need more procurement options to meet their needs. Energy sharing provides a peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplace where prosumer electricity is redistributed to fellow energy-sharing community participants. This redistribution of prosumer electricity provides consumers with additional electricity suppliers, while also decreasing the load on the utility company. Though significant progress has been made regarding research and implementation of energy sharing, there is still room for growth when evaluating energy-sharing communities and defining appropriate community coordination based on end-user needs. The first contribution in this work identified nine characteristics of energy-sharing communities as a decentralized complex adaptive system of systems (DCASoS). Considering each characteristic before determining community coordination is vital to ensure ample participation within the energy-sharing community. The second contribution was the exploration of a two-stage stochastic programming model as an alternative to the classic energy distribution business model. The third contribution compares three behavioral theories to identify the best fitting model to predict interest in participating in an energysharing community. This research provides companies with foundational knowledge to develop an energy-sharing community that both fulfills end-user satisfaction and increases robustness of electricity distribution business models --Abstract, page iv

    Energy-irrigation nexus in South Asia: Improving groundwater conservation and power sector viability

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    Tube wells / Energy consumption / Costs / Electricity supplies / Groundwater irrigation / Water policy / Pumps / Water rates
