1,073 research outputs found

    Mathematical programs with complementarity constraints: convergence properties of a smoothing method

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    In this paper, optimization problems PP with complementarity constraints are considered. Characterizations for local minimizers xˉ\bar{x} of PP of Orders 1 and 2 are presented. We analyze a parametric smoothing approach for solving these programs in which PP is replaced by a perturbed problem PτP_{\tau} depending on a (small) parameter τ\tau. We are interested in the convergence behavior of the feasible set Fτ\cal{F}_{\tau} and the convergence of the solutions xˉτ\bar{x}_{\tau} of PτP_{\tau} for τ0.\tau\to 0. In particular, it is shown that, under generic assumptions, the solutions xˉτ\bar{x}_{\tau} are unique and converge to a solution xˉ\bar{x} of PP with a rate O(τ)\cal{O}(\sqrt{\tau}). Moreover, the convergence for the Hausdorff distance d(Fτd(\cal{F}_{\tau}, F)\cal{F}) between the feasible sets of PτP_{\tau} and PP is of order O(τ)\cal{O}(\sqrt{\tau})

    Solving Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints as Nonlinear Programming: A New Framework

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    We present a new framework for the solution of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPECs). In this algorithmic framework, an MPECs is viewed as a concentration of an unconstrained optimization which minimizes the complementarity measure and a nonlinear programming with general constraints. A strategy generalizing ideas of Byrd-Omojokun's trust region method is used to compute steps. By penalizing the tangential constraints into the objective function, we circumvent the problem of not satisfying MFCQ. A trust-funnel-like strategy is used to balance the improvements on feasibility and optimality. We show that, under MPEC-MFCQ, if the algorithm does not terminate in finite steps, then at least one accumulation point of the iterates sequence is an S-stationary point

    Strong Stationarity Conditions for Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems

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    We present necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for finite time optimal control problems for a class of hybrid systems described by linear complementarity models. Although these optimal control problems are difficult in general due to the presence of complementarity constraints, we provide a set of structural assumptions ensuring that the tangent cone of the constraints possesses geometric regularity properties. These imply that the classical Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions of nonlinear programming theory are both necessary and sufficient for local optimality, which is not the case for general mathematical programs with complementarity constraints. We also present sufficient conditions for global optimality. We proceed to show that the dynamics of every continuous piecewise affine system can be written as the optimizer of a mathematical program which results in a linear complementarity model satisfying our structural assumptions. Hence, our stationarity results apply to a large class of hybrid systems with piecewise affine dynamics. We present simulation results showing the substantial benefits possible from using a nonlinear programming approach to the optimal control problem with complementarity constraints instead of a more traditional mixed-integer formulation.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figure