5,230 research outputs found

    A New Outer Bound and the Noisy-Interference Sum-Rate Capacity for Gaussian Interference Channels

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    A new outer bound on the capacity region of Gaussian interference channels is developed. The bound combines and improves existing genie-aided methods and is shown to give the sum-rate capacity for noisy interference as defined in this paper. Specifically, it is shown that if the channel coefficients and power constraints satisfy a simple condition then single-user detection at each receiver is sum-rate optimal, i.e., treating the interference as noise incurs no loss in performance. This is the first concrete (finite signal-to-noise ratio) capacity result for the Gaussian interference channel with weak to moderate interference. Furthermore, for certain mixed (weak and strong) interference scenarios, the new outer bounds give a corner point of the capacity region.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, submitted to IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory

    Capacity Results for Interference Networks and Nested Cut-Set Bound

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    In this thesis, a full characterization of the sum-rate capacity for degraded interference networks with any number of transmitters, any number of receivers, and any possible distribution of messages among transmitters and receivers is established. It is proved that a successive decoding scheme is sum-rate optimal for these networks. Moreover, it is shown that the transmission of only a certain subset of messages is sufficient to achieve the sum-rate capacity for such networks. Algorithms are presented to determine this subset of messages explicitly. The sum-rate expression for the degraded networks is then used to derive a unified outer bound on the sum-rate capacity of arbitrary (non-degraded) interference networks. Several variations of degraded networks are identified for which the derived outer bound is sum-rate optimal. Specifically, noisy interference regimes are derived for certain classes of multi-user/multi-message large interference networks. Also, network scenarios are identified where the incorporation of both successive decoding and treating interference as noise achieves their sum-rate capacity. Next, by taking insight from the results for degraded networks, an extension to the standard cut-set bound for general communication networks is presented which is referred to as nested cut-set bound. This bound is derived by applying a series of cuts in a nested configuration to the network first and then bounding the information rate that flows through the cuts. The key idea for bounding step is indeed to impose a degraded arrangement among the receivers corresponding to the cuts. Therefore, the bound is in fact a generalization of the outer bound for interference networks: here cooperative relaying nodes are introduced into the problem as well but the proof style for the derivation of the outer bound remains the same. The nested cut-set bound, which uniformly holds for all general communication networks of arbitrary large sizes where any subset of nodes may cooperatively communicate to any other subset of them, is indeed tighter than the cut-set bound for networks with more than one receiver. Moreover, it includes the generalized cut-set bound for deterministic networks reported by Shomorony and Avestimehr which was originally a special case of the outer bound established for the interference networks by the author (2012). Finally, capacity bounds for the two-user interference channel with cooperative receivers via conferencing links of finite capacities are investigated. The capacity results known for this communication scenario are limited to a very few special cases of the one-sided channel. One of the major challenges in analyzing such cooperative networks is how to establish efficient capacity outer iv bounds for them. In this thesis, by applying new techniques, novel capacity outer bounds are presented for the interference channels with conferencing users. Using the outer bounds, several new capacity results are proved for interesting channels with unidirectional cooperation in strong and mixed interference regimes. A fact is that the conferencing link (between receivers) may be utilized to provide one receiver with information about its corresponding signal or its non-corresponding signal (interference signal). As an interesting consequence, it is demonstrated that both strategies can be helpful to achieve the capacity of the channel. Lastly, for the case of Gaussian interference channel with conferencing receivers, it is argued that our outer bound is strictly tighter than the previous one derived by Wang and Tse

    On the High-SNR Capacity of the Gaussian Interference Channel and New Capacity Bounds

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    The best outer bound on the capacity region of the two-user Gaussian Interference Channel (GIC) is known to be the intersection of regions of various bounds including genie-aided outer bounds, in which a genie provides noisy input signals to the intended receiver. The Han and Kobayashi (HK) scheme provides the best known inner bound. The rate difference between the best known lower and upper bounds on the sum capacity remains as large as 1 bit per channel use especially around g2=P1/3g^2=P^{-1/3}, where PP is the symmetric power constraint and gg is the symmetric real cross-channel coefficient. In this paper, we pay attention to the \emph{moderate interference regime} where g2(max(0.086,P1/3),1)g^2\in (\max(0.086, P^{-1/3}),1). We propose a new upper-bounding technique that utilizes noisy observation of interfering signals as genie signals and applies time sharing to the genie signals at the receivers. A conditional version of the worst additive noise lemma is also introduced to derive new capacity bounds. The resulting upper (outer) bounds on the sum capacity (capacity region) are shown to be tighter than the existing bounds in a certain range of the moderate interference regime. Using the new upper bounds and the HK lower bound, we show that Rsym=12log(gP+g1(P+1))R_\text{sym}^*=\frac{1}{2}\log \big(|g|P+|g|^{-1}(P+1)\big) characterizes the capacity of the symmetric real GIC to within 0.1040.104 bit per channel use in the moderate interference regime at any signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We further establish a high-SNR characterization of the symmetric real GIC, where the proposed upper bound is at most 0.10.1 bit far from a certain HK achievable scheme with Gaussian signaling and time sharing for g2(0,1]g^2\in (0,1]. In particular, RsymR_\text{sym}^* is achievable at high SNR by the proposed HK scheme and turns out to be the high-SNR capacity at least at g2=0.25,0.5g^2=0.25, 0.5.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory on June 2015, revised on November 2016, and accepted for publication on Feb. 28, 201

    Capacity Regions and Sum-Rate Capacities of Vector Gaussian Interference Channels

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    The capacity regions of vector, or multiple-input multiple-output, Gaussian interference channels are established for very strong interference and aligned strong interference. Furthermore, the sum-rate capacities are established for Z interference, noisy interference, and mixed (aligned weak/intermediate and aligned strong) interference. These results generalize known results for scalar Gaussian interference channels.Comment: 33 pages, 1 figure, submitted to IEEE trans. on Information theor