9 research outputs found

    Impulsive Noise Characterization in Narrowband Power Line Communication

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    Currently, narrowband Power line communication (PLC) is considered an attractive communication system in smart grid environments for applications such as advanced metering infrastructure (AMI). In this paper, we will present a comprehensive comparison and analysis in time and frequency domain of noise measured in China and Italy. In addition, impulsive noise in these two countries are mainly analyzed and modeled using two probability based models, Middleton Class A (MCA) model and α stable distribution model. The results prove that noise measured in China is rich in impulsive noise, and can be modeled well by α stable distribution model, while noise measured in Italy has less impulsive noise, and can be better modeled by the MCA model

    Main Line Fault Localization Methodology in Smart Grid – Part 3: Main Line Fault Localization Methodology (MLFLM)

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    Since the main distribution line faults can be securely identified as outlined in the first and second paper, this third paper presents the methodology of localizing the main distribution line fault when broadband over power lines (BPL) networks have already been deployed across the distribution power grids. The main issue of this paper is the detailed presentation of the main line localization methodology (MLFLM) as well as well as its performance assessment when measurement differences occur.The contribution of this paper, which is focused on the application of MLFLM, is double. First, the procedure, which is followed in order to create the database of faults and is used by MLFLM, is here analytically presented. This database is based on the application of the main distribution line fault identification percentage metric (MDLFI) to coupling reflection coefficients of all possible fault OV MV BPL topologies (modified OV MV BPL topologies). Second, the performance assessment of MLFLM is investigated with respect to the nature of the measurement differences and the location of main distribution line faults across the distribution power grid

    Main Line Fault Localization Methodology in Smart Grid – Part 2: Extended TM2 Method, Measurement Differences and L1 Piecewise Monotonic Data Approximation for the Overhead Medium-Voltage Broadband over Power Lines Networks Case

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    Enriching the fault identification methodology of the first paper, this second paper investigates the performance of the identification of main distribution line faults when broadband over power lines (BPL) networks are deployed. The main issue that is concerned in this paper is the impact of measurement differences on the fault identification process performance.The main contribution of this paper, which is focused on the identification of the main distribution line faults when measurement differences occur, is the application of the L1 piecewise monotonic data approximation (l1PMA) in order to cope with the measurement differences that influence the reflection coefficients derived from the extended TM2 method. Through the L1PMA application, measurement differences are confronted in order to prevent the trigger of a false alarm about the existence of a main distribution line fault. The combined operation of the extended TM2 method and L1PMA concludes the introductory phase (fault identification) of the main line fault localization methodology (MLFLM)

    Performance Evaluation of Communication Technologies and Network Structure for Smart Grid Applications

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    The design of an effective and reliable communication network supporting smart grid applications requires the selection of appropriate communication technologies and protocols. The objective of this study is to study and quantify the capabilities of an advanced metring infrastructure (AMI) to support the simultaneous operation of major smart grid functions. These include smart metring, price-induced controls, distribution automation, demand response, and electric vehicle charging/discharging applications in terms of throughput and latency. OPNET is used to simulate the performance of selected communication technologies and protocols. Research findings indicate that smart grid applications can operate simultaneously by piggybacking on an existing AMI infrastructure and still achieve their latency requirements

    Statistical Channel Modeling of Overhead Low Voltage Broadband over Power Lines (OV LV BPL) Networks – Part 1: The Theory of Class Map Footprints of Real OV LV BPL Topologies, Branch Line Faults and Hook-Style Energy Thefts

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    Due to the significant volatility of Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) networks regarding their circuital and topological characteristics, channel statistical modeling recently gains special attention from the BPL communications engineers. Among the recently presented channel attenuation statistical models, initial statistical hybrid model (iSHM) and modified statistical hybrid model (mSHM) have been theoretically defined and applied to overhead medium voltage (OV MV), underground medium voltage (UN MV) and overhead high voltage (OV HV) BPL networks so far. Apart from the iSHM and mSHM definition and application, the theory of the definition procedure of new virtual distribution and transmission BPL topologies, which describes the phases towards defining statistically equivalent BPL topologies and topology subclasses to the real indicative ones, has been demonstrated as well as the class maps, which are 2D capacity contour plots with respect to the channel attenuation statistical distributions (CASDs) parameters of iSHM and mSHM.In this pair of papers, iSHM, mSHM, the definition procedure of new virtual BPL topologies and the class mapping are first applied to overhead low voltage (OV LV) BPL networks. Based on the class maps and the BPL topology database of Topology Identification Methodology (TIM), the required theory for illustrating the footprint of the real OV LV BPL topologies is first presented on class maps in this paper. On the basis of the class maps and the BPL topology database of Fault and Instability Identification Methodology (FIIM), the required theory for illustrating the footprint of the OV LV BPL topologies with branch line faults is first identified on class maps in this paper. On the basis of the class maps and the BPL topology database of hook style energy theft detection method (HS-DET method), the required theory for illustrating the footprint of the OV LV BPL topologies with a hook style energy theft is first demonstrated on class maps in this paper.Citation: Lazaropoulos, A. G. (2020). Statistical Channel Modeling of Overhead Low Voltage Broadband over Power Lines (OV LV BPL) Networks – Part 1: The Theory of Class Map Footprints of Real OV LV BPL Topologies, Branch Line Faults and Hook-Style Energy Thefts. Trends in Renewable Energy, 6, 61-87. DOI: 10.17737/tre.2020.6.1.0011

    Traveling wave fault location using layer peeling

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    Many fault-location algorithms rely on a simulation model incorporating network parameters which closely represent the real network. Estimations of the line parameters are usually based on limited geometrical information which do not reflect the complexity of a real network. In practice, obtaining an accurate model of the network is difficult without comprehensive field measurements of each constituent part of the network in question. Layer-peeling algorithms offer a solution to this problem by providing a fast “mapping” of the network based only on the response of a probing impulse. Starting with the classical “Schur” layer-peeling algorithm, this paper develops a new approach to map the reflection coefficients of an electrical network, then use this information post-fault to determine accurately and robustly the location of either permanent or incipient faults on overhead networks. The robustness of the method is derived from the similarity between the post-fault energy reaching the observation point and the predicted energy, which is based on real network observations rather than a simulation model. The method is shown to perform well for different noise levels and fault inception angles on the IEEE 13-bus network, indicating that the method is well suited to radial distribution network

    A New Low Cost Coupling System for Power Line Communication on Medium Voltage Smart Grids

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    This paper proposes and verifies the performance of an innovative and low cost coupling system for power line communication (PLC) on medium voltage (MV) smart grids. The coupling system makes use of the capacitive divider of the voltage detecting systems (VDSs) to inject and receive the PLC signal. VDS are usually already installed in the MV switchboards of the major electrical manufacturer all over the world according to IEC 61243-5. VDS are used to detect the presence of the mains voltage to guarantee personnel safety. An interface circuit has been developed to be connected between the PLC transceiver and the VDS socket. In this way, the PLC signal can be coupled to the MV network without installing a dedicated MV coupler, thus avoiding the related costs of the coupler, the installation, and the temporary service interruption. The innovative device is able to couple digitally modulated narrowband PLC signals with modulation rate up to 19.2 kbit/s. In this paper, first a description of the proposed solution is reported. Second, its communication performance has been tested in laboratory. Finally, different tests have been carried out in two MV smart grid real installations under normal operation, i.e., in the presence of the mains voltage

    A New Low Cost Coupling System for Power Line Communication on Medium Voltage Smart Grids

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    Noise Sources, Effects and Countermeasures in Narrowband Power-Line Communications Networks: A Practical Approach

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    The integration of Distributed Generation, Electric Vehicles, and storage without compromising the quality of the power delivery requires the deployment of a communications overlay that allows monitoring and controlling low voltage networks in almost real time. Power Line Communications are gaining momentum for this purpose since they present a great trade-off between economic and technical features. However, the power lines also represent a harsh communications medium which presents different problems such as noise, which is indeed affected by Distributed Generation, Electric Vehicles, and storage. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the types of noise that affects Narrowband Power Line Communications, including normative noises, noises coming from common electronic devices measured in actual operational power distribution networks, and noises coming from photovoltaic inverters and electric vehicle charging spots measured in a controlled environment. The paper also reviews several techniques to mitigate the effects of noise, paying special attention to passive filtering, as for being one of the most widely used solution to avoid this kind of problems in the field. In addition, the paper presents a set of tests carried out to evaluate the impact of some representative noises on Narrowband Power Line Communications network performance, as well as the effectiveness of different passive filter configurations to mitigate such an impact. In addition, the considered sources of noise can also bring value to further improve PLC communications in the new scenarios of the Smart Grid as an input to theoretical models or simulations.This work has been partly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the National Program for Research Aimed at the Challenges of Society under the project OSIRIS (RTC-2014-1556-3) and through the network of excellence REDYD2050 (ENE2015-70032-REDT)