234 research outputs found

    Mixed-Criticality Scheduling with I/O

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    This paper addresses the problem of scheduling tasks with different criticality levels in the presence of I/O requests. In mixed-criticality scheduling, higher criticality tasks are given precedence over those of lower criticality when it is impossible to guarantee the schedulability of all tasks. While mixed-criticality scheduling has gained attention in recent years, most approaches typically assume a periodic task model. This assumption does not always hold in practice, especially for real-time and embedded systems that perform I/O. For example, many tasks block on I/O requests until devices signal their completion via interrupts; both the arrival of interrupts and the waking of blocked tasks can be aperiodic. In our prior work, we developed a scheduling technique in the Quest real-time operating system, which integrates the time-budgeted management of I/O operations with Sporadic Server scheduling of tasks. This paper extends our previous scheduling approach with support for mixed-criticality tasks and I/O requests on the same processing core. Results show the effective schedulability of different task sets in the presence of I/O requests is superior in our approach compared to traditional methods that manage I/O using techniques such as Sporadic Servers.Comment: Second version has replaced simulation experiments with real machine experiments, third version fixed minor error in Equation 5 (missing a plus sign

    Hierarchical Scheduling for Real-Time Periodic Tasks in Symmetric Multiprocessing

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    In this paper, we present a new hierarchical scheduling framework for periodic tasks in symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) platforms. Partitioned and global scheduling are the two main approaches used by SMP based systems where global scheduling is recommended for overall performance and partitioned scheduling is recommended for hard real-time performance. Our approach combines both the global and partitioned approaches of traditional SMP-based schedulers to provide hard real-time performance guarantees for critical tasks and improved response times for soft real-time tasks. Implemented as part of VxWorks, the results are confirmed using a real-time benchmark application, where response times were improved for soft real-time tasks while still providing hard real-time performance

    A Survey of Research into Mixed Criticality Systems

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    This survey covers research into mixed criticality systems that has been published since Vestal’s seminal paper in 2007, up until the end of 2016. The survey is organised along the lines of the major research areas within this topic. These include single processor analysis (including fixed priority and EDF scheduling, shared resources and static and synchronous scheduling), multiprocessor analysis, realistic models, and systems issues. The survey also explores the relationship between research into mixed criticality systems and other topics such as hard and soft time constraints, fault tolerant scheduling, hierarchical scheduling, cyber physical systems, probabilistic real-time systems, and industrial safety standards

    Multiprocessor Scheduling meets the Industrial Wireless

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    This survey covers schedulability analysis approaches that have been recently proposed for multi-hop and multi-channel wireless sensor and actuator networks in the industrial control process domain. It reviews results with a focus on WirelessHART-like networks. The paper address the mapping of multi-channel transmission scheduling to multiprocessor scheduling theory, and recognize it as the key aspect of the research direction covered by this survey. It also provides a taxonomy of the existing approaches concerning this direction, and discuss its main features and evolution. The survey identifies open issues, key research challenges, and future directions

    Distributed real-time fault tolerance in a virtualized separation kernel

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    Computers are increasingly being placed in scenarios where a computer error could result in the loss of human life or significant financial loss. Fault tolerant techniques must be employed to prevent an error from resulting in a fault causing such losses. Two types of errors that are common in real-time and embedded system are soft errors, i.e. data bit corruption, and timing errors, such as missed deadlines. Purely software based techniques to address these types of errors have the advantage of not requiring specialized hardware and are able to use more readily available commercial off-the-shelf hardware. Timing errors are addressed using Adaptive Mixed-Criticality, a scheduling technique where higher criticality tasks are given precedence over those of lower criticality when it is impossible to guarantee the schedulability of all tasks. While mixed-criticality scheduling has gained attention in recent years, most approaches assume a periodic task model and that the system has a single criticality level which dictates the available budget to all tasks. In practice these assumptions do not hold: different types of tasks are better served by different scheduling approaches and only a subset of high critical tasks might require additional capacity to meet deadlines. In the latter case, this occurs when a process has experienced a fault and requires additional capacity to perform the recovery. In this thesis, soft errors are addressed using a novel real-time fault tolerance method based on a virtualized separation kernel. Instead of executing redundant copies of an application on separate machines, the applications are consolidated onto one multi-core processor and use hardware virtualization extensions to partition the applications. This allows new recovery schemes to be explored. In addition, the maximum recovery time is sufficiently bounded to ensure recovery occurs in a timely manner without affecting the normal execution of the application. A virtualized separation kernel in combination with Adaptive Mixed-Criticality techniques creates a fault tolerant system that predictably detects and recovers from timing and soft errors

    Dynamic Interference-Sensitive Run-time Adaptation of Time-Triggered Schedules

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    Over-approximated Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) estimations for multi-cores lead to safe, but over-provisioned, systems and underutilized cores. To reduce WCET pessimism, interference-sensitive WCET (isWCET) estimations are used. Although they provide tighter WCET bounds, they are valid only for a specific schedule solution. Existing approaches have to maintain this isWCET schedule solution at run-time, via time-triggered execution, in order to be safe. Hence, any earlier execution of tasks, enabled by adapting the isWCET schedule solution, is not possible. In this paper, we present a dynamic approach that safely adapts isWCET schedules during execution, by relaxing or completely removing isWCET schedule dependencies, depending on the progress of each core. In this way, an earlier task execution is enabled, creating time slack that can be used by safety-critical and mixed-criticality systems to provide higher Quality-of-Services or execute other best-effort applications. The Response-Time Analysis (RTA) of the proposed approach is presented, showing that although the approach is dynamic, it is fully predictable with bounded WCET. To support our contribution, we evaluate the behavior and the scalability of the proposed approach for different application types and execution configurations on the 8-core Texas Instruments TMS320C6678 platform, obtaining significant performance improvements compared to static approaches

    Precise energy efficient scheduling of mixed-criticality tasks & sustainable mixed-criticality scheduling

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    In this thesis, the imprecise mixed-criticality model (IMC) is extended to precise scheduling of tasks, and integrated with the dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) technique to enable energy minimization. The challenge in precise scheduling of MC systems is to simultaneously guarantee the timing correctness for all tasks, hi and lo, under both pessimistic and optimistic (less pessimistic) assumptions. To the best of knowledge this is the first work to address the integration of DVFS energy conserving techniques with precise scheduling of lo-tasks of the MC model. In this thesis, the utilization based schedulability tests and sufficient conditions for such systems under Earliest Deadline First EDF-VD scheduling policy are presented. Quantitative study in the forms of speedup bound and approximation ratio are also proved for the unified model. Extensive experimental studies are conducted to verify the theoretical results as well as the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. In safety- critical systems, it is essential to perform schedulability analysis prior to run-time. Parameters characterizing the run-time workload are generated by pessimistic techniques; hence, adopting conservative estimates may result in systems performing much better than anticipated during run-time. This thesis also addresses the following questions associated to the better performance of the task system: (i) How does parameter change affect the schedulability of a task set (system)? (ii) In the event that a mixed-criticality system design is deemed schedulable and specific part/parts of the system are reassigned to be of low-criticality, is the system still safe to run? (iii) If a system is presumed to be non-schedulable, does it invariably benefit to reduce the criticality of some task? To answer these questions, in this thesis, we not only study the property of sustainability with regards to criticality levels, but also revisit sustainability of several uniprocessor and multiprocessor scheduling policies with respect to other parameters --Abstract, page iii

    Deterministic Memory Abstraction and Supporting Multicore System Architecture

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    Poor time predictability of multicore processors has been a long-standing challenge in the real-time systems community. In this paper, we make a case that a fundamental problem that prevents efficient and predictable real-time computing on multicore is the lack of a proper memory abstraction to express memory criticality, which cuts across various layers of the system: the application, OS, and hardware. We, therefore, propose a new holistic resource management approach driven by a new memory abstraction, which we call Deterministic Memory. The key characteristic of deterministic memory is that the platform-the OS and hardware-guarantees small and tightly bounded worst-case memory access timing. In contrast, we call the conventional memory abstraction as best-effort memory in which only highly pessimistic worst-case bounds can be achieved. We propose to utilize both abstractions to achieve high time predictability but without significantly sacrificing performance. We present deterministic memory-aware OS and architecture designs, including OS-level page allocator, hardware-level cache, and DRAM controller designs. We implement the proposed OS and architecture extensions on Linux and gem5 simulator. Our evaluation results, using a set of synthetic and real-world benchmarks, demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our approach
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